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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer13.01.1756/14.01.1756/15.01.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 13. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Accuunt of all the Natural [...]
[...] A N Hiſtorical Account of all RELIGIONs, . from the Creation of the world to the preſent Time. By THOMAS BRÖUGHTON , A.M. [...]
[...] 3. tremendous Calamity. Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, near Temple-Bur; and fºld by all other Bookſellers, in Town and Country. - [...]
[...] The General Deſign of this Performance is to ſhew that all the Evangeliſts have related the Particulars contain’d in their Goſpels in [...]
[...] and ſºld by all Rookſellers in Town and Country. This Day was publiſh 'd, N°. II. Price 2d. of [...]
[...] - |Male: - 149 ( Males – 214. Chriſtened 3 Females— 42 Buried jº- 2 37 Q all — 29 In all — 25 i [...]
[...] nerals, Foſſils, or Fluids, together with the Kingdoms, Provinces, ©ities, Towns, and other remarkable Places thoughout the World. The Whole extraºrd from the beſt Authors in all Languages. By a SOCIETY of GENT LEM E N. Printed for W. Owen, in Fleet-Street; and ſold by all other Book [...]
[...] - COMMERCE, compiled from the Information of the moſt eminent Merchants, and from the Works of the beſt Writers on Commercial Subſcºts, in all Languages. Containing, among other Things, I. An Account of all the Na- Coins, Weights, and Mea [...]
[...] and all BookſellerijaA. [...]
[...] for ſhewing the Value of all Sorts of Nails, [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer20.09.1755/21.09.1755/22.09.1755/23.09.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] owdcr, and Shot, had bren ſent him from Baſtia. V hat M. de Paole had cauſed a general Pardon to be þrbclaimed in all the Parilhes, to all.ſu;h as had taken 11 p Arms againſt him, excepting, ncvcrthdeſs, fourteen 'Perſons,-aniongſt whom are Matra, Santucci and Son, [...]
[...] filled upon; and that; all neceſſity Preparations' were [...]
[...] bliſh'd between ſithe two Courts is out of all Doubt. 1 [...]
[...] , in raiſinitheir Com nies, which are all tobe ComPlete [...]
[...] _ Wales, Briſtol, and the whole Graſs-Read : 'As well a? - between Livcrpool, ManoiiellC1*,_Wiggan, Preſton, Leo-7v , caſter, Kendal, and all Partsoſ Weſtmorland and Cum-, berlund : And between Liverpool, and all Parts of Yorkſhire,Dux-ham, Netthumberhmd, Scorland, Derby-t [...]
[...] NB. All ſiF-'r'im- in; any her-nous on me ſaid job Rqſiy, de a zly Luna; ſai- lzlace. - . . [...]
[...] Ybat all Rank: of Pariſh may be eaſily occommadated -, will: a SPEClMEN of l [...]
[...] Printed for T. Gatdner, in the Strand, and ſold by all Bookſellers. [...]
[...] Phoebus dill'uſes new Delight, So the mild Bcamings of his Eye Parental, all our Wantsxſppply. [...]
[...] Hud-aeher,Vapaori, and other lndiſpoſir-on') no Bit'er', rr my other Medicine' upon Earth un compare 'ith them. inſomuch, that b'ſidea infallibly curing the Scurvy in all it' Shipe' 'nd Ap parence', they alſo Iſſutedly and immediately cure the Crern Sickneſ' in Vir gin', Worm' of all Kind' in Yo-ing and Old, and almtſl all other [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer09.12.1755/10.12.1755/11.12.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 09. Dezember 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] all imaginable Relief to their diſtreſs'd Subjects. - Thisſſ [...]
[...] be God) We are all alive, nltho' entire Deſtruſhon hath [...]
[...] HE Darly anpamon, With Chriſtian Surpott' under th' Trouble' of this World, to conflict 'nd Suzcour all thoſe who in this tranſitory Life are in Trouble, Sorrow, Need, Srtltneſi, or my other Advcrfiry .- Unto which are added, Prayers and Mtaruuons ſuitable for all Pcrſorn afliled i' [...]
[...] Bran:h;< of their Dutp (mrtritſſcd to anſwer all the Purpoſe: of thiſ: Office-re, and of all othars who have any Concern in County', Pariſh, or Ward lluſintſs. [...]
