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Suchbegriff: Rain

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The general evening post17.08.1758/18.08.1758/19.08.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 17. August 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] tended to have paſſed the Rhine there, which would have been attended with ſeveral advantages: but the prodigious flood in the river, occaſioned by the continual rains, had [...]
[...] º::. of intº that his Highneſs march . º towards the latter end of July. But the iº heavy rains, which had tallen in thoſe parts, had joke the roads, that hiº progreſs was greatly retarded, and, in the mean time, his Highneſs wasyºned of the [...]
[...] the Gums. as the The linółure for the Tooth-Ach, remo” h: and violent rain in a few Minutes, withº". " the Teeth, or affetting the Gums. *-* it ſºld The Rºad. is . to obſerve, that the firſt º: [...]
The general evening post01.05.1760/02.05.1760/03.05.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Mai 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Bridges. „ yếsterday Mary Knight, the young woman that was brought up at the Hoſpital of Henry Raine, Eſq; in Old Gra ĉi-lane, Ratcliff Highway, and who drew the Iool. pize for her portion on the 5th of November laft, was [...]
[...] at the Oraterio of Methah, pertoi med at the Foundling hoſpital. | Thurf'ay being the anniverfary of Mr. Raine’s Charity, who f unded an hoſpital for maintait ing fi'ty poor girls out of the pariſh of St. Geºrge, Mid letex, and the por [...]
[...] who drew the prize, on her wedding-day. The Truſtees dined at the faid hoſpital according to the inter Son of Mr. Raine, who left 5 l. for that purpoſe. Sir J of ph Hankey and meny other gentlemen were preſent, and the whole was co, ducted with the greateſi decorunn. [...]
The general evening post18.09.1759/19.09.1759/20.09.1759
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. September 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] (he Page“: ever encouraged to hop: tor a com lcat (.uie. “lIilClilt'l’ they Uiforder ia inzcinal or external, it s genera ly attended with the man awe-min; rains; and Il once they o.tr:n lay the FOUIldlflIon it» I Fllhh in Ano, (l have often round 141: Patient attended With ‘ moa.mubkfomg [ichirg about Ithverge of the Anus before a [...]
[...] September 1758, A Map of tbe Circles of the UpPQr and Lower Rhine, Swabia, Franconia, Burgundy, Lor rain, and the Countries adjacent. November 1758, A Map of the Elec‘torare of Hanover. February 1759, A Plan of (@ebec. [...]
[...] relnring to the BlackiFriars Bridge. The Life of lfaac Barrow, D. D, His Epitaph and Charafler. 'l’hilolophical Rdal'on wh'y ic never rains at Lima. I'A curious Dil'covery in Arithmetick. .CulculatiOn of the Eclipfis in i760. 'Opinions of the Andean concerning the primitiVe Language. 'No Language natural.to [...]
The general evening post22.04.1756/23.04.1756/24.04.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. April 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Dutton, each a Colt, for zoo Guineas, which was won by Mr. Panton. The heavy Rain Yeſterday cauſed fuch a Flood in lefs than an Hour’s Time, that the Noblemen could not get from the Coffee Room for two Hours, and at [...]
[...] Horſes, were loft : the Coachman, and the other Pair, were f. ved with much !) fficulty. The heavy Rains on Tueſday laſt raiſed the Waters in the Road at Edmonton in ſome Places eight or nine Feet high. A Bidge in Tuckey-Strect near [...]
[...] great Tract of Land ; but wonder they have taken nº Notice of the great Inundation of the River Lea, which was fo fweiled by the Rains, and the Addition of the Land-Waters, on Tueſday laft, as to caufe the Waters to rife to fuch an Height as the oidef: [...]
The general evening post10.06.1756/11.06.1756/12.06.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. Juni 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Rain Water, a weil lately funk, a Celler with new Bins, and : other Necetiaries ; befides which there are a Coach-Houfe, stabia, for fix Horſes, and a finali Bain; The Garden confisting of Hii [...]
[...] County of Worcester only, the faid Hunters to have been in the aćtual Po:iestion of fuch Freeholders at leaft fix Months before the Day of running, and that never have been in i’raining, or ever had a Sweit before the 1st of April 1aft. Five Years old to carry [...]
[...] IWorce/ler. June i o. On Friday laft fuch violent Showers of Hail (attended with Lightning, Thunder, and Rain) fell here and in this Neighbourhood, as were never before known, and whereby feveral Win dows were broke, and much Damage done to the [...]
