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Suchbegriff: Rain

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The general evening post18.07.1761/19.07.1761/20.07.1761/21.07.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Juli 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Saxmundham, July 16. At two o'clock laſt Sunday morning we had a moſt terrible ſtorm of thunder and light-ning, attended with a heavy ſhower ºf rain. Two [...]
[...] at ſo great a diſtance. On the 10th we began to land our ſtores, and to prepare every thing for the carrying on the fiege with vigour. The rains being over by the 26th, I imagined the diſtreſſes of the enemy might be much augmented, and garriſon-duty, rendered very fatiguing, [...]
[...] north-weſt counterguard and curtain. On the 1ſt of January, we had a very violent ſtorm of wind and rain: It began at eight o'clock in the even ing, and laſted till between three and four the next [...]
The general evening post25.06.1761/26.06.1761/27.06.1761
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. Juni 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Letters from Erfurth of the 10th inſtant, import, that they had there on the 6th a prodigious great ſtorm, at tended with rain, thunder, and lightning, the latter of which penetrated into the laboratory in the fort of Peterſ burg, and ſet fire to ſome fireworks, filled granadoes, [...]
[...] Ninguin, jºine zo. The French army upon the Lower Rhine has been in full march ever ſince the 13th inſtant, tho’ the great rains that have fallen for this mºnth paſt have made the roads very bad. The Prince de scubiſe had his head-quarters the 15th at Bockum. [...]
[...] Paris, fºre 15. The Court has been in ormed that the citade of Béleiſle ſurrendered on the Zºh, and ob rained aſ the honours of war. The Engliſh have Pur [...]
The general evening post20.09.1759/21.09.1759/22.09.1759
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. September 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Rtfolvcd. ‘Tbat in tbe jé-wral Certificate: already granrra', (;,-,,.,;,;J) and in all fia’flll'l Certificate; to de granted, to 5,3,1, 1,5]!de tbe Guild/1.211 of this City, Notice be rain .51 15; [ml Perfim were inli/led upon Condition of being l;..};l,rgt.llfl Tim: Hart, or at ibe End if the prefint War, [...]
[...] September 1758, A Map oſ the Circle' oſ the Upper and Lower Rhine, SWabia, Franconia, Burgundy, Lor rain, and the Countries adjacent. November 1758, A Map of the Electorate of Hanover. Fcoruary 1759, A Plan oſ Atebec. _ [...]
[...] relating to the Black-Friars Bridge, The Life oſ lſaat: Bitrow, D. L'. His Epitaplt and character. 'Philoſ0phrcnl Reaſon why it never rain: at Lima. 'A curious Diſcovery in Arithmetick. 'Calculation tſ the Ecltpſvs in 1760. 'Opinions oſ the Ancient' concerning tue priztiitive language. 'No Lanpuage nattlral to [...]
The general evening post08.11.1755/09.11.1755/10.11.1755/11.11.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. November 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] undivided Fourth-Part of the Manor oſ Lower Kinſi-rain, with its Rights, Members, and Appurtenantes. And alſo of all that Catſital Mcfl'-dage call'd the Rodd ; conſiſiing [...]
[...] Pounds Steriirig. " Saturday was a moſl dreadful Day of Wind and Rain. many Boars were overſct '.i' the Hiibour, but happily the People were ſaved. " Great Preparations are making to celebrate this [...]
The general evening post08.07.1758/09.07.1758/10.07.1758/11.07.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Juli 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] The angry heavens ſeemed reſolved to wage war againſt us. In truth, they kept a dreadful racket o'er our heads; and ſo bedrenched our tents with ſpouts of rain, that our whole camp ſeemed to be doomed a ſacrifice to the [...]
[...] even thoſe whoſe habitations withſtood the ſtorm, were little to be envyed; for, by the incredible impetuoſity of the rain, they were almoſt drowned within their tents. We carried no officers tents on ſhore. -“ The 9th at ſeven in the morning, zoo pioneers, [...]
The general evening post29.01.1756/30.01.1756/31.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] tioner, was declared duly elected. - * We have accounts from feveral parts of the kingdom, that the late rains have fo much fwelled the rivers, that they have overflowed their bounds, and laid large tracts of land under water. [...]
[...] * We have hear the Inost dreadful ſeafon your idea can form ; nothing but lightning and thunder, hail and rain, and fuch terrible brins, that the very houſes crack and ſhake. Scarcely a week Pales that we do not hear [...]
The general evening post19.10.1756/20.10.1756/21.10.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 19. Oktober 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ſtances may require. . Maestricht, Ost. 5. We have had here a terrible Storm of Thunder, Lightening, and Rain ; foor, efter which the Maze overflowed its Banks, and lai: la greateſt Part of this City under Water. In : , Villege [...]
[...] of twelve Perſons were drowned in the Canals in feveral Parts of this City; an Accident occaſioned by the prodi gious Darkneſs, accompanied by Wind and Rain, during the Evening. Among the reft were two Men, in endea youring to fave the Life of a poor Woman who had fallen [...]
The general evening post17.10.1761/18.10.1761/19.10.1761/20.10.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Oktober 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] from thence ſhe went to Senegal to load guin. - The above ſhip ſail'd from Senegal the 7th of Sep tember, and brings advice, that the rains which conti nued at Senegal for a month, made the place very un healthy, ſo that a great many of the inhabitants were [...]
[...] of *: oãober 17. On Wedneſday night, about ten o'clock, there fell in this city, the heavieſt ſhower j rain that ever was known in the memory of man, [...]
The general evening post10.01.1761/11.01.1761/12.01.1761/13.01.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Januar 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] containing the ſolowing Particulars, Yº: A Wick-houſe, with a barn and stable, and three Upland Cloſer of Arable land con raining about is Acres, a Parcel of Marſh land, called Kerſey Marth, adjoining to the ſaid Civics, containing about 43 Acres. aſo two other Parcels of Marſh Land, with a Wick-houſe and [...]
[...] the Lecking-Giaſs, in Paternoſler-Row ; the Author, at Pooſe; and B, Collins, in Saliſbury; and ſold by moſt Bookiel.rain and Ireland. - - [...]
The general evening post16.06.1757/17.06.1757/18.06.1757
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 16. Juni 1757
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Camp before Prague, are publiſhed here by authority. The 3oth ult, a violent ſtorm, accompanied with heavy rains, broke the dykes above Prague, and ſwell’d the Moldau to ſuch a degree, that the water got into beſt part of the cellars and caſemets in the old city, [...]
[...] the Embs in ſeveral corps; the right at Widdenbrück, the left at Telling, and the centre here. The heavy rains that have fallen lately, have made the roads very bad, retarded the march of the corps de reſerve, ſo that the general movement cannot be exccuted till to-morrow. [...]
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