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Suchbegriff: Abraham

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The nation15.05.1873
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. Mai 1873
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] —One of the despairs of Shakespeare commentators, or at all events of their readers, has always been the epithet applied by Mercutio to Cupid: “Young Abraham Cupid, he that shot so trim,” or, as most of the later editions have it, “Young Adam Cupid,” etc. [...]
[...] “It is ‘Abraham' in all the old copies,” say the commentators, “but,” add nearly all of them in substance, “it must be changed to ‘Adam,' for Abra ham means nothing, and evidently Mercutio here makes reference to Adam [...]
[...] and we at least owe to Mr. Dyce the efficient protection which it must give to the original text.” An odd way, it will strike most people, to pro tect a text that does read “Abraham ” by saying that it ought not to read “Abraham,” and, on the contrary, ought to read something else. But Mr. Dyce's friends might rejoin to a caviller making this objection that he quotes [...]
[...] the chasm across which the true commentator will lightly throw the “un questionable” sort of bridge on which to trip dry-shod, we quote three passages where “unquestionably" auburn is corrupted into “Abraham.” The first is from a play called “Soliman and Perseda,” which bears the date of 1559. It is as follows: [...]
[...] “Where is the oldest sonne of Pryam, That Abraham-colored Troian : Dead.” [...]
[...] culty by three; what, we are compelled to ask, is this “Abraham-color” which corruptly creeps into one text in 1559; then, thirty or forty years aſter, creeps into another, keeping out “auburn" in both cases; and [...]
[...] “We have been called so of many. Not that our heads are some brown, some black, Y. Some Abraham, sotne bºld, but that our wits are so diversely colored.” [...]
[...] IIere, to our mind, is our original difficulty still further increased, until we are ready to say that, inexplicable as this word “Abraham ” may look, there must have been in Shakespeare's time, and before it, a term “Abram colored" or “Abraham-colored,” which was often applied to the hair and [...]
[...] “a more than plausible suggestion,” to use Mr. R. G. White's words, and as if we at least owe to its author some sort of “protection to the original text”; for “Abraham ” it finds there, and “Abraham ” it leaves there, and it leaves the strange term with something like an intelligible—if withal an intricate and ingenious—justification for its existence and position. Very briefly and [...]
[...] 13earing a Tartar's painted bow of lath, To fright the ladies like a crow-keeper.” No mock Love, no young Abraham-man, such as Mercutio professes later in the night to believe is really the archer who has wounded Itomco. In this latter view the color question is wholly disregarded, and Abraham Cupid is [...]
The nation21.03.1872
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 21. März 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] science, or art, of mystically interpreting Scripture, and in so doing seems to us to lay nobody under any great obligations to him. The legend repre sents Abraham as saying to Isaac, “My son, is there any blemish in thee within 7 For the offering must be without blemish of any sort.” Isaac re plies that there is not any blemish; that in his heart there is not the least [...]
[...] plies that there is not any blemish; that in his heart there is not the least resistance to the Divine will; and that he can say with gladness, “The Lord be praised who has chosen me for a whole sacrifice.” Abraham answers in these words, not the least affecting of the affecting narrative into which the rabbins have expanded the Scriptural story: “O my son, with many a wish [...]
[...] Baring-Gould finds proof of the genuine character of this version of the story. They must, he is inclined to think, have been handed down by direct tradi tion from Abrahamic times, because the offering of Isaac on the mountain by his father was typical of the offering of Jesus upon Calvary by his Father, and these rabbinical passages bring out the typical character of Abraham's offer [...]
[...] these rabbinical passages bring out the typical character of Abraham's offer ing so much more clearly than even the Biblical narrative itself, that the argument in favor of their being genuine Abrahamic traditions and not in ventions of a later day may be said to be manifest and strong. It is all the stronger, too, says our author, because Jewish inventors, knowing as they [...]
[...] of the offering into still greater distinctness. They would not, for instance, have put into Abraham's mouth the words above quoted, “Wondrous was thy coming into the world, and wondrous will be thy going out of it”; nor these other words, “I had designed thee to be my comfort and stay in old age; now [...]
[...] in hell. Ridhwan refuses to be moved, but God interferes, and Enoch, still a living man, dwells with God and the departed in Paradise. The story of Abraham and the Angel of Death, as it is told by the Mus sulmans, is as follows: [...]
[...] “The Angel of Death, when bidden to take the soul of the prophet, hesi tated about doing so without his consent. So he took upon him the form of a very old man, and came to Abraham's door. The patriarch invited him in and gave him to eat, but he noted with surprise the great infirmity of the old man, how his limbs tottered, how dull was his sight, and how incapable he was of [...]
[...] feeding himself, for his hands shook, and how little he could eat, for his teeth were gone. And he asked him how old he was. Then the angel answered, ‘I am aged 202.' Now. Abraham was then 200 years old. So he said, ‘What! in two years shall I be as feeble and helpless as this? O Lord, suf ſer me to depart; now send the Angel of Death to me, to remove my soul.” [...]
[...] Adam and Eve, the Fall, the Giants, the Deluge. the re mains of the ark, ond the Old Testament personages, es ecially Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and Solomon."—New ork Evening Mail. “It will be his (the reader's) own loss if he foregoes the [...]
The nationInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1875/02.1875/03.1875/04.1875/05.1875/06.1875
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1875
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ..I.. tur w - --~~ -I ingersoll's aw ininistry, 19–Ventavon's DIII creating a sec - - -tax *ta - - • on the iñº , 354, gers". t passed a second reading, 51, amendments of. M. Wallon from Yºnitº, º, º Hºls, lººn, ºn º s Johnson, Andrew, first speech in Senate, 197—Abraham Jack- carried,571, bill defeated, 106–Senate constituted, 135– ‘Constitutiºnal Canyºntiºn,' ºigligºndº, P!: º: son, defaulter, 370. Paris municipal loan on the popular º §§§ º º: sh; Hon. William, º after Congress ad- Gen. Wimpffen against º, Vºrºſ, 173–Hungarian transft expedition's mishaps, [...]
[...] (Scribner, Armstrong & Co.) Pollock (Sir F.), Macroady's Reminiscences. - - - - - - - - - - (Macnuſllan v Co.) Power (J. C.), Life of Abraham Lincoin ... - ... (E. A. Wilson & Co.) Prescott (W. H.), 13iographical and Critical Miscellanies. J. B. Lippincott & Co.) Itobertson's Charles W., 3 vols.......... J. B. Lippincott & Co.) [...]
The nationRegister 01.1872/02.1872/03.1872/04.1872/05.1872/06.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Januar 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Kennedy (J.P.), At Home and Abroad........ (G. P. Putnam & Son: ) 2 ſo King (C.), Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevad ... (J. R. Osgood & Co.) 2 50 Lamon (W. # Life of Abraham Lincoln ........ - -- -- 5 00 Lecky (W. E. H.), Swift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connel . (D. º: & Co.) Life and Times of Henry Lord .."; Vol. III....... . . . .(Harper & Bros.) [...]
All the year round18.05.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Mai 1867
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] dozen miles round, and, above all, a young man whom she has often seen on Sundavs—that thick set, sturdy young bricklayer, Abraham Thornton, a farmer's son at Erdington. Smiling at her own pretty reflexion in the glass, Mary Ashford looks [...]
[...] the whole evening, but not so much as to be in toxicated.” Abraham Thornton, against whom public opinion ran high, was tried for the murder of Nº. Ashford, before Mr. Justice Holroyd, at [...]
[...] duced the brother of Mary A. as her heir, to take proceedings for an “appeal of murder” against Abraham Thornton, who was arrested by the sheriff of Warwick on the 1st of October. On the 16th of November term, William Ash [...]
[...] On the 16th of November term, William Ash ford appeared in the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, as appellant, and Abraham Thorn ton was brought up on a writ of habeas corpus as appeller. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Reader de [...]
All the year round13.03.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. März 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] naturally regard as an unpardonable affront, to repeat, in the words of the Rabbi Abraham, the recent but wonderful Christian legend of the tomb of David, frequently alluded to by mediaeval, tra [...]
[...] had happened to them. This ecclesiastic summoned into his presence the Rabbi Abraham el Constantini, aforesaid, a pious ascetic, one of the mourners of the down fall of Jerusalem, and caused the two [...]
[...] fall of Jerusalem, and caused the two labourers to repeat what they had previ ously reported. Rabbi Abraham, there upon informed the patriarch that they had discovered the sepulchres of the house of [...]
The nation20.11.1873
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. November 1873
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] —A correspondent writes us as follows: “As a contribution to the solu. tion of the ‘Abraham Cupid’ mystery (see Nation, No. 411, p. 333), I send you the following extract from an old work of Rev. William Gurnall (1617– 1679), entitled ‘The Christian in Compleat Armour,' sixth edition, London, [...]
[...] Fool; which I have thought gave the first occasion to that Nick-name whereby men commonly express a silly man or a Fool: Such a one (say they) is a meer Abraham ; that is, in the worlds, account, a Fool. But why an Abraham f Because Abraham did that which Carnal Reason (the Worlds [...]
[...] The italics, spelling, etc., are the author's. Does not the admitted existence of the ‘nick-name 'Abraham for fool bring the use of the patriarch's name into exact harmony with the context in Shakespeare? Mercutio, in his banter, had just referred to Venus in a tone of free familiarity, my gossip,' [...]
The nationInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1873/02.1873/03.1873/04.1873/05.1873/06.1873
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Januar 1873
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] 237–Adams. C. F., Jr. speech on Mass, railroads, 196– Arnold, Matthew, and Herbert Spencer, 834—Arının lus statue epigraph, 303—Abraham Cupid, 833-A run del So ciety's phºtographs of Delhi,95-Azalea show in Boston. 317-Annual R. Kister. 269–Athen wrºtm's Shake-pººre [...]
The nationInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1872/02.1872/03.1872/04.1872/05.1872/06.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Januar 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] - - - - - the Pen- - - - - 89.3 Articl Remedy for Official Lawlessness, - . . . 186 insula of, - - - - - - 60 | Lincoln, Abraham, Life of, - - - 406 rticles. Strong and Bradley, Judges, Appoint- ” Speaker's "Pentateuch, - - - 92 || Lord Bantam, , ,- - - - - - 48 i lti f l ment of, -, - - - - - - - 256 Stanley, Dean, - . . . . . . - - 340,356 Lucia-Her Problem, - - - - - 207 [...]
All the year round15.05.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Mai 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] request that I would name an early hour that day to receive a deputation from the Jolterheads. It was signed by Abraham Slugg, the chairman of a meeting of that body. I handed it to Mr. Tompkins, who [...]
[...] of no use to us. We don’t want 'em. We're going to win on the principles of purity; and if we touch such pitch as Mr. Abraham Slugg and the Jolterheads, we shall be defiled.” [...]
[...] and had, no doubt, some knowledge of them before he entered it. The Jolterheads, with Mr. Abraham Slugg, their chairman, were shown up to my room at nine o'clock on the morning of the elec [...]