[...] ' All true Britiſh and Irifh Proteſtan's are deſired, as ſoon a' they hear the Sound of this Anti-Pope lnſtrument, immediately to relin- ' [...]
[...] Malcs - '63 " Male: _ zqz Chriſicncd Fermlcs-'n ' Buricd Females- 24; In all > zrol In all - so) [...]
[...] all Moſſnies received, paid, lent, or expended; where, oſ, and to ' whom, every Day of theWeck throughout the Year; with a blank Space oppof'tc t'ch Day- for all Appoinrments or Engagements, [...]
[...] 'lo [du/m' of ntber S FX, Afflictd will' any Sprciu of 'be PA LIY, or all?" Nllvoua D'cars. [...]
[...] Spirits, warm', conirorts, firengtlrtns, and re iltniſhee th. Brain and whole Nervou- Syſterp -, hence the ginous, Ten done. Lianments, 'nd all the enleeblrd Parts If: in\ "Jqorated, the Limb: rcſlOred to their priſtine Sttadmeſe and Strength, and th: Palſy and all Paralytick Diſordr-rs and Nell'cſw Lc. [...]
[...] N-r-rdrz Mr. 'in-ſon 't Mark: Wi'btoa, YorM-ir'; lit. Munby, Bookbller, It Hull. U', I 'a e're' all the 'orient [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer18.09.1755/19.09.1755/20.09.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Andrew Primc, lately deceas'd. r , , \, The All-'air of Mac Donald, the Thieſtakcr, And his Gang, is put off till the firſt Day of'ne-xtTer-mrwhcn they will all ſhur be carried to the King's-Bench-Bar at: [...]
[...] - " take any Reſolution but what is' dictated by the In ; 4' ter-eſt of all its Subjects." [...]
[...] ſill- of 1500 from New Hampſhire, 400 from Rhode Ifland, tooo from Conneclicut, and 8-30 from this _Place, in all 4 zoo, beſides, Too Indian' already came in, and when they ſee we are in earneſt, it is not doubted but they will all come in. The General tells them no [...]
[...] --'7Neccſſary_ for all FAMlLlEs. ' Fbis Dajw'er'r published, Pricr neatly bound tl. 'The jTH 'no EanloN, [...]
[...] A 'Prayer-5 to: all Sunda s in the Year. [...]
[...] nerals, Foſſrls, or Fluids; together with the Kingdoms, Provinces, Cities, Towns, and other remarkable Place: throughout the World. The Whole extracted from the bell Authors in all Languages. . a. SOClETY of GENTLEMEN. -, Printed Sir W. _Owen, in ſleet-Street, and ſold by all other Book [...]
[...] '* Here'r it enough 'o [luck the Nnion." ' Printed ſo: C. Henderlon, under the_Rq*al-Exglunge; andſcld by' all other Bccktellcrr in Town and Country. ſi _ _ [...]
[...] " By the vKING'S PATZNT. The Cartbartic And-Venereal Electuary; WHEREBY all Degrees and Symptom' [...]
[...] to relate. ' ' _ .' _ But the taking one Bottle of it only demonſtrate' its ro digimxs Efflcaa/ m every one, and the Patients ſoon fin all Numbnel's, Deadncſs, and shaking, or Reſolntiorr of the Nerve', a' well a' all convulſlvcvcramplike, or_ painml Con [...]
[...] Stinks, warms, comforts, ſtrengthen', and rc 'leniſhea the Bra2n and whole Nervou' Syſttm, hence the inewe, 'ren dona. Ligaments, and all the enlist-bled Parts are lnvigor'ted the Limbs reſtored to their prifline ittadincſs and Strength, and the Palſy and all Pullylick Diſordcrs and NnvonS_ Of' [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer29.11.1755/30.11.1755/01.12.1755/02.12.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. November 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] with as much ready Money as they can carry, to the Court of Po , to relieve them, in rheſe firſt Mo z-mcnts of their dreſs; and order'd all the Cuſtom Houſeſis on the Frontiers of S pain, to permit the Extrac Ption of all Sor'ts of Neccſſhies, free of all Duties ; an_d [...]
