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The general evening post24.07.1760/25.07.1760/26.07.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] deferti a d'un tres graná n mbe! Les mestiers Francois me defent frequentrent que tous lès homites ne fon pas ft mblables, & que c'eſt tres dur que es innocens patst ni pour les coupaties ; j'y confens, & los qu’ils m’apper drent a dittinguer d’entre titi ho neste hemtve & un iache, [...]
[...] pour les coupaties ; j'y confens, & los qu’ils m’apper drent a dittinguer d’entre titi ho neste hemtve & un iache, je, fera; encore leer any : ce n’est pas ni leur belles pa roles, ti leurs lettres, qui m’y ine:trant au fait; je kur en doone des preuves en kur envoyant, avec la preſente, [...]
[...] 29:e au mene mois d'Octobre. De Beauxbat.” · - Pa chiffer, le 3 i me Ostere 727. ‘ “ R 1 E N n’est capable d'egaller les obligation qe man tier & moy vous avons, de notis avoir tire de ti I rifen : f yez aſſure d’une sternelie econnoistance, & que [...]
[...] votis : e feres jamais obłe de notre me incite, car nous tous devans la vie Soyez auſſi : fure, que ce n’eſ? pºint un B, ſon que vous ſa le, & que c’eſt, cei con: airc, d’ioanetes g-ºs, & que tous ne foinnes pas capable de xanguer a notie [...]
[...] by as bild n art mpt as ºver was ; s. fºrmed by maa, pu ing himſelf at the head of a fu aij , tv of b : ſe, anſ, by a in fi vigorous est r1, giving the in ºn " tune to col lect thetrofetº es tege'te, add ta ke a re it. 'l he | is fftained by each ſa iy is variouſly repo: ; bu, by a [...]
[...] .. p.v.stan, o this County to ſettle h- : of a Day's aardeg "º "º utua. Price of Lab ut in id:cºry in the biº . and to gºve Notice the est to tla : vy:: (o! : a Mir fad. Diviſiº: And it is iu: b: :::: ** At the Justicts of the Peace of the ſevera Di tiºns i:n t' IS [...]
[...] Teð: *: :he::"ours of Twelve and Two. starte to : Ħo:fr. foi thºte *lates to pay one Guinea ":"est must „ :"*" ºf the Courſe; and any incrfe entring at : - Cernic:: - }; Four Guineas, - : -, Hill ::::::: of each Horſe, Mare, er Gelding, that [...]
The general evening post06.11.1756/07.11.1756/08.11.1756/09.11.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. November 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] the Honourable Charles Yorke, Est; to be his Majesty's - - - [...]
[...] „ „Il proper Meaſure” för vindicati: the Hour of this Naſiº": And by a confiant Attendance, ana est faithful Di/charge ºf ”9 Ďsty in Suppºrting and Pro móting the Intereſi, Jy?lfare, and Commerce ºf thiº feurist ing City; I /ball endeavour to affrº°° myſelf worthy ºf the [...]
[...] |r:, er en any Ger4/:: prefer my º" private Inter/* ** - - - este generał wayar. 47: ºf my Country. I am, i #:, ":::"v::: and #:: Profeſºr ºf entlemcī7, - |- Cam | |- - pringed for w-Thu::::::: and ſ: woodyer, in Cambri [...]
[...] with it. ' |- - | Fr: {h Infestiºn", cº” ed Cla: ", rith all th ir rttendunt ffiti ſ roms, tho' et er i ſe zrc, ac entre y strici est r, i , 4 er Jay:, and fo aº estectually to y revea: the Booi en i juic« s trem b ng t zinte: *i*n ary 1 eral ing Re-ach s or one hand, or a [...]
[...] rest'tire: -onpleinent ;, but may be taken, and the curs beic. “: *ithºut the Know cºtge of the nearert i riend. 3 bole who tut; est they have received an injury u:ay by on! Aux41» -------- ^ - - * y * P:#; 2: two wi ft be gerieſtly treed from án ár réhiſtion: [...]
