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The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire19.12.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Dezember 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] France. ' ’ . | . 2. We are arrived at fuch perfestion in all our ca pital manufastures, that it will be long before they can rival us in any foreign market. ‘ ’ [...]
[...] ~ - 4. Ifmonopolies, exclufive privileges, and all thoſe abfurd reftriếtions, that depreſs the ſpirit, and cramp. the extent of commerce, hall be aboliſhed in France, [...]
[...] idea, that we were naturalenemies! :, :, s Thefe are all political arguments, independent of the moral confiderations that ought to influence us in withing fucceſs to the people of France. As men, wę [...]
[...] confider all men as our brethren. Inſtead then of viewing their rifing liberty with mean and jealous fuf; picion, we ought to hail the aufpicious day, when the [...]
[...] Rome. : - ; ; , , , , , ---- The intereourfe of mankind is every where faci litated. That between Britain and all parts of the Con tinent is much greater than it uſed to be. Even ih Spain they are mending the public roads all over the [...]
[...] prevent, its being miſtaken for a conventicle, or me thodiſt meeting houfe. As the tower is well propor tioned , it detracts but little, if at all, from the chafte ( - Z4 fim [...]
[...] have all thought it right, in the preſent critical mo - . --. IIlellt, [...]
[...] have been difmaſted, and otherwife dämaged; the Dublin, a trader of Dublin, was loft off Kidwelly in Wales, but the crew were all very fortunately faved, The merchants of Briftol are much injured by the lofs * , - of [...]
[...] the requifition was made. The Outlawry was therefore "ordered to be re verfed, and the prifoner reſtored to all that he had loft by means of that proceſs. - Barrington then bowed, and was taken back to [...]
[...] the text, is alſo in contemplation: To be printed in this country, with all postible attention to correétnefs and elegance......= *** • 'ti ºz. : - '; [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire17.10.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Oktober 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] of man, muſt render all the fubſequent objećts of my tranfient fürvey very flat and infipid. The capital of the firſt empire in the world all in arms for liberty. [...]
[...] every league we were faluted with the ſhouts of free peafants and free citizens. Down with the Nobles and the Prieſts was the language of all the villages and all the towns through which we paffed. Arms were in the hands of thouſands, and amidft all the tumult, we [...]
[...] worſhip, to which the pfalms of David are lefs adapted, or do not generally extend. “It feems unneceffary to enumerate particularly all the differentalterations andamendments which are pro-. E 4 poſed, [...]
[...] Bright on. Sept. 16. A very melancholy circumſtance has juſt happened in this place, which has caſt a damp over all our amu fements. : On Sunday morning, juſt as the packet came to [...]
[...] Sutters: infiniş :ymouth an Monday evening, in :::::::: ::::::: # „It :::::::: „All Inst; nips ºf the apºyº iguqaron are ºr * #:: ::::: fituatioņöf guardſhips is bef* |- ####### sį i:, , a basi'; rin form ori to zwei eifr [...]
[...] : example; and alamentable one, for the good of others, It is 'my prayer to the Father of all Mercies, and alt who hear më i trüft will join in the petition to the [...]
[...] “Dragg'd me from every thing I held moſt dear, And plung'd me in the horrors of deſpair. Infenſible to all that país’d around, , , ; Till, in a foreign clime, myfelf I found, And fold to flavery! — there with conſtant teil, v [...]
[...] To whatſoever clíme they'owe their birth, ": or of whatever colour they appear, , , , -, All children of one Gracious Parent areº ; sa , And thus united by paternal love,b y ' ' '; 'if To allimankind, of all the friend you prove. */ [...]
[...] ...And when the Croſs was likewife held in fcorn, li:Then, by their Fairh, the common eath was fworo, Last, having fworn away all faith and troth, : , : --;9:y, Gon P-N THºms is the common oath, i - This custom kept decorum by gradation, . . . . [...]
[...] expected to be feen on any Theatre, when the rea der figures to himſelf a fquadron of men of war, not in profile, but as in reality, with all their fails and rigging complete, manoeuvring, forming the line on the ſtarboard and larboard tacks, firing broadfides, &c. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire24.03.1788
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. März 1788
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ing in our ſhip yards. What muſt be the confequence? that our ſhip carpenters, our merchants, our feamen, bur laboürers, and a number of artiſts, muft all be out of employ, and foreigners engrofs all our trade. This is a most ferious and alarining circumstance, and evi [...]