[...] Bavsstts, Nov. as. Our Advices from all Parts loſ certing Meaſur'cs ' ' * the Frontiers continue to inform us, that CVL.J' Thing r all-Lollizs and Damzi e'. remains very quiet in the French Gan-iſons, except a 7 _ _ [...]
[...] the leaſt Wind) all mond the City 3 wc expected every Moment to be drowned 3 all ran into the Streets, ſouk [...]
[...] 'ſaw the--Se1;ſwcllu an amazing Heighth, and enter the City; if this diſmal Scent; had happened. in-the'r Night, all the Peo le of the Vina would have bee'n drowned', As alſo t e Guard on the Mole, and all-the People ofvthe ſmall (It-aft. . All Plates from hence t'o'j [...]
[...] all the City'."_ * .- _ - , , , _ __ _ Extract nfa ngr date-fine 7' LErboy-J'Nm. 43. rped from tho moſt ter-s [...]
[...] O I 4 all which. together with thePalaco, Coll-Irn: * Hohſi, Bair'o Alto', and all'Buildingsaloilg theWatg' ' Side, are laid in Ruþink, _abot'it three Fodrths of tile. . [...]
[...] - Maken. He likewiſe has at all Times the greateſt Choice ofal'l [...]
[...] *1 be 0'sz ſhort and infallible Cure For 'La 'riyniug Dſ/ſimj' lb' SCURVY, all all Sawen 'irl &man. th' arrived 'a lb' biglvſt and wſ' inw 'rra'r D'gr'r, o' aſ ran' ſo 'any ſtar; ſtanding, and [...]
[...] 'Intly alter the Morbid 'ira-e aſ the juieoa, puri'y the Blood. ſ'eet'o all the Fln'd', cleanſe them from lmpuritie', and dinflly .cloar the Habit from all Spu", Blotd'e', black and blue Mark', [...]
[...] 'hod-aeha',V'pnura, and other intimates) nelme'. v- 'but m Medicine' np'n Earth can compare ruth them, inſomuch, l a' laid" inlal'ibly curing the Surry 'ua all it' Shope' aod Applying. they alſ-1 aſſuredly and immediately tore the Green Slekuſ'in g: in', Worm' of all Kind' in Yo mg and Old, and aloud! all at t [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer20.03.1755/21.03.1755/22.03.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] WAISAW, March 4. They write from Lowictz, where the Primate of the Kingd.>m has a magnificent Palace, that the Pariſh Church there was robbed of all [...]
[...] This is to give N'OTIC'E, To all GENTLEMFNQBREBDLES, andOthtrJ, Tfl-IAT the famous Stallion NVnr-rruosr, [...]
[...] He ie allow'd by all judge' that ' [...]
[...] o' len Hounde I' any i' England, within 'our Miletof Steanford, three oſ Upprngbun, and Ihrcc of Othbar', all good Merltet To'm. [...]
[...] In O'iginal to th' Conſut'rruatioo oſ all Thing-i Wherein With a [...]
[...] and 1754. By ADAM FlTZ-ADAM'. Printed for R- and Dodfley, in Pnll--Mall. where may be had, all the Number' for the preſent Year. [...]
[...] AN Anſwer to all the Excuſe: and Pretencer [...]
[...] Printed ſo' w. O'en, at TemplÞBar; and R- Gordby', ( Price Four Shillings ſew'd ) speeches oſ all thoſe who ſuffered on Account of the HOUSE oſ by that Houle and their Adherrnia, 'rid the Fare of the lnſirnmentt Church in the Strand ; and by all ilookſeller'i [...]
[...] H'op ng-C , an' violent dulled, and 'be Dry Cripua in on We] lodiea, 'omatitk end Sei'Je Pain' in the Limb', Afar Pun' to Wondn, and all internal Bruiſaa, at On' 'billing and ate mc' a bide. COI", 'be'n-per' I'y have good Alle'n'oa to a again. [...]
[...] WHEREBY all Degree' and Symptoms [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer13.05.1755/14.05.1755/15.05.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 13. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] paſs'd at once from'Winter to Summer. According to all Appearance we ſhall have a plentiful Haryefh LEGHORN, April 21. The Coaſt of Tulcany is m feſied with ſo many Algerine Pirates, that all Ships that [...]
[...] .'.sond Garden and all convenient Ora-Office', fit ſor a private - [...]
