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The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British EmpirePublication 1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] tegained Ground and may once again, for ought we know, be prefärred, it being already ſpoken, and greatly beloved all over Europe. " : : :ar:: : *** And as the Engliſh Nation iş taking the Lead in almost every Art and Science, ſoit is become neeef. [...]
[...] fon’s: and Sheridan’s not excepted. : ed: : : : ? " ºm Wherefore, it: has long been the géneral Call all over Germany, as the Engliſh Tongue is learned by almoſt every Perfon of a liberal Education, to be provided with a complete Engliſh and German and Ger [...]
[...] to their various Meanings, but their being alſo ex a&tly accentuated and their Pronunciation diſtinétly exprested, and notwithſtanding of all this, to be as . . low in Price as pomble. W • • • • • , 2: º Being defired to undertake a Bufineſs of this Na [...]
[...] Month. Tho’ this would not permit of many Phra fes, will howewer ſhew, that there is not a fingle Word out of all the above mentioned Works left be hind; that it will contain many more Words than [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire21.04.1788
  • Datum
    Montag, 21. April 1788
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] never had so luckless a season. This is to be accounted for by the retrenchments which have taken place gene rally over all the establishments, which has introduced an œeonomy hitherto unknown in the luxurious regions of India. [...]
[...] Mr. Fox was perfectly assured — Sir John Miller said he had always thought — Mr. Pitt said he refused by all means — Sir James Johnstone would never agree — Mr. Sheridan wanted words — [...]
[...] the French African Islands, out of the line of our dips, favouring expeditions against India, and their fertility supplying all the vegetables and fresh provi* lions required for voyages in tropical climates. Not to speak of the pernicious influence of the raw [...]
[...] less essential to its prosperity than the husbandman. War is altogether a solecism in commercial politics. Of all the evils which threaten the destruction of this Constitution, war is most to be dreaded, and above all, continental wars. These alone can form an excuse for [...]
[...] Johti Macpherson was a candidate on the fame interest* atid'was again elected', having out of about two hundred votes, all but twenty-one, who voted for Mr. Petrie; *' It appeared that Mr. Petrie had brought actions against one hundred and more of the voters, for re [...]
[...] where he was informed the disturbance existed i bat on his arrival he fouud that he had beeh imposed upon, and that instead of noise and turbulence, all was peace, good order, and tranquillity. Recollecting, however, that he and his brother Justice, Mr. Collick, were. sub-, [...]
[...] bis Client had done no more than his duty required. ... The Jury acquitted Mr. Aldem, to the satisfaction of all present; and the prosecutor reassumed his feat upon the Bench. [...]
[...] similar to the following, might not be susceptible of interest and drollery.. Love before Marriage. — The Ape, adjusting all the frippery of the Graces, "Making court to an amorous looking glass:" The Spaniel frisking is the back ground. [...]
[...] The Theatre gave The Regent as much support as the rightful Sovereign could have claimed. A variety of new scenes were prepared for this Play, and all of them were painted with taste and effect. The dresses of the principal characters were rich and elegant. [...]
[...] not in fault, otherwise than as sinking, for the moment* under the strong solicitudes for her friend's Tragedy. The more sublime effects of Tragedy — all that well-raised Terror and created Pity could do — all that can excite, and then satisfy expectation, from a story [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire18.09.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. September 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] This prefcription, , which has been printed, and diſtributed at Bruffels, is fomewhat too bar/b. Three or four of the ingredients would remove all the moſt dangerous fymptoms of the diforder. , i [...]
[...] fame. · · · · * * Whoever wiſhes to tell a Story with effe&t, ſhould, above, all things, remember, that it muft be entirely about himſelf; befides, the being the hero of one’s own tale, gives an energy and animation, which can [...]
[...] of value they were borrowed at, but as this was not generally underſtood, people fold the dollars of 1775 at the fame price as thoſe of 1782, and of courſe all who purchaſed have made fifty per cent, or more, of [...]
[...] fes, do moft humbly pray that your Excellency may Pleaſe to order and direct that the faid intended : **** ** all [...]