[...] of strictly and vigorouſly enforcing the Navigation Aết, that bulwark of our national greatneſs. |- In ſpite of all thofe fanciful and illufive mifrepre *ntations of American wealth and conſequence, with · * , , , which [...]
[...] “He painted a whole Country, blafted by every in “fluence of devaſtation – the fruits of the earth – “all the produce of human labor – nay, the very in “ftruments of labor, with ferocious rapine, feized and * .. “fold ! [...]
[...] “he coULD NoT if he would, is not more certain, than “he woULD NoT, if he could!” All this, a teſtimony valuable to an obje& the moſt valued, was fpoken, and was heard with befitting emo tions on all fides! For what can be more unqueſtioned, [...]
[...] pham » as giving an authority to the divifion. – This Mr. Haftings denied, faid the letter was private, and gave ro authority; that in all the proceedings of the [...]
[...] has neither form, authority, nor even exiſtence, a doĉtrine which we conceive to strike direstly at the, root of all Parliamentary proceeding by impeachment, - · - - and [...]
[...] verfed in that language, is preparing to tranſlate it. The manufcript found is fo voluminous, that we are in great hopes it contains a complete verfion of all the works of that hiſtorian.” . . . . : ; [...]
[...] lace demanded him, and on their denying his being there, they broke all the windows in the front of the houfe, and committed many other outrages. Doćtor Farmer, the Vice-Chancellor, was under the neceffity [...]
[...] Co v e n t a G a r d e n. Febr. 29. The Reeruiting Officer. The Farmer. (26th Time.) March i.: The Duenna. Tahtara Rara, Rogues All. A new Farce. (Never performed.) : The Man of the World. The Farmer. [...]
[...] There is now in the Exchequer a furplus of half a million, after defraying all the expences of laſt years which fum, it is faid, will be added to the annual mil lion for the redućtion of the national debt. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire20.03.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. März 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] No. 12. March 20. [ 354-J ---- - - - - - - ~ Emperor, a friend to toleration, fupprefing Abbeys and Monaſteries, with all their trumpery. , I have lived to fee a deſcendant (of thàt tyrant) Lewis the Fourteenth, giving the preference to, and placing his [...]
[...] Miniſter of England, that Minister, the fon ofthe greateſt and ablest man who ever condućted the meaſures of this country,--making ufe of all his power, - all his eloquence , (the latter, however powerful and per fuafive, would have availed but littie, without the [...]
[...] faved us from the worſt of evils, – popery and flavery. '. - . º ! " • , ; At that period of general danger to all denomi nations of Proteſtants, whether Independents, Pref byterians, or Churchmen, the Church again promifed [...]
[...] the man of principle, the truly họnęft, confcientious man, who deems it a profanation that fo venerable, fo facred an institution, ſhould be proſtituted at all timess on all occafions, to all forts of people indiferiminately; to the debauchee and immoral, as well as to the truly [...]
[...] cr: Britain, the Remonstrance of his Majesty's moſt z dutiful and loyal fubjects, the Council and Aſſembly : of $jamaica; on behalf of themfelves and all per fons interested in the Trade or Cultivation of the Weft - India Iſlands. ' . - - - - - [...]
[...] or withoat full compenfation, would be an unconstitu tional afiumption of power; fubverfive of all public faith and confidence, as applied to the Colonists, and muft ultimately tend to alienate their affections from [...]
[...] exceed every thing that has hitherto been known. Tift about nine months ago, the boy was fo diſpleaſed with all notes of melody, that he conſtantly burft into, tears when either his father or mother played upon any in: ftrument, or fung... But in May laft, all on a fudden; [...]
[...] a Traết on impregnating common water with fixed air, and his celebrated invention to imitate the qualities and effeếts of all medical waters, Bath, Pyrmont, Spą, Tunbridge, &c. His languages were Portugueſe: Spanifh, Italian, Engliſh, French, a little Dutch, and [...]
[...] He was a very mild Chriſtian, having many years re nounced the Popifh Faith; was benevolent, mild, in offenfive and kind to all, and in his fphere a great and good man. All the Literati in Europe knew fomething of his merit, and the moſt noted of them were defirous [...]
