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The lounger30.12.1786
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Dezember 1786
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] be fuffered chiefly by him whom ignorance, or want of imagination, has left to the grofſnefs of mere fenſual enjoyments. In this, as in other reſpećts, the love of let ters is friendly to fober manners and virtuous [...]
[...] the common-place reflećtions againſt fome par ticular departments, it muft be allowed, that in mere men of bufinefs, there is a certain pro feffional rule of right, which is not always honourable, and though meant to be felfiſh, [...]
[...] The moral beauty of thofe difpofitions may perhaps rather provoke the fmile, than excite the imitation, of mere men of bufineſs and the world. But I will venture to tell them, that, even on their own principles, they are miftaken. [...]
[...] tained, in that reft and retirement from his la bours, with the hopes of which his fatigues were lightened and his cares were foothed, the mere man of bufineſs frequently undergoes fuffering, inſtead of finding enjoyment. To be buſy, as [...]
The lounger05.03.1785
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. März 1785
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] view in their compofition. The first claſs, and which is by far the moft numerous, confifts of thofe who have confined themfelves to the mere relation of public tranfaćtions; who have made it their principal aim to intereft the affećtions; [...]
[...] In the former of thefe claffes we muft rank all the celebrated hiſtorians of ancient Greece and Rome, They merely relate diftinguiſhed events; but to fearch out and reflećt upon the general cauſes of them they never attempt; and [...]
[...] and Livy, who commences his hiſtory with the foundation of Rome, fcarce thinks of any thing beyond a mere detail of wars and revolutions, and feems only careful to embelliſh his ſtory by interefting narrative and flowing language. [...]
The lounger12.03.1785
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. März 1785
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] “ kook on,-what ufeleſs weeds are fuffered to “ grow up with them !”–“. I do not think, Co lonel, that the mere Jíower part is left un “ cultivated.”–“ Why, even as to that, ’tis “ artificially forced before its time. A WOman [...]
[...] « a toast, a fine woman, merely confidered as « fuch, has a fort of profeſſional charaćter» « which it requires fome fenfe and accompliſh [...]
[...] « ments to maintain. Now-a-days» there are « fo many irregulars whº praćtife at fifteen, «: without a fingle requiſite except mere outfide ! « –If we go a little farther, and confider a « woman as fomething more than a Beauty ; [...]
The lounger20.05.1786
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Mai 1786
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] vention of incident, in diverfity of charaćter, in affemblage of images, we can fcarcely indeed con ceive Homer to be furpaffed ; but in the mere creation of fancy, I can difcover nothing in the Iliad that equals the Tempest or the Macbeth of [...]
[...] lowed that he added fomething to the mythology he found, yet ftill the language and the manners of his deities are merely the language and the manners of men. Of Shakeſpeare, the machinery may be faid to be produced as well as com [...]
The lounger18.02.1786
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Februar 1786
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] fitable but ungrateful labour of difcovering her defećts. Add to this, ſhe was introduced to the world while as yet a mere girl, and precifely at that æra of faſhion, when, owing I believe to certain novels then recently publiſhed, and in [...]
[...] ftitution to be caught with the prevailing malady. Fond of admiration to exceſs, and delighted with the generous ſyſtem that raiſed mere fpeculative fenfibility, of which ſhe had enough, to the very top of the lift of virtues, ſhe quickly diftinguiſhed [...]
The lounger21.05.1785
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. Mai 1785
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Hiſtorians, fome of moral entertainment, fuch as, the Spećtators, Guardians, &c. and fome for mere amufement. But I foon found that my Lucy was no reader. She read Tom Jones, in deed; and on my recommendation to her and [...]
[...] The fmiles of our little infant were for fome time his mother’s fole amufement ; but this, as mere amufement, for it carried no aćtive em ployment along with it, after fome months be gan to loſe its reliſh. The feeble exertions, [...]
The lounger26.08.1786
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. August 1786
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] diſappointed; I have feen a group of faces un der their cowls, on which fpeculation could build nothing ; mere common-place counte nances, which might have equally well be longed to a corporation of bakers or butchers. [...]
[...] as his regiment ſhould be reviewed, to meet me in Paris. Except in Paris, faid he, we exiſt merely, but do not live. I found it very dif ferent. I lived but in the prefence of Emilia de Santonges. But why ſhould I recall thoſe days [...]
The lounger02.12.1786
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Dezember 1786
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “ ive againſt her chufing a bad one. How “ many miferable matches have I known fome “ of my neighbours girls make, merely to eſcape “ from the prifon of their father's houfe ; and “ having married for freedom, they refolved to be [...]
[...] *“ important accompliſhments, ſhe can fing and “ dance ; and in both cafes, a man of a feeling “ mind will connećt with the mere amufement, *“ ideas of affećtion, and remembrances of ten *“ derneſs. Methinks I perceive an error in the [...]
The lounger23.07.1785
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Juli 1785
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Theatre, falls properly within the department of one who wiſhes to mark their progreſs. Even as a mere amuſement, that which occupies fo great a ſpace in the time of the idle, ſhould attraćt the notice of the Lounger. The field, [...]
[...] interwoven with that freſh thread, detached from the texture of the piece as it is, but figures as a mere accident; infomuch that we are al moſt equally furpriſed on being told of it, as if we were to hear that he had dropped down in a [...]
The lounger16.09.1786
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. September 1786
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] lefs heroic times, we ſhall find it gradually de clining, till now that there is little more than a mere fovereignty of form, but fcarce any thing of the empire offentiment remaining. The prevailing rage for Play, which is almoft [...]
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