[...] Pondicherry did not take place.” : • . : " ." ", " : ; The Eaſt India Company will take up thirty-two fhips in all for the fervice of the enfuing feafon, , , , The Spaniſh ultimatum reminds us of certain ex- | prestions very common in Breſlaw's and Katterfelto’s [...]
[...] în the London market for fale, which the Proprietors value at 180,ooot, fterling, , , : Upwards of fixty failors, all armed with whale knives, came yefterday: into town from Dungenefs. The reafon of this armed and formidable jun&tion, was. [...]
[...] delivered by our Cabinet to the Britiſh Minister, on the 3d of June last. . . . - - - - - - - - - - “By all the Treaties between Spain and other Euro pean nations, for more than two centuries back, the navigation, the commerce, and the exclufive property of [...]
[...] gf the South Sea, and Iſlands adjacent, by adventurers :T AT K : : , , .. ' . ;na girates, has preferved the postemon, oppoſing all itempted uſurpations » and for that purpofe, fending out vegels to examine the places. Notwithſtanding [...]
[...] . . . . . T H E J E s T. Life's a stef, if Gay fays true, , , , , A, jeft, and all things fhow it; [...]
[...] When men of worth are worthlef men, To neighbours they’re a peſt, Sir ; - They live by all deſpis'd, and when , . They're dead, become a jeft, Sir [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire07.04.1788
  • Datum
    Montag, 07. April 1788
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] it was unequal in every town — Westminster paid, excluding Bloomsbury, Marybone, and St. Giles's, out of all proportion by paying more than London — Lon don and Westminster paid out of proportion by paying mote [...]
[...] such payment — the House must believe that the par ties complaining know not whether they are injured or benefited by the tax: .all these absurdities must the House sully believe to warrant them in rejecting to repeal the act. [...]
[...] House sully believe to warrant them in rejecting to repeal the act. At ten o'clock aster all these accumulated Argu ments against the tax the question being called for, the House divided, [...]
[...] ministrations under whom he had acted, as Ambassador from this Court to that of France; one uniform cha racteristic of which had been, to disregard all such pro fessions, and, by making our preparations keep pace with theirs, always hold ourselves in readiness to face [...]
[...] resolved, "That it is absolutely necessary the troops should be sent off; and that it be recommended to the Court of Directors, to use all possible diligence in em barking them on board the Company's Ships, now under sailing orders, at Gravesand and Portsmouth, as [...]
[...] his fathers, and behold these things, how would he .groan, and thunder out his censures against what he would term a violation of all confidence. We have seen many of private and familiar letters, and as far as we are qualified to determine, epistolary writing was [...]
[...] and Queens of Europe publishing edicts son the fame gracious purpose; and when you hear of schools and churches, with all the arts of civilized life, established among the sons of Africa, then remember and record, that this revolution in favour of human happiness here, [...]
[...] Mr. Fielding contended with great ability, that this loose and idle species of confession, however voluntarily it seemed to have been made, ought, if admitted at all> to be received with the most jealous caution, as it dif fered very widely from that pure and uncontaminated [...]
[...] to take in provisions, which are now preparing under contract. T The Empress has ordered that all the old English! East-India ships shall be bought up and converted into Cups of war, for the Ruffian service. [...]
[...] last at the Stock Exchange, Bank Stock rose ten per cent. All the great national business in the House of Com mons, is yet to come — so that the Session is expected to be protracted till very late in the season. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire19.11.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 19. November 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] * The new Naval Mutiny Bill occupies tha attention òf all our merchants and ſhip owners. — : A very re fpe&table fet of men – whether the eſtimate be taken on their public utility, their collestive property, or their [...]
[...] ; kable, that except a few legacies, &c. all Mr. Bunn’s [...]
[...] Majestý has ſubstituted as an aileviation of he: : of death. He begins by praifing that sovereign for all the innovations in the civil and criminal codes dista- ted by found philoſophy and humanity; applauds his : füpprefſing capital punifhments, but adds, with warm - [...]
