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Suchbegriff: Wang

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The London and China telegraph16.10.1860
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 16. Oktober 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] * Le, of the verily Heaven-ordained Celestial Kingdom of Great Peace, commander of the Imperial body-guard, Imperial Commander-in-Chief, Loyal and Righteous, the Faithful King (Chung Wang), once more most impres [...]
[...] Heavenly Father and Heavenly Brother (Jesus), and profess the same reli gion.’ Very similar language was held by the Chung-Wang, or " Faithful King," himself, after the conversation had been opened with the following " leading" question :—~“ Faithful King, may you live it thousand years. We [...]
[...] dently evading the discussion of this heresy, the missionaries elicited that the first day of the week was kept as the “worship-day," and obtained leave to send the Chung Wang some religious books. This is really all that the conversation amounts to, and, even though they are said to perform baptism by “ rubbing water on the chest," and to distribute the New Testa [...]
[...] 3. That the Chinamin so convicted —a quiet trader of over twelve years standing, never before implicated in coolie traflic —-—had had many transaction if he had not been a partner in the suspended firm of Mah-chow-Wang Caldwell 8|: Co. ! ! l and 4. That the object—the “ material inducement," as the lawyers have it--in [...]
[...] the subornation ofpeij ury by Assoong was the getting the Chinaman in ques tion out of the way, because, first, he knew too much for Caldwell's peace, and secondly, because it was necessary that connections of the l\Iah-chow-Wang tribe should obtain possession of the premises built with partnership funds. Supporting the subornation of perjury, the editor had in court two Portu [...]
[...] that Caldwell’s wife, 'the immaculate Ayow, had been doing business with the convicted kidnappcr, and taking money from him, in the Mah-chow-Wang connection up to within a week of Caldwell preferring against him this trumpery charge of kid' napping. Returning to the appearance, however, the pleas were [...]
The London and China telegraph27.04.1865
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. April 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] tion with the Futai of Kuei-chow, Chang Liang-chi, reports a victory over the combined forces of the Miao-tzu and Mahometan rebels. Dec. 2nd–Seng Wang (San-ko-lin sin) and others beg that several mandarins who have shown themselves incapable be punished. Dec. 3rd–Mao Hung-ping, Governor-General of the two Knang, and [...]
[...] remit what now remains due. The request is accordingly granted. Dec. 14th–Shen Pao-chen, Futai of Kiang-si, reports that Hung Fu tien, the son of the soi disant T'ien Wang has been cut to pieces in ac cordance with the Imperial mandate. He likewise reports that the three chiefs Hung Jen-kan, Hung Jen-chen and Huang Wen-ying have been [...]
[...] executed. Dec. 15th–Yang Yo-ping, Hsio-tai, of Kiang-si, in conjunction with Shen Pao-chen, abuses Wang Mu, a Taotai, who having been ordered to lead an army against the rebels, refused to do so. A military man darin named Wang An-chen had taken the soldiers and committed [...]
[...] to lead an army against the rebels, refused to do so. A military man darin named Wang An-chen had taken the soldiers and committed various outrages amongst the people. The Emperor directs that Wang Mu be degraded and banished, while Shen Pao chen will arrest Wang An-chen, and impose a suitable punishment upon him. [...]
The London and China telegraph16.06.1873
  • Datum
    Montag, 16. Juni 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] about the 12th, crossed over to the north bank, and went ashore. On the 13th a Chinaman called at the house of a Customs employé named Wang Kumping, with an envelo addressed to “Mr. Wang, C. H. Linguist,” and bearing inside the words, “Pay boat-hire from Shanghai; all well ; boat on [...]
[...] the words, “Pay boat-hire from Shanghai; all well ; boat on shore on north bank.” Fortunately for the destinies of China and the throne of the Emperor, the Wang in question happened to be the wrong man ; and he, thinking the note queer, kept it, and told the man to call next day at the Custom-house. He did so, [...]
[...] paid him for his boat; and he knew no more. Inquiry was then made from another Customs employé named Wang Yen-ping, for whom the note that led to these discoveries is said to have been destined, with the result of rather con firming suspicion ; for he took an early opportunity of leav [...]
The London and China telegraph11.11.1865
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. November 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] the ingenious viridity of the English commander. A new light has, however, been of late thrown upon the Taitsang affair. It will be remembered that the Chung Wang in his auto graphic deposition stated that the city was given up to him by one Li Wen-ping, a Canton Mandarin. The rea [...]