[...] To all Gentlemen, Bid/ders, and Olben, ALEXAND ER EMERTO N, > And COMPANY, [...]
[...] A' 'be Bel', 'nar St. Clemnrr': Cbarcb in 'be Strand, ſtanden, SELLS all Sorts of Colours ready pre [...]
[...] Printed. ſor T. Gardner, at Cowley'a Head, near St. Clenaent'r Church in the Srrsnd, and ſold by all Bookſellere. ' Where may be had, A' Octavo Edition of the above Work. Price roa [...]
[...] Malcs - 189 Males -- an; Cliriflened I Females - 177 Buried leemales -- 13; In all - 366 In all _- Men [...]
[...] of London. ' ' * This thleſi-flick ia-n Perfon'oſ ſ-eh eaten-'e Charit', and ſo great an Enemy to all Kind' of fuperflitiout Bigotry, that he il hent-ly willing to cat-firm the good l'e ple oſ all Denominaritrn in (Ire-r Britazn and lrrllnd, who will no him the Pluſure to wait of [...]
[...] - MAT'ſ. arv. 30. 'Printed fer W Owcn. It Homer'r Hend, 'tent Temple-Ear; and fold by all other Bookſellert in Too-o 'nd Coun ry. [...]
[...] In a Near PCCKET VOLUME, l (lntended a' a complete Guide on Fore-[nen 'n'x all other', 'he corn' [...]
[...] tainin; frſty Number' Printed for 1. Hznton, at the King'þArm' in Ncwgate-fltcet, and ſcld by th: Printert and Boukſeller' of all the Citie' and noted Town: cf Great-Britain and lrela'rdt [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer27.01.1756/28.01.1756/29.01.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] PAR is A-La-MAIN, Jan. 19. , All the Officers have receiv'd Orders to repair to their Regiments, and are [...]
[...] “His Majeſty therefore thinks he muſt addreſs him ſelf dire&ly to his B itannic Majeſty, and demand of him the ſpeedy and full Reſtitution of all the French Ships, both Men of War and Merchantmen, which, againſt the Laws, and againſt all Decorum' and De [...]
[...] for the Satistaštion he has a Right to claim ; and all [...]
[...] may concern, that we the ſeveral Maſters of the Ships or veſſels at Cuſtomhouſe Key, Ralph's Key, Smart's Key, and Hay's Wharf, that carry Goods from the above: Places té Hull and all Places contiguouſ; to the ºver Humber, häth unanimouſly agreed to advance the Freights of all Goods one half more, on Account of the [...]
[...] Towns, ~~. *- "-- A Ficchold Eſtate, conſiſting of a Meſſuage, ... with all proper Conveniencies, a Malt-Kiln, and 30 Acres or thereabouts of encloſed Arable, Meadow, and Paſture Ground, tying all together, and now lett at 125l. a Year and upwards. [...]
[...] Man, and is greatly lamented by all his Acquaintance. , [...]
[...] Males - 160 Males — 202 Chriſtened }ºr 146 Buried }; - 191 In all - 3 c6 . In all — 393 [...]
[...] Tois Day was publy-ca, . . . . . Mechanical Account and Explication of the HYSTERIC PASSION, under all its various Symptoms and Appearances. And likewiſe cf all-fach other Liſeales as are [...]
[...] peauliarly incident to the Fair Sex. Comprehending a general Ac count and Explication of all other nervous Liſeaſes, as well thoſe , which are incident to the Male Sex, as tº the Female. With the , beſt and moſt efficecious Methods of triang them, under all their." [...]
[...] nerals, Foſſils, or Fluids; together with the Kingdoms, Provinces, Cities, Towns, and other remarkable Places throughout the World: The Whºle extrasted from the beſt Authors in all Langaages. . . . . —by a SQCIETY of GENT LEMEN. Printed fºr W. Owen, in Fleet-Street; and ſold by all otherBook [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer07.10.1755/08.10.1755/09.10.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 07. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] in a Series'of Diſcourſes on all the Eſſential Parts cf Natural and'RcvezledRcllgmn. Compiled from the Wotksof 'he following Immcnt Lrvtnes of the Church ofſil-lnghml, vil. [...]
[...] ſſ By the Aorirons of The FEMALE SPECTATOR. Printed for T. Gardner, in the Smnd, and fold by all Bookſellerk. [...]
