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The free thinker or essays of wit and humour01.12.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Seafon is indulgent to your Wiſhes. “ W H I L E ſhe fpoke, the whole Creation feem ed to rejoice: My Heart was fired into Rapture ; and I gazed on her with Satisfaćtion. The other, obſerving my manifeſt Diflike of her, caft on me [...]
[...] “ longing Eyes, to chide my Delays. “ AB A N DoN E D to my preſent Bliſs, I attempt ed the moft endearing Careffes; when, in stantly I heard a violent Noife, as if the Elements were all at variance. The Sky was darkened ; [...]
[...] ed us, had reduced us not only to defpife each [...]
[...] “ As ſhe ſpoke, my Fears vaniſhed, my Diſor der ceafed, and I felt my whole Anxiety reliev ed. I viewed my lovely Bride with pleaſure, whoſe Beauty now feemed to recieve a freſh Lu ftre; and her Eyes glanced with equal Compla [...]
[...] ftre; and her Eyes glanced with equal Compla cency on me: When the Divine Form continu- : ed, thus, her Speech. “ I come not to difunite, but to cement, your Loves; and make them laſting. Improve your Courtſhip into Wedlock. [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour(02.02.1718) 02.02.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. Februar 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] of it, and their reſpećtive Advantages and Difadvan tages; the Maxims of found Politicks, acknowledg ed, and fucceſsfully praćtifed, by the Wife Men of former Ages; the Conſtitution of his own Coun try, and the prevailing Temper of the People: [...]
[...] Kingdoms and Common-Wealths, have been brought into Confufion, and at laft totally fubvert ed. He there finds by what Methods, ambitious and wicked Men have (in his own and other Na tions) been able to difturb and embroil the Peace of [...]
[...] AND, if we fearch into the Records of Antiqui ty; we ſhall find, moſt of the Perfons diftinguiſh ed there, in the aćtive Scenes of Life, as eminent for their Skill in Learning, as in Politicks; and, in a great meaſure, indebted to their Proficiency in the [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour14.09.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. September 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] as a Propoſition, that is entirely Falfe. To illuftrate this Precaution to my more learn ed Readers: Weight is a known Property of Bodies; and every Man has obferved, that a Stone (or Ball of Lead) forced up into the Air, falls down again [...]
[...] tion. Upon this daily Experience of Mankind, did the Epicureans reafon fupinely ; taking it for grant ed, that the Atoms, of which Materials (accord ing to them) the World is compoſed, continued to deſcend, for ever, in the fame direċt Line ; never [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour03.08.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 03. August 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “ know an honeft Gentlemen, who has lived upon “ Promifes, till he is Grey ; and is grown wither “ ed in the fruitlefs, affiduous Search of a publick “ Employment. He is a Man of very mode “ rate Parts ; of a Mercantile Education ; but, dili-. [...]
[...] and a Severity in his Countenance, which the Vulgar miftake for Wiſdom ; he lives, deceiv ed into the fame Opinion by their Applaufes ; carefully avoiding fuch Company, as might a waken him out of this Dream of his Abilities. [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour24.11.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. November 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ceit thereof. I have, in the fame Paper, confider ed the Enthufiafi, poffeſt with this Perfuafion, un der two Difpofitions: Firſt, as a Man, who ma be driven by his Phrenzy, to difturb the World; [...]
[...] the pretended Revelation, to be a moſt certain Truth ; yet, that is no Proof of its being reveal ed to us from Heaven : It only makes the Decep tion of lefs dangerous Confequence. If we em brace, even, a Truth, fo as to receive it for a par [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour15.05.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 15. Mai 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Ruintius Cincinnatus ; who was found labouring in his Grounds, by the Perfons who were diſpatch ed to notify to him, that he was appointed Dista tor. I want not for Infiances to my Purpofe in Curius Dentatus, in Fabricius, Aſtilius Serranus, [...]
[...] Life they cultivated, or might be proud of figni fying to Poſterity, by what Induſtry they happen ed to thrive in the World ; would not be thought to arrogate, by appropriating to themfelves the genteel Names of Hazard, Picket, Ombre, Baffet, [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour05.06.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 05. Juni 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Parties engaged in the prefent Warfare : Neither would he have thought, thefe Commotions demand ed his Notice ; were the Hoftilities carried on, without a very notorious Violation of the univer fal Laws of Humanity, and good Manners. The [...]
[...] Dignity of Arts and Sciences may not fuffer, through the Peeviſhnefs of the Profeſſours, who are entruft ed with the Care of them. , SoM e Gentlemen of the Faculty may, perhaps, not read this Paper with that Candour, with [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour(06.03.1718) 06.03.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. März 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] to do. And, when this happens in Matters, where by the Party, who firſt performs, is really weaken ed, while the other is ftrengthened ; and this, only upon the Hopes of fome future Advantages, which are to accrue; the firſt Performer is (in all proba [...]
[...] rels arife with one neighbouring State, and Alliances with another: The fingle Queſtion to be confider ed (in relation to what they may reafonably appre hend from each other) is, whether, the Covenanters do equally ftand in fear of, and want equally the [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour(09.02.1718) 09.02.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. Februar 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “ per had been often abuſed to countenance every “ Novelty, that even unthinking Men have broach ** ed to the World. “ THE Iffue of all my Apprehenfions is, that “ my Prejudices have only ferved to render me [...]
[...] it, now, amongſt none of my ſmalleft Debts to that noble Lord, that I was firſt made acquaint ed with you, by his Introdućtion. You, Sir, have redeemed an honeft Expreſſion, prostituted to wrong Purpofes; you have refcued it out of [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour10.04.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 10. April 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Son. Accordingly, he found the Prince, a Capr tive in a barbarous Nation ; where he was employ ed to tend Sheep. Florio went inviſible to the : litary Valley, where he tended the Flocks ; and throwing his own invifible Cloak over him, he de [...]
[...] the Enchantment, and deliver him. He pronoun ced the Words with a fenſible Pleaſure; he deliver ed his Father, whơin he had long wiſhed to fet Free, with the utmoft Impatience : Moreover, he gave him wherewithal to paſs his Old Age com [...]