[...] language or learning, of the author. Somewhat in the ſtyle of Addifon’s Critique on Milton; to be uſeful tơ all who have any reliſh for the poet or moral ivriter. ": [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire07.05.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 07. Mai 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] bower it with me. "Having för fix months together been running at the ring of pleaſure, you will find that repofe here which, all young as you are, you [...]
[...] zalking fentimentally with the Miſs Cookes, ordiſtúrbing Mr. Gray with one of your enthuſiastic vifits – I fay disturbing him; for with all. your own, agreeableneſs, àņd all your admiration of him, he would rather have . yoự room than your company. Batmark me, I do not [...]
[...] confole you in mine, I ſhould tell you, that gratitude is not fo common a virtue in the world as it ought te be, for all our fakes; but ingratitude, my dear friend, is not 2TI [...]
[...] added to theſe feminaries of moral truth. There are at this time above ten thoafand children every Sunday in the different ſchools eſtabliſhed for this purpoſe, all vo luntary, and all exprefſing the utmoſt fatisfaếtion; and the parents uniting in this good work by a pleafing re [...]
[...] given from the voice. Its mimicking the trumpet, in the evening, has an effect grand and animating beyond all defcription. - Strange as it may appear, it is a fact, that the tranſports for Botany-Bay have not as yet failed; the [...]
[...] not yet diſcovered one barren fpot. t = "".-- -- : “The rivers are of great length, and in breadth from mufquet-ſhot to half a ſtone's throw all banked with nearly impenetrable woods, as are the creeks, which fpread themfelves all over the country, and run [...]
[...] proportion of the canvafs, which might be filled with more interefting matter; nor is this the fole objećtion ; they form likewiſe parallel lines, which at all times [...]
[...] ceived with many flattering tokens of applaufe, and when the curtain dropped, the theatre did not ceaſe the thunder of its approbation for fome minutes; in all probability, therefore; Gulia will do great things for the theatre. , * · [...]
[...] fatigue, or regimen, and by exercife only, of a nature adapted to allages and conftitutions, and praćticable at all times and feafons; its efficacy in radically removing the cauſes and effeéts of the Gout, Rheumatiſm, Palfy, and, in general, all chronic diforders, is authenticated [...]
[...] houſehold. Thefe penfions amount to feveral thouſands a Wear. , - - - y It was admitted in Monday’s debate on all fides, that Mr. Pitt had funded on the 32o,oool. from the Eaſt India Company, after the Directors had folemnly pro [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire07.05.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Mai 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] was alfo very great, årticles to the amount of above ř,2oo.ooo1. a year, that is to fay, more than were imported to all the reft of the Continent of Europe, Germany, and the Netherlands excepted? And whether almoſt all thoſe articles, with the exception [...]
[...] impropriety be faid, that England got the raw material for nothing, and was befides a great gainer in receiving it? And, added to all this, whether the whole of all that 1,2oo.ooo l. and above one half of the Ruffian trade, be not carried on in Britiſh ſhipping, em [...]
[...] Archite&ure, if the prefent praćtice of placing the vaniſhing point in the centre were difufed altogether, and all buildings painted as if viewed obliquely and not direstly, the wings, if at all neceffary, might be more eaſily made to harmonize with the back feene, [...]
[...] “The cauſe of civil and religious liberty through put the world.” . - - - : na “Mr. Fox; and a ſpeedy repeal of all the penal laws reſpećting religion.” - - . . . . , «May the example of America teach all nations to [...]
[...] which drew upon him refentment, and every artifice that could tend to ruin and remove him. His integrity, for fome time, withſtood all the Captain’s efforts, till - • • - - by [...]
[...] çould enjoy to maké none at áll. — Amongſt the [...]
[...] our expeċtations, and if we were to continue at this place ten days longer, all the cattle of the army could not bring in half of what is already diſcovered. It was fome time doubtful whether the grain thus captured: [...]
[...] fcriber, and their books may at any time be inſpected, on an application to one of the Regifters: - , All letters, meffages, &c. are to be dirested to Thomas Dale, M. D. Union - court; } Old-Broad - ftřeet, or * * }Register [...]