The general evening post19.06.1760/20.06.1760/21.06.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 19. Juni 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] - rr ..., ; f i hº n : be oblig d'? inte meddle " ' ^ est, :: : : teaties wete tº º: applied tº the ::::::: 2 % : tien w uld be: „ho" ought to bº aerºs: { : be, [...]
[...] f kees, in / exting defirous of - | try to get things patſ > . a peace, 1s to their har est f : pati d over till the fall, when after !urv arvet eºſ in they may fall upon us with - ury ; but their ſchemės, as be h redoubled [...]
[...] Poſt-Chaft, to be fold. - | For fint er tºrticulars inquite of Mr. Davvs, at Longhºorough in Lee Re dire ; of M . Hutch efo', Su est "for " 1 e ceſter ; or of M est. Fawke, and Richardſon, in Furniva's Inn, 1.ordon. [...]
[...] - - -1* - fponte est nocenº' a Hata a lovens, quinº"9" non iPo senec. Traged. [...]
[...] * , - y-Lane ; whe J ::::::: at the Sun, betweenthe féin: ởa: : by W. S "est; and alſo by J. WAR D, at the King, y vv. S A N ons Y, [...]
The general evening post25.12.1760/26.12.1760/27.12.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] : Ther: was est łong ago taken out o weit Capela on the coaſt of Zealand, a ftone, weighing near i 5o pounds, entiº [...]
[...] - robbed of hi; watch and four guineas, ty a fingle highwas | 'inade est und stovered. 81° nghwayman, who - Laft Thurſday Mr. Supina, going from London to „Stanmore, was, tºpped in his post-chaife near Ei:,: [...]
[...] - - - * - * - * TREATISE on CANINE MADNESS. By R. JAM E S, M. D. « Solet autem ex eo vulnere, ubi parum occurſum eſt aquæ timor naci, adap bezian Græci appellant : Micrrimum genus Morbi : in quo finiui æger et fiti et aquæ metu cruciatur; quº ºp [...]
[...] naci, adap bezian Græci appellant : Micrrimum genus Morbi : in quo finiui æger et fiti et aquæ metu cruciatur; quº ºp preſtis in angºtt? fpes est.” CELSUS, L. 5, 6, 57. * Printed for J. Newbery, at the stihle and Sun, in St. F'au's Church-Yard. [...]
[...] A new Edition, b ing the Fifth, with confiderble Additiºns, and adorned with the Head of Ben Johnſon, fintli eestaveé, EN JOHNSON's J EST S; or, The W IT's PO KET COMPANION. * Being a new Collection of the most [...]
[...] N:-) :::a"st: the difestes of th:: Medecine to all cther styptics.“ Every %:: :::: it | agglutinating Quality of f *est?!?" : ºn: that Eaton’s styptic owes ita fost» milº: ::::: ::::::::::::::ia, anaff, that the ":::::: [...]
The general evening post05.08.1760/06.08.1760/07.08.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 05. August 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] three Portmanteaus, filled with Wenrinz-Appar were brought to the Manchester Carrier’s :::::::::: Yorkſhire, di ested for Ralph Simpſon, but by fome Papers it aprears they belong to one Thompſon, a servant to Maurico Cop pinger, Eſq; of the City of Dablin: Whoever can make a Proper [...]
[...] The "Choice and Cultur Whear, Barley and Oats, . the Se est to the Barn." - ‘i he mott profitable : raińrg Torneps, with a * [...]
[...] wias", est: ":"", , : - s p c o N 1', |- -* * , A , CA [...]
[...] : : ; :: writers of biºgraphia Britannica) ;a : ::: : rund o sta ng; as aliº a es est, bu tity, ard candor; ana rives, at tve" en of what industry and a éiligent Applicatº" - [...]