The general evening post04.01.1759/05.01.1759/06.01.1759
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Januar 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] that by the violent rains they grcacdamage has been done on the houles, warehoufes, &c. and great [...]
[...] use no adrifc, that on the 5th and heavy rains which fell without' [...]
[...] granted him by an eXprel's and unconttoverttble treaty with'the power under whul'e commtlhon the captor'de rains him, both his {hip and cargo become lawful prize. For the rally, who, under any pfflcllas Whalcwr- “minim to protect, or cover the enemy, or the goods of\h_e enemy, [...]
The general evening post01.12.1761/02.12.1761/03.12.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Dezember 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] berland, was broke down and ſwept away by the rivulet there, which had been raiſed to a moſt amazing height by the laſe rains. The bridge acroſs the Tyne near [...]
[...] male, the dignity of a Baron of the ſaid kingdom, by the name, ſtile, and title of Baron Coleraine, of Cole raine, in the county of Londonderry, in the ſaid king dom of Ireland. ... -- The King has been pleaſed to order Letters Palent to [...]
[...] rendered the junétion of the Swedes abſolutely impoſſible. From the Imperial army near Dreſden, Nov. 11. The continual rains have ſo ſoftened the earth, that we are in dirt and mire up to the knees; but the ſeaſon is not more favourable for our enemies, and we have the ad. [...]
The general evening post22.12.1761/23.12.1761/24.12.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 22. Dezember 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] city above ten thouſand deſerters of different nations. They write from Rome, that by the exceſſive rains the river Tiber had overflowed its banks, and drowned a great number of people, and done other conſiderable [...]
[...] great number of people, and done other conſiderable damage. - The late heavy rains have overflowed all the marſh grounds about Enfield, Edmonton, Dagenham, and the itle of Dogs, by which many ſheep have been drowned, [...]
[...] school at Brewood, in the County of Sta: ºrd, by whoſe Death there becomes vacant an extraordinary good Houſe, capable of con raining very cominoriouſly upwards of Fifty Boarders, in a fine, pleaſant, healthful country, together with *Salary of Sixty Pounds per Annum . It is therefore hºped that in a Thing p ſo great Im [...]
The general evening post21.11.1761/22.11.1761/23.11.1761/24.11.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. November 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Governor Lyttelton on board, with 4o fail of ſhips under her convoy, put into Portland road. Letters from the North, mention, that the great rains they have had have been fellºwed by very d.cp ſhows, which reſidered travelling very danger, us. [...]
[...] s Bºi. - carriage, and 2* Miles frcm London, - jº pºwards of 120 Loads of Beech Timber, W it (f rowing in Chenies and Raines Wooods, in five Lots, ſome arl ºf Fº fine, long, cean, and largiſh Timber, and the reſt of {&#d º: sizes. To meet at Chenies. Place-Houſe preciſely at 11 [...]
[...] Governor Lyttelton on board, with 4o ſail of ſhips und: her convoy, put into Portland road. Letters from the North, mention, that the great rains they have had have been fellºwed by very dep ſudws which render q travelling very danger us. > [...]
[...] & carriage, and 22 Miles fic m Londºn, - 1: . Pwards of 120 Loads of Beech Timber, hiſ growing in Chenies and Raines wºoºds, in five Lots, ſºme gia whereof is fine, long, clean, and largiſh Timber, and the reſt of To meet at Chenes-Place-Houſe preciſely at 11 [...]
The general evening post06.06.1761/07.06.1761/08.06.1761/09.06.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. Juni 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] camped at Duſſeldorp, Burich, and Rees, are ſaid to be gone into quarters of cantonment, along the Rhine, as they ſuffered by the rains that have been lately very heavy. - Letters from Saxony ſay, that every thing was quiet [...]
[...] ** *** for ſeaſon was then near at hand, it was bº. fieved they coºd not reach them before the contrary wº *: rain ſet in. -aſt Saturday arrived in town Capt. Tryon of t Denham Eaſt-Indiaman, that was burnt by * º: [...]
[...] By a letter trom Belleifle, dated the 26th of May, there is advice, that our forces were in good heal h; that the rains had retarded their operations ; that a battery of 32 pounders was ready to play upon the citadel; and that the garriſon had made many ſignals [...]
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