[...] “fom offociety a company of atrocious, incorrigible men, *:entirely bent on its destrustion.” The author endea yours to anſwer all obje&ions, which the feader can poừibly make to his enthuſiaſtic ::::::: that in a welt organized ſociety af kinds of măiestäếtor [...]
[...] Obedient now to Paintings call, v .** The Paſions come attendant all; a [...]
[...] :: | ..Upborn to regions fir more elear, e . Beyond this murky atmoſphere, ': *** --* Their forms all chang’d, each feem'd to ſhing, . Replete with Majeſty divine. "" : } [...]
[...] Each Mufe in various robés array'd, ": A : · * * * ir: :en ofis nie giyisyả; ; :, : Graceful around fat all the band, ---- : Nor Fiaion's power, nor sculptures hand, :, :, :,: E'er lovelier țistur'd Beauty's Queen, : : : - [...]
[...] marked attention was paid by the Parscs of was: - and by every part of the company. „ “ ”“ ... The DUKE dfynsk mot having feen all the Perfor mers—could only takeihe commendation in fome parts upon truft, – Thofe he had feen, struck him with the [...]
[...] Portsmouth, November 6. The forty-fours in the hárbour are ſtill making every preparation for going out to Spithead. – Their deftination will be in all likeli hood to the Eaſt-Indies, with troops for the reinforce ment of Lord Cornwallis. We fee none but melancholy [...]
[...] faces bere fince the pacific Convention has appeared in the Gazette. :- - - - - - - - - - - - - Orders have been fent to all the regiments to re eruit their refpe&tive corps to the amount of 4oo, and no higherand before the reports are made, the arrange [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire04.04.1787
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 04. April 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Engli/h mail will always be found at the end of the laf? number. Indecent fubjeffr, fºurrilities, and in /hort all extraordinary Articles, will not be publiſhed, but with - *. A circum [...]
[...] he can refolve them into asts; and, by the aid of the hiſtorian, to trace asts themfelves into one plot or de fign, which indeed, after all human reſearches, is per festly known only to the great fearcher and ruler of the human heart, who does what he will among the [...]
[...] pampered with plentiful viands within the court of his mafter, made his efcape at laft, from a defire of liberty, to the open fields. The world was all before him; but having furveyed the woods, and mountains, and plains, he fat down at no great diſtance from the manfion in [...]
[...] credit; and look back with a longing eye to the fleſh pots of Egypt. The fiſhing-rod, the gun, the fcythe, and the plough, will however give them all that nature craves. To thefe they muft have recourfe: and it is thefe, perhaps, if they were wife, that they ought to [...]
[...] craves. To thefe they muft have recourfe: and it is thefe, perhaps, if they were wife, that they ought to employ more than fhips, and all the apparatus of com merce, or even of manufaćtures. [...]
[...] vinces muſt begin. It is uncertain, as yet, whether terror is not, in like manner, a principle in the American confederacy, and whether, when all jealoufy and animofity againſt the parent ſtate ſhall be forgotten, the different states will mot fall into feparate and inde [...]
[...] trade, thė forts which the Engliſh' retain, and which they threaten to build on the American frontier in Ca nada; the combination among all the Indian nations, aħd'ftraitened circumftances difcouraging to pride; theſe things, at the prefent moment, retain the Ame [...]
[...] Georg’s-fields, Pancras, Brumpton, &c. give proof -abundant. » : : : : : , - : # , Building is now fo prevalent, as to overcome all the difficulties that fo much impeded the erećtionſ of Babel. Frenchmen, Jews, and Italians, abandon their [...]
[...] which nothing but the extremeft neceſity could juſtify. He then proceeded in afferting the capability of com mon juries in trying all caufes, º and instanced two, which were particularly applicable to the prefent fub jest – the caufe of the Armenians againſt Gov. Verelt, [...]
[...] “Ye M v T E companions of my toils – ye bear . : “ In all my heavy griefs a s 1 L E N T fhare!” [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire26.02.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Februar 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] : groves of oak hanging irregularly over its fides the white houfes of the inhabitants which fprinklēä every corner of this peaceful retreat; and above all, the inhabitants themfelves affembled in their beft attire around their place of weekly worſhip; all this [...]