[...] troops had not been paid for three months, and both they and he were anxious for a new state of things. Li himself became a rebel, and was subsequently placed by the Chung Wang in command at Taitsang. Here he determined to change sides again, and accordingly visited Li-san-ta-jen's camp and arranged [...]
[...] command at Taitsang. Here he determined to change sides again, and accordingly visited Li-san-ta-jen's camp and arranged about giving over the city. Meanwhile the Chung Wang got wind of his proceedings, and hastening to Taitsang anticipated his treachery by cutting off his head. “The devils,” says the [...]
[...] wind of his proceedings, and hastening to Taitsang anticipated his treachery by cutting off his head. “The devils,” says the Chung Wang, “reached Taitsang and so did I.” From the time of his arrival the Chung Wang himself took command, and thus the welcome which the Futai's brother and Holland, [...]
[...] with the disciplined Chinese, received, was not a piece of treachery, as has up to the present been imagined, but the result of the Chung Wang's discovery of Li's infidelity. Al though this explanation affords no excuse for the neglect shown by the English and Chinese commanders of the disciplined [...]
The London and China telegraph27.03.1866
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. März 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] In the Canton Province rebel matters still continue much as they were at the date of my last. The band under the K'ang Wang still occupy the city of Kia-ying-chow, around which the Imperial troops are supposed to be gradually closing. The Governor of the province is about to proceed to the spot, taking [...]
[...] THE SURRENDER OF THE ALLEGED MO-WANG. THE despatch of Mr. MERCER, the Acting-Governor of Hong Kong, in reply to the request of the SECRETARY of STATE as to the [...]
[...] In a reduced and intelligible form, then, the charges against me are two : that the man was wrongfully surrendered, and that I surrendered him knowing him to be the Mo-Wang, a Taiping chief. The above papers will, I think, show that Ho-yu-teen, the criminal in question, was not wrongfully surrendered, and that every legal and other [...]
[...] question, was not wrongfully surrendered, and that every legal and other precaution was taken against the possible surrender of an innocent man. As to his being the Mo-Wang, or a Taiping chief, I beg to point out that his counsel (for he was defended by an able barrister), Mr. Pollard, Q.C., endeavoured to elicit this in cross-examination, and failed. I also enclose [...]
[...] endeavoured to elicit this in cross-examination, and failed. I also enclose extract from a news-sheet published in Canton, in which it is stated confi dently that the said Mo-Wang was killed before Soochow on the 29th November, 1863. To recapitulate, the real facts are briefly these:-On the 22nd April last [...]
[...] was defended by counsel, and although a variety of technical objections were raised, it does not appear to have been alleged that he was a political refugee, still less that he was the Taiping Mo-Wang, as now stated. If the statements which have been laid before Her Majesty's Government respecting the mode in which this man was put to death are at all true, it [...]
The London and China telegraph18.03.1861
  • Datum
    Montag, 18. März 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] that the preaching of the Word of God would soon break the spell, and they dread the consequences in the present crisis of their history. The King Kan (sometimes called Kan-wang or ‘Shield King') would rather sacrifice the cause of truth to the interests of the Hung family, than the reverse. In many points [...]
[...] he is actuated by temporary expediency rather than by Chris tian principles.” - The Kan-wang, the most promising and most enlightened of the leaders, from whom the missionaries of Shanghai appear to have expected much, has been drawn into the vortex of [...]
[...] the leaders, from whom the missionaries of Shanghai appear to have expected much, has been drawn into the vortex of heresy, which is promulgated by the Chang-wang; and having yielded to the question of polygamy he finds that he must give up other points of his faith to boot. In another part of the [...]
[...] There never, perhaps, was a people more ready for embracing the doc trimes of Christianity than the numerous insurgents who have enlisted under the banner of Tae-Ping-Wang, the self-styled rebel Emperor, whose head-quarters are in the old capital of the Ming dynasty–Nanking—a city of such importance that it bears the same relation to Peking—the Chinese [...]
[...] China, where the manners and customs of the people may almost be said to be stereotyped, and the son is rarely permitted to rise above the social rank of the father, it is extraordinary that Tae-Ping Wang, whose [...]
[...] importance. - - Acting upon the instructions supposed to have been given him in heaven, Tae-Ping-Wang, with a sword in one hand and the seal of Christ in the other, went forth like one mad. But he assured the people that he was not mad, and urged them, with tears in his eyes, to join him in the service [...]