[...] With hackney-coachmen furious war to wage; Six fwandown waiſtcoats fwathe him into ſhape; His legs all buckſkin, and his coat all cape; With manners, looks, and language, fuch you’d fwear, His Tutor had been Piccadilly’s Bear; [...]
[...] The richeft foil, that bears the rankeft weed! Potato e like, the ſprouts are worthlefs found; And all that’s good of them is under ground. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire20.08.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 20. August 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] account, of nothing but preparations for war, the very next article informs us that meaſures for reconciliation are adopted. We must, therefore, fufpend all judgment [...]
[...] ciples to an alarming degree, - and, what is ſtill worfer for that diſtra&ted and diſtrefied people, Deifm, the root of all evil, is gaining rapid ground amongſt them, -- i [...]
[...] in him. And as tomental bravery, it was as certain as: the integrity of his heart! - "- " ” All this he had ! ---- - - - - What then did he want? [...]
[...] to fend them every document in his power , and all the [...]
[...] when it is confidered that he fupported an unimpeached reputation for eighteen years, and that in very large pecuniary concerns, all the accuſation muft fall to the [...]
[...] The recording of this little 'anecdote alone, muft fhſtantly fet Mr. Frazer's conſummate honour in a fairer point of view, than the united abilities of all the authors and lawyers that ever exiſted: "" - ; : : • 5 : , : , , . , : ''; * [...]
[...] his own mind, provided the means of multiplying its powers to fuch a degree, as to extend its good effeếts; of every kind, to almoft all ranks of people. To wiſh him ſucceſs is needleſs — for he will command it. s.: [...]
[...] : – Money in Chameery — all are șifo in contempla tion – And each to have a resu. -- [...]
[...] And each man fooner to his bufineſs take. so, when you to the coffeehouſe repair, ..." Engreſs not all the papers, ’tîs not fair; ... -- *ris an intrafion upon each man's right, : T Who happens to be there and ſhews a fight. [...]
[...] - - - - - : --- - - (The Public Advertifer) , - ; Copies are now making out at the Record-Office in the Tower of all the Treaties at any time concluded between Great Britain and the States-General of the United Provinces. 3 . . . . . . . . . ::: . ' [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire16.04.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. April 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] * · at all furpriſed at your requeſt, for fince your child [...]
[...] from this Hero, and are taught to look up to him as . a model. It is under the ſhelter of his venerable name, that all the Conſpirators againſt the Laws, againſt Religion, and againſt Good Order, have dared to perfuade their King, that he ought to abandon all [...]
[...] her life within a ſtate of female celibacy. She was, notwithſtanding, amiable, accompliſhed, and politely, attentive to all hu/bands; but, rude, even with the utmoft violation of all good breeding, to young ba chełors, and, particularly, thoſe who appeared to [...]
[...] other fex from all legacies whatſoever. She left an hundred pounds to four perſons, who were to ſupport [...]
[...] Partner frequently poffefs every defrable quality, but fortune. Vet fo modeſt are they, that they are willing to accept fortune as an equivalent for all the reft. [...]
[...] apploy.” i “Then, Sir, we eannot attend with yơn.* “All’s one to me.” – “But, Sir, you cannot bę permitted to prefcribe yourſelf, without, declaring what your prefeription is compounded of: ::Well, [...]
[...] appeared that a young gentleman under age, and clerk to an Attorney, had no leſs than ten caats, four teen maistcoats, and eighteen pair of breeches — all ini Jezeu months ! - , - :... * A DI’s [...]
[...] by the incidental performances of the Gentlemen on the civil and military eſtabliſhments. But the Directors will, in all probability, lay an embargº on the expor [...]
[...] fifted by the Machinift, would have made it an inte refting fpe&tacle; but the machinery was intolerably bad, and confequently all the grandeur of the tranfi tions, and all the illufion, was loft. This, though it works againſt the Theatre, does not detract from [...]
[...] for, among the müſtitudés that crowded into his Thea tre, were all bis rival architests. . . ' : : : :sr.w. i 12 , : ; · . . . . ' : : There is an,illiberal ſpirit diſplayed in fome prints [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire14.03.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. März 1789
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[...] The reports from St. James’s for ten days fucceſſi vely have been favourable — and figned one day with another by all the phyficians. Amongſt the ſymptoms - * X 2 - of [...]