[...] ' 'mployod by them. Printed for T. Gardner, at Co'ley'I.Hvad, near St. Clement't Church in theSttaad 5 'nd by all Bookſellet'. Vhe.e ma' be had, [...]
[...] Males -.- 14' Males- 19' Chriſtened zFemales- r ȝo Euticd &maw-'36 In all - 261 In all- 394 [...]
[...] recommended to all; applied, more particularly, and accom Iollntcd to the ſeveral Conditions and Circumſlancea of the Gni TLpMAN, th': Scuqnan, the SoLmnn, the Taaneaaaaa, the [...]
[...] By the K IN G 's PATBNT. 73: thbartic And-Vertueſ liſtſ/nary, HEREBY all D:gnes and Symptoms [...]
[...] Art-'hym eai Liquor ſo' the Itch, and 'or all runnen" Eruption-.i [...]
[...] For 'bar nigai'rg D/'ſmjt 'In SCURVY, and all Scorbu [...]
[...] th' 'hol' Inch-ac, nd a ſoon 'a him, make the Patient 'ln ſlMl' light'ozna. brink. "riour t' Admifition. and are good For all Jon- uſ Parſon' to 'nt-o', I' 'all an' procure, a ſound an' niſi-m Sin" al Bury. ' 'or 'he 'teat Reparation theſe ſo-mu- h ſ'med- 'm' "li'ſt Fluid' [...]
[...] Concerning (Hem andS; mind] lſ/talnffa eſall flain-A. ALL i-idicioua Phyſicians and Surgeons [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer16.12.1755/17.12.1755/18.12.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 16. Dezember 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] and the Priſoners go: theirLberty; even the Galley Slaves eſcap'd., It appear'd frr 'ſome Da s like'a Place-v ' without either King or Law: ; all fle to the Fields with the'Cloaths they had on them, abandoning their Effects to the Mercy'oflthe Earthquakeand Fire." All [...]
[...] zilla _in Barbary the Water roſe nine Feet, and a Settce of the'FTOum 'foundereda At -Malaga-the 'T'0ps of ſome highBuildings fell: But, by all Accounts it has done great Miſchie-fat Cadiz ; their great Cauſcway is torn up. The Ships in our" Bay, and all about' usſi, [...]
[...] The other two unnatural-Villains 'had 'carnal Knew ledge of heraſter ſhe was dead. . Th, T'are all four taken and committed to the County Gan 33 [...]
[...] Meſſn- loſcph Wcflton and William How-11, o" Crnen Buildings, in the Pariſh of St. Clement ſhoes, in the Count, or Middlcſex, T'ylors, it diſſolvcd, all Perſon' are deſir'd to take Notice oſ the ſame accotJiugly. And all Potions indebted to the ſaid Copartnerſhip are deſired to pay their uſpellire Debts w the [...]
[...] _ -B E 1 *N G > "' ' N AINSWER to all the EXCU*ES and PRETBKCES 'which Men ordinarly ilke for their net comb' to the HOLY COMIUNlF-N. . [...]
[...] Parts in Twenty ofth'e Lands of the Kingdom in their Poſſeſſion, do yet, by all the arqful and finiſtcr Me thods 'poſſible,-extort, fqueze, and force all the Money they can from the poor deluded Laity; nor can we [...]
[...] Male: -- 158 Male: - 240 Cliriſtcned ZFemales-'GA Buriod aromalos- 2; 7 7 In all 32: In all - 497 Dccmaſed in the Burifls this Week 3. The Affize of Bread, ſet forth by Order of the Court of [...]
[...] Curves in all Manner of' Arches, Cor-es, &e. the Burments, Sum mcrings, Paralle'lyfi'c, . , \ ' [...]
[...] Gentlemen of Cambridge. t " Adorn'd . " With all that Earth 'r Heav'n could þeflo' " To make her amiable: On ſi' came. " _Grare 'an in all her Step', Hezv'n in her Eye. [...]
[...] and PARHH and Wnnn Ontcnr, or, A Treatiſe ſhew ing the preſent Power 'nd Autho'iey of theſe Offirersjn all the Br-'DChcsoſ their Duty. Coutrived to anſwer all the PanOſes of theſe Offieers, and of' all others who have my Concern in Coumy, [...]