The London and China telegraph13.05.1864
  • Datum
    Freitag, 13. Mai 1864
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] arranged to do, and it was, therefore, impossible to cross the creek which surrounds the city. It is said that at present there are three Wangs resident in Ka-shing, and that the wealth of the place is enormous. The walls are completely surrounded, ingress and egress being alike impossible. [...]
[...] mitted, roceeded to make arrangements for returning to Kwangsi (in the south of China), which they say is their native province. It is even *Ported that the Chung Wang himself, the leading military genius of the rebellion, “the figting King,” as he is called, is coilecting his property in Nanking with a view to retiring to his home. He feels as unequal to [...]
[...] people sympathized in the movement; for if such had been the case they would have risen en masse, and rallied round the standard of the TIEN-WANG. On the contrary, wherever the Tai pings went, the peaceable inhabitants looked on their approach with fear and trembling. Those who could not fly from them [...]
[...] “state what I am authorized to by the CHUNG-WANG. Upon “leaving him to proceed to England—considerably influenced “by this errand—I was commissioned to inform all European [...]
[...] moters there is evidence that the author believes, not only in their earthly success, but the divine mission of the TIEN-WANG, for which he quotes Scripture as follows:—“The “visions of HUNg-SIU-TsIUEN, if compared with Scripture, will “be found not so extravagant as has been represented. The [...]
The London and China telegraph26.04.1861
  • Datum
    Freitag, 26. April 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Nanking - Captain Ward, of the Actaeon, , and Mr. Ashby, landed and had an interview with the third in command, Chung wang, Messrs. Hughes and Muirhead interpreting. The Teen-wang (1st in command) was at Nanking, but does not hold interviews. The second was absent about 30 miles away with an army; Messrs. Muirhead and [...]
[...] in command) was at Nanking, but does not hold interviews. The second was absent about 30 miles away with an army; Messrs. Muirhead and Michie, with Col. Wolsey, had gone to see him. ... On the Chung-wang being told that a man-of-war would be left at Nanking, he was somewhat displeased, but expressed the desire of his party to keep on friendly terms [...]
[...] having more leisure, when the country is at |. they purpose sending to England for steamers, and engineers to establish railways : The Chung wang, in his interview with Capt. Ward, said opium would be inter dicted in our trade on the Yang-tze. The Admiral is said to have declined to entertain the subject, but declared that for any insult offered to the [...]
[...] foreign-looking houses, being, besides the emigratiºn establishments of the British West India and Cuban agencies, the residences of Dr. Happer, and Messrs. Chalmers and Turner, and Dr. Wang, London, Sociº Missionaries. Above Shameen, at Wong Sha, reside the Reverends [...]
The London and China telegraph15.02.1875
  • Datum
    Montag, 15. Februar 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] gas works in the Supreme King's Palace, which was fortunately extinguished in a few minutes. Next morning, a rumour was heard that the retainers of the Wang Na, the Second King's troops, as foreigners call them, had mustered in dangerous force in their master's palace. The great body of Princes and noble [...]
[...] Government had given offence by its reforming policy, and was not so strong as could be wished. The Wang Na or Second King concerned in this business is a son of the late Second King, but is of royal blood on his father's side only. His father died some years before the late First King, [...]
[...] the Second King's Palace. His father had the full Royal title of Somdet Phra, the same as that of the late and present Supreme King had ; the present Wang Na has only the title Krom Phra, the same title held by two ..i. princes at this day. The Supreme Crown, of course, falls to the strongest, and I [...]
The London and China telegraph12.04.1866
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 12. April 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] managed to maintain a bold front for upwards of two months, under the leadership of the last survivor of the Taiping chiefs, known as the Kang Wang, or “Prince of Tranquillity.” The Imperial forces, numbering some fifty or sixty thousand “braves,” had proved absolutely incapable of [...]
[...] As we go to press we are presented with another telegram from China, dated Hong Kong, 27th of February. This informs us that “KAN WANG, leader of the NIENFEI, was shot on the walls of Krayinchow.” It is a great pity that these messages are not forwarded by persons properly conversant with the [...]
[...] subjects they have to deal with. Of course, the personage alluded to had nothing whatever to do with the NIENFEI, but was the soi-disant K’ANG WANG, who headed the remnant of Taipings above alluded to ; and the city with the mysteriously spelt name is meant for Kia-ying-chow. We now see that the [...]
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