[...] the hand of the old, and the familiar gambols of the children, fhewed how their old Päftor reigned in the hearts of all. - • ** * * * * * * · » - After fome refreſhment at the neareft houfe, we went to Church, in which my veteran Prieft read the [...]
[...] I ſhall part with him foon - for I ride but little - a clever, tight going thing, however - -; -- well – but what is all this to the fubjećt of our converſation ? , , , * - - : you fhan hear – Frank Jackſon, whom I never [...]
[...] Port/mouth, January 28. This day the whole of the Artificers of the Dock yard were put on double time, and all the Shipwrights on new works are taken off, and employed afloat. " Lord Hood, by laſt poft, fent orders to rack off his [...]
[...] As a proof that Mr. Hippefley was well founded in afferting in the Houfe of Commons that Tippoo Sultan had offered to fettle all differences between him and the Rajah of Travancore by negotiation, i we reprint the following , : ' , ſ.s.: -,:: [...]
[...] of the Royal regiment, * e *. :: "An army of 17,ooo fighting men marching with 8o,ooo bullocks, requiring in all 5o,ooo drivęrs, feer. ders, &c. gives an idea of war extraordinary in its, nature as well as expence. . . It forms two columns of [...]
[...] inamy míles în length; and the contrast for feeding the -bullocks of all theo three armies (atten trupees eảth per (month) amounts, we underſtand, to a million [...]
[...] General Meadows has made a rapid movement, for from February to September inclufive, in all eight months, the grand army has penetrated to Coimbatore, which is 36o miles from Madras, without feeing the [...]
[...] “ Eaſtern fide of North America, as to induce them to “hazard all upon fuch a new difrovered, undefined, [...]
[...] in their objećtion, and it was agreed that theyafhould ndjturri to Monday morning, againſbrwhich time the figned confent of all parties might be procured, Trevist roi On Monday morning the three Surveyors appointed by the Haymarket party attended agreeable to the eni [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire16.04.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 16. April 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] urged, will become applicable on any new or complek cafe, and the barrier once broken down, all will ruſh in: neglest will bring on want of principle, and down: right corruption. He for one protéited againſt theast, [...]
[...] eourt of Verfailles, and have only ferved to diſplay that ſtri& union which fubfifts antong all the branches, of the houfe of Bourbon. : Quarrels, however, may arife, on ſmall points, among royal families, which may grow [...]
[...] even refined policy, An instance of this kind we havg in a letter from the Turkiſh metropolis, copied from the foreign gazettes into all our newspapers. The . commiſſioners who were fent by government to the fanatic Sheich, Manfour, to examine his dostrines, [...]
[...] report which not only tends to avoid all höſtile inter ferences with the prophet, but to compoſe the minds of the populace, and to convert the Mahomedan fana [...]
[...] the wife policy of government has not been crowned with full ſucceſs. The people, who have amongst them, as is univerfally agreed on by all travellers, certain terrible prophecies relating to the abolition of the Koran, and the triumph of the Chriſtians, regard [...]
[...] the PRINCE of WALEs was there – whether acciden taily or otherwife we know mot. – When the stage was railedin, and all ready – The magistrates arrived with a military efcort. The Prince was the firſt to ſhew his reſpest to legal authority, with what petulance fo [...]
[...] fequences of the French Treatv, and to the determined principle of the Houfe of Bourbon to unite the Catholic intereft in all corners of the world, to puli down the grandeur and commerce of England and her weft India poffestions – The refolutions of the Aſſemblv of vir [...]
[...] der, any time between the 31ſt of March and the 31ſt of May, to the perfon to whom it was paid. , III. That all fuch fums as fhall not be demanded. back on or before the 31ſt of May, next be confidered. as intruſted to the difpofal of the Committee, for the [...]
[...] And walks, talks and triumphs at will comme il faut. * The bofom offeeling with truth ſhe imprestes, : , , , ºf And ſteals all our fenfes, but ſtealing them bieffes. » et The vigils of Falfhood – and all her bafe train, zi ! Have faird to embitter her moments with pain; [...]