[...] “Regent of Ireland, in the name of his Majeſty, to “exercife and adminiſter, according to the laws and “constitution of this kingdom, all regal powers, jurif , “dićtion, and prerogative to the Crown and Govern “ment thereto belonging.” » . " [...]
[...] wiſhes and prayers of all his Majeſty’s fubje&ts were dire&ted, he would humbly fubmit to their Lordſhips the propriety of the Committee’s being adjourned till [...]
[...] mean to juftify him for fending a challenge, but as a politician and a gentleman, he could not condemn him; for to talk of defttoying the fpirit of duelling in all cafes, would be an attempt to deſtroy all fenfe of honour upon which that ſpirit was founded. He added a variety of [...]
[...] 2. While this child of poverty and wretchednefs was withdrawing, fhillings from all parts of the Court and Gallery were thrown to him, which made the amount *confiderable. · · · · [...]
[...] and explicit teſtimony, which convinced thofe who hearà it of the reality of the offence of which the plain tíff cómplained. Abundance of other evidence, all tending to the fame end, was adduced. The counſel for the defendant waved all idea of denying the faết; [...]
[...] . . . . . « , , :: ALL, , | ! Double, double; toil and trouble: . . . . . . . :: -, , Fire burn, and Cauldron bubble. . . . . . [...]
[...] . All the poignant grief he feels, : - For his Sov’reign — or the Seals; | For a charm of pow’rful trouble * * - [...]
[...] For a charm of pow’rful trouble * * - *** Like a Hell-broth, boil and bubble. . . . . . . . '. ALL. i«, , , [...]
[...] Cool it, with L — yd K–y-’s blood, Now the charm is firm and good. - - * : ALL. - - Double, double, toil and trouble, . ., , Fire burn, and Cauldron bubble. - - [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire31.03.1788
  • Datum
    Montag, 31. März 1788
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] — and he deserves to live, as long as unexpected pains and skill, have any regard. For tho' wanting all his limbs, he has, wonderful to tell, wrought himself into a Draftsman and an Engraver. [...]
[...] manners, and attitudes; the truth of nature, and the force of expression, are exemplified with wonderful taste and precision. Beyond all this, as far as Virtue is beyond Art, it has the praise of meral tendency —S of tendency to promote the interests of candor, to [...]
[...] (Is but to tell, what ev'ry moment shews, That Heav'n no bounds in power or bounty knows, Almighty, where it works, all good where it bestows.) This homage paid, forgive the vagrant Muse, If for her theme some lighter dress she choose, [...]
[...] More trivial thoughts from humbler hints that rife. When vulgar gentry gather in a croud, Some all intent, some jostling, and some loud 3 You ask the cause, and wait for a reply, Ten to one they answer "ask my eye." [...]
[...] Or calls forth glance for glance, and charm by charm, Does slie design our bosoms to alarm? Does she conclude that all who gaze must die? Or pride inspire her purpose? — "Ask her Eye." When a great scholar, slow, pensive, and sour, j [...]
[...] His Eye will tell you what his heart conceals. The Miser's heir bedecks the fun'ral slaew, With all the fad formalities of woe; Behind the corpse himself a mourner creeps. , JJut, is it grief, or is it joy that weeps? [...]
[...] c. . ... t.l-J gfl- fio • ■ j '. •• . j0.tvi.Kt - Garden, w March 6. The conscious Lovers. The Farmer, (28th Tira*.) g. Love in a Village. Tantara Rara Rogues All. (2th Time.) — jO, The Moarning-Bride. Comus. II. She Stoops to Conquer. The Mock-Doctor. [...]
[...] abundantly to the gratification of the most fallidioufly critical of his audiences; but what is worst of all, the fame maybe said os him, as was said of Garrick, though on a different principle, as to degree of superiority [...]
[...] : The Earl of Harrington, is-appo&ted Ambassador' to th« Court of Russia*./: ~. ■ - 'A. ,B-;sqO r.::nr.:.' 1 '■ All she persons'sentenced at the Assizes in
[...] at Naples for life. According to his present plan, he rsever means to see;Eh$ahd tntfrei • •!a"'^ rsr'- '■/' Friday all the military Officers at St. James's wore the. crape round the arm, in token of respect to the late. General Carpenter. [...]