[...] · : : : from the Paron de spau, and from a i s. Eladon, in Paterno k cí ::::::: Society, &c. at Londen ; with Thous'its "" | urite both : the Face, by Mademci este C O G H O for D, : Court ano t = Theatre oí Perio. ne, without remple-Bar ; and A. 4." [...]
The general evening post11.09.1760/12.09.1760/13.09.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] 1. C est St. : fa || || Kģ fovereign, fay, that their own e: of this cruelty, than to figoify to the Gover- wound is thought mortal. The aggreffor immediately ::: :::::::: - W fituation is fuch an one as never | : that it is ſtill in his power, till the évening, ta con- made her eſcape. C2 v.) | : If F::::::: - was feen betore: The people { ::::: capitulatien, bis Excellency choofing Yesterday Batten, Stevens, Barrett, and Payne, four [...]
[...] jt, vir: , ..., Pains, an! : este, Nature's Gº“: Ka d'i, : :w, słº:.. [...]
[...] Mr. James Hervey, " his Theron and Apaño, Vol. II. P. 375. N U M B E R XLVI. Price Six-Pºrce, (containing Four sheets of ; et e p est, "ezanº'y printed on a fine - Paper, to be continued wec', y) of The Reverend Dr. C U Y SE’s [...]
[...] the overplus ſhall be d'ivorºd Gratis. Tagſ, who have not yet taken in th": work, ma, now have the F eſt volume compete, or begin with No. I. and go on weekly tiil tie v ho is corpieated. [...]
[...] gua; ded by a Janiifary, as it no fue est to the Prince of Ara na I [...]
The general evening post13.04.1758/14.04.1758/15.04.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. April 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Th h: un op & * Rev S arles M t; D of Ch (77. I The R . Samu oſs, D D. eſte 75 Th ev. Wi el site. . D Ts 57, bei e Rev. §§ 3. D. p. cº- etng [...]
[...] !, John : H. &. ... of romby lam in º IrC, H. *- – ; . . Col '..." Jere gº, o Willi s Clar amel . Li wavid Milli ouſe - – ; . . . * a mh to D land. k fo eſt inc ickſhi lin C - c h st Fra ah Hod aniel Holt, of Eaſt rd in ter, Mi olnſhi fl.". arpe – : o ſ º $ nces Addi getts Brou brook on i Cor illin ll'C, G * Bu nter O ce [...]
[...] G- N pril , Milli --- - o it. D I illine - 2O ESTE O N 4- linct —T- - 2O º . ; . tº: A tº I : : . . . in . e ~! nd tal - O r [...]
[...] - out Wine-Licences from the late Office, which expired af La ’-Day last, and continue to feil Wine, That unleſ; t#:; /e-est with renew the /ar'te, Pro/?cations ceill be cc:: mezcla againy törz: for /elling Wine without Licence : And ali Perfens who stand (cwnd or engaged for Arrears of Rents [...]
[...] (Price 4s. bound) The S E & O N i) V O L U M E of N EST MATE of the MANNERS W. and PR INC:PI.ES of the TIME$. - - - By the Art/ or ºf Eſſays on the Charaćteriſtics, &c. [...]
The general evening post20.07.1756/21.07.1756/22.07.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 20. Juli 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] muſt be allowed a very laudable Underkaising, au , fiicy deſerves the greateſt Encouragemer". Such an Invention having l : ',' }; cea est rol to the Publick, I have been at g«... P.-s o be if i med o the Quality ani Efects of it, and think the Troubis ! [...]
[...] | 1QUID BLUE, at 14 d. the Pint Bottle, f_u and 6 d. the finaller Tottle, which is the est Colour that ever v T invented to waſhing and Bleaching et i in ns. &c. and 'Y far cheap-r then the other sorts, is fuld at the Cattle in Wood [...]