[...] Equal to heroes, of acknowledg’d worth, Applauding ſhouts re-echo to the fkies, I And all hearts claim him as his country’s prize! " Severe the taſk – who would to fame afpire . :: In lands like thefe, where virtue’s try’d by fire, A. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire14.05.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 14. Mai 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] privileges to inveterate, fyſtematic, and even na tural enemies, which are jealouſly denied to fellow fubjects; and of all the nouvelle and extraordinary cir cumſtances attending this Commercial Treaty, fo very fingular a one demands the moſt weighty confideration. [...]
[...] '. , ,Letter to Madame MARA. Certain indulgencies, beyond all controverfion, are due to particular merit, and it is a rare inſtance, where L 2 the [...]
[...] Alfo, all the late bulls for the abolition of religion and common deçency. - - Printed and fold by Meſſrs. Morocaine and Turkeif, [...]
[...] that is all I de/fre.” - [...]
[...] addreſſed them in the following manner: “Ladies, we are two unfortunate men who have been touched by fome gamblers of all our money, and have not a friend LO [...]
[...] to give us any to fupply our neceſſary wants, therefore intreat you both to deliver us all the money you have in your pockets. Make no delay for we muſt have it.” On which they delivered to them about 3 l. in gold and [...]
[...] which he held two years at leaft; he was afterwards fent up to Mr. Haftings, at Lucknow till November 1784, in all which time he received 1e,95o l. a year, from the India Company, as Prefident of the Committee of Revenue at Calcutta. [...]
[...] The following is the ſubſtance of all the late/ AMERICAN PRINTS : | New England. The infurgents are fled, their leaders [...]
[...] ſuch a meaſure. He appealed to the Right Honourable Gentleman’s own candour, whether that Houfe, whether the Country, whether all Europe, could form any other opinion of ſuch behaviour than that the Prince had yielded to terror what he had denied to argument – [...]
[...] Trade are amply delineated in the Chapters on Agri culture, Population, Manufactures, and the Admi niſtration of Commercial Affairs. All perſons, therefore, who are interested in the New Treaty with France, will have an opportunity of trying [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire10.12.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 10. Dezember 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Parade – without lofs of time – or hindrance of bu fineſs. :That he will be there, and frequently - his turn for all military operations plainly evinces - as he has not disdained the minuteft infpe&tions of neceffaries, eloathing; hofpitals, accoutrements, reports, &c. &c. [...]
[...] ộtc. and of every thing that belongs to a Soldier. That his Regiment will lead the faſhion, and that his Officers will be all Martinets – there cannot be a doubt. [...]
[...] that it prevented either man, horfe, or carriage from coming towards this city. * - - ** The inhabitants of our city, in all thoſe quarters fubjećt to the ingrefs of the floods, have fuffered the [...]
[...] an effećtual inquifition, by which all the citizens are : [...]
[...] accompliſhments, this does not rank among the ftupen ! dous: Among the langhable, however, we cannot deny it a place. Such let it have; for – as to all that bears - * the [...]
[...] of that great man, under the fignature of Erciſta, which were copied from a Scotch, periodical publication into all the daily papers, was Mr. Malcolm Laing, a young gentleman of much promife in the Univerfity of [...]
[...] when: Britiſh officerboarded the Villeae Paris, ih order to take poffeſion of her, on her striking to. the gallant. Lord Rodneys, he found all the French, feamen to a ſhameful degree as drunk as they could be: And when Lord Rodney mentioned his ſurpriſe faithe, [...]
[...] --* * · * * · · · · · · * * , , , . : , :,: Y = . . . . Thy thund’ring bulwarks fCow’r the deep, . . | And all oppofing navies fweep; * * *** * While France and Spáin ſubmifĩve creep - X ******* - Their loſs alternate weep. " " " " [...]
[...] , , ceive, from all Foreign Powers, the fulleſt affarances [...]
[...] with Me in thinking, that nothing can more efestially tendito fecure fo invalụableta blefling, thatº the zeal and unanimity which were3fbewn by àll tanks of My Subjesta on the late occaſion; and which manifested their readineſs to exert themfelves, whénevét the ho [...]