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The Idler12.05.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Mai 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] comes is foon overpowered by his habitual paffion ; he is attracted by rarity, feduced by example, and inflam ed by competition. - | While the ſtores of pride and happinefs are furvey ed, ome looks with longing eyes and gloomy counte [...]
[...] Some prints are treaſured up asineſtimably valuable, be cauſe the imprestion was made before the plate was finiſh ed. Of coins the price rifes not from the purity of the metal, the excellence of the workmanſhip, the elegance of the legend, or the chronological ufe. A piece, of [...]
The Idler23.06.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Juni 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] fcure fe&t, but a perfuafiom which appears to have ope rated upon moſt minds in all ages, and which is fupport ed by authorities fo numerous and fo cogent, that no thing but long experience could have given me confidence to queſtion its truth. [...]
[...] 'Change, he felt no tedioufnefs of life, mor any want of domeſtic amufements. When my father died, he receiv ed me kindly; but, after a few months, finding no great pleaſure in the converſation of each other, we parted ; and he remitted me a fmall annuity, on which [...]
[...] bility, and ordered ſuch a fuit of cloaths as I had often looked on with involuntary fubmiffion, and am afham ed to remember with what flutters of expectation I waited for the hour when I ſhould iffue forth in all the fplendour of embroidery. The cloaths were brought, [...]
The Idler10.03.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. März 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] watched, would let their miſtreffes be gorgons. I look ed round me, half frightened, and quite bewildered ; till at laſt, finding that her literature was thrown away upon me, ſhe bid me, with great vehemence, reach the [...]
[...] fleep when they were as much awake as thoſe that look ed at them. . He told me that I muft get higher motions, and that a play was the moſt rational of all entertain ments, and moſt proper to relax the mind after the bu [...]
[...] By degrees he gained knowledge of fome of the play ers ; and, when the play was over, very frequently treat ed them with fuppers, for which he was admitted to ítand behind the ſcenes. He foon began to lofe fome of his morning hours in [...]
The Idler02.06.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Juni 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Of the decline of reputation many cauſes may be af figned. It is commonly loft becauſe it never was deferv ed ; and was conferred at firſt, not by the fuffrage of cri ticiſm, but by the fondneſs of friendſhip, or fervility of flattery. The great and popular are very freely applaud [...]
[...] ticiſm, but by the fondneſs of friendſhip, or fervility of flattery. The great and popular are very freely applaud ed ; but all foon grow weary of echoing to each other a name which has no other claim to notice, but that many mouths are pronouncing it at once. - [...]
The Idler13.01.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. Januar 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] of ftarving and depraving one another : but, if there be any reafon why this inveterate evil ſhould not be remov ed in our age, which true policy has enlightened beyond any former time, let thofe, whoſe writings form the opi mions and the praćtices of their contemporaries, endeavour [...]
[...] aćt of dealing with grace and propriety. • But the bracelet which might be molt eafily introduc ed into general ufe is a ſmall convex mirror, in which the lady may fee herfelf whenever ſhe ſhall lift her hand. This will be a perpetual fource of delight. Other orna [...]
The Idler24.02.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Februar 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] thoughts, that good and evil are linked together, and no pleaſure recurs but affociated with pain. Every reviv ed idea reminds us of a time when fomething was en joyed that is now loft, when fome hope was not yet blafted, when fome purpoſe had yet not languiſhed into [...]
[...] mions of his youth, the partners of his amuſements, the affiſtants of his labours, whom the handofdeath hasſmatch ed away. When anoffer was made toThemiſtocles ofteach ing him the art of memory he anfwered, that he would rather wiſh for the art of forgetfulnefs. He felt his ima [...]
The IdlerLife of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. 1758
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] to five in number. Thefe admirable effays, we are told by Mr. Bofwell, were written in hafte, juſt as they were want ed for the prefs, without ever being read over by him before they were printed. The “ Rambler” was not fucceſsful as a periodical work, not more than five hundred copies of [...]
[...] diftrefs. In the interval between her death and burial he compoſed a funeral fermon for her which was never preach ed, but being given to a friend, it has been publiſhed fince his death. The following authentic and artlefs account of his fituation after his wife’s death was given to Mr. Bof [...]
[...] earance of his dićtionary. It is happily illufive to the ill ucceſs of the forty members of the French academy employ ed in fettling their language. * Talk of war with a Briton, he'll boldly advance That one Engliſh foldier will beat ten of France ; [...]
[...] of Europe. - - In 176o, Mr. Murphy conceiving himſelf illiberally treat ed by Dr. Franklin, a totemporary writer in his Differta tion on Tragedy, publiſhed an animated vindication of him felt, in a poetical epiſtle to Samuel Johnſon, A. M. in which [...]
[...] tween Johnſon and Mrs. Thrale, without interruption, till the fummer following, when ſhe retired to Bath, and inform ed him that ſhe was going to difpofe of herfelf in marriage to Signior Piozzi, an Italian muſic-maſter. Johnſon endea voured to difluade her from the match, but without effećt; [...]
[...] to the native vigour of the mind, the contradićtory qualities will be the more prominent, and more difficult to be adjuft ed, and therefore we are not to wonder that Johnfon exhi bited an eminent example of this remark upon human na ture. Though the vigour of his mind was almoft beyond [...]
[...] ucceſs. : Mifs Seward, the poeteſs of Litchfield, who has delineat ed his literary character, obſerves that “when his attention was called to modern writings, particularly if they were ce lebrated, and not written by any of his º little Senate,’ he [...]
[...] tion, has the fe words; “ that piety which dictated the “ Raºn bler,” will be for ever řemembered, for ever { think rever ed. That ample repoſitory of religious truth, moral wif dom, and accurate criticiſm, Breathes indeed the genuine emanations of its great author's mind, exprefied too in a [...]
[...] ftitution, and repugnant to the common rights of mankind. In apology for him, it may be admitted, that he was attach ed to Tory principles, and that moſt of what he wrote on political fubjećts was conformable to his real fentiments. Mr. Murphy obferves that “ Johnſon's political pamphlets, [...]
The Idler15.07.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juli 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] hopes that he may multiply dependants, may be con fidered as a beaſt of prey, juftly dreaded, but eaſily avoid ed; his den is known, and they who would not be de voured, need not approach it. The great danger of the waſte of time is from caterpillars and moths, who ara [...]
The Idler13.05.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. Mai 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] loft, becauſe he cannot reach the camp but by croffing the fea; men, of a more political underſtanding, are perſuad ed that we ſhall now fee, in a few days, the ambaffadořs of France ſupplicating for pity. Some are hoping for a bloody battle, becauſe a bloody battle makes a vendible [...]
The Idler28.10.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Oktober 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] * to be a ftolem match ; that the blood of the Mohairs * ſhould never be diſgraced; that her huſband had ferv * ed all the pariſh offices but one; that ſhe had lived five [...]
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