[...] v T invented to waſhing and Bleaching et i in ns. &c. and 'Y far cheap-r then the other sorts, is fuld at the Cattle in Wood it est ; alſo at Mr. L. Higginſon’s Univer il Register-Office, op potite , iarton-Carden, Holborn ; by Mr. John i hiipfon, at the Civet cat in the strana, near claring- tos ; by Mr. 3: "P-r, bº [...]
[...] i prenounced to excite the AT HEN ANs againit PHILIP King cf :Èðòs rraf te into Engliſh ; digested º: con ested, ſo as to form a regular History of the Pres: of the ŘíÄCÈBON AN Þow R : With Notes , it rical and Critical By T H o M A S L E I. A N D, B. D. , [...]
[...] Inſpiciunt: ne A facies (ut/epe) decora Molli falta Pede eſt, Eøptorem inducat biantem Bsod pulchre Clunet, breve quod Caput, arasa Cervix. Hor. [...]
The general evening post26.08.1760/27.08.1760/28.08.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 26. August 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] rratro • o senti, - :::::::::: ::::::: ::::: cc ::taining a grant unto John * li i est: :: Eſq; of Westport in the county of Mayo, and [...]
[...] her fingers, which not coming off eaſily, they agreed to fut them off ; when luckily fome paflengers con ng by they made est. Three tren "eº apprehended en satu day mening a Bedminiter, ºº º ſuficion of committing this rebbery, but were af erwards releaf d, the latm*" Il Olt [...]
[...] and their Virtu s and Uſts examined an i 1 raved upon the '' º Principies. Instance, 1. sa: waters in general. 2. Salt ºpti·sº; 3. Sea Water. 4: Epfern water, s. C'est nuº: Water. And ở. The Chalybeate springs of Pouhan, Sauvenier, Groifbeeck, Geroutter, Watroz, Poubor-Spa, Pa, fart, Tonnelet, Couve, [...]
[...] and est: b' hed Repatation, which have been lºng fac «effully uſed by the Nobility and Genty, both t t this Kingdom and Ireland, ard for which his Y. rjesty has been pleaſed to ga nt tas [...]
[...] it is therefore inte ded tº pub fh it in Numbers, neatly printed in ínia i C stavo, er a fire : “Pº, , , , |- - I Four sí ests a leat will bº delivered every Week, ftitched in blue Paper, i rice " "; - i 11. ‘i he who'r wll be compriſed in sixteen Numbers. [...]
The general evening post01.05.1760/02.05.1760/03.05.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Mai 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] , M. Roger hath not yet been able to : and it : highly probable, that all the in: Newsin this negotiation will be w'out ested. | alia peron at Bern is charged with the like com: * :, :dhis ſucceſs hath hitherto been the fame with [...]
[...] Dr. Dodwell, Canon Rydentiary of Salistury. . S T E W A R D S. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bihop of Clogher, [ William Drake, Est; The Hon. and Rev. Mr. Archdeacon Harley, | Stephen Comyn, Eſqi Sir : Philipps, Bart. Thomas Wyld, Efqi [...]
[...] ufual; and give Nouce, That they will not be : Päft Money, Plate, Jewels, Rings or Writings fent : 33 ist, :’est, Giaf; and ( h na ir broke, unleſs: for the H: there is paid, mo e than for the Weish; º: Penny &c, and of every Twenty Shillings Value of Money, Plate, &c. [...]
[...] It fiorfe, e 39th Day of May, 176o, will be Run for, A Purfe eſt of Three Heats, Weight for Age, by any Horfe, ding, that never won 5o l. at any one Time (Matches ur Years old to carry 8 ft. Five Years od sit. 12 lb. [...]
[...] *: ºs allowed to have a Beoth nor to fell any Liquor : "" does not ſubſcribe and pay Half a Guinea :::* Purſes; and no est: ": plate any of the * does not ſubſcribe and Pay Five Shnilings towards "#re, &c. to ñand a any Houſe that does not [...]
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