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Suchbegriff: Ast

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The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire27.02.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Februar 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] the advantages of extraordinary official and executive exertions — the ſmallneſs of the Stocks of Tobacco and Snuff on hand, at the pasting of the Ast- and . the prefent diverfion of the Smuggler from this Country, in confequence of the disturbances in Frange and [...]
[...] changes and varieties of Manufa&ture; – — if, from all theſe circumſtances, any inference can be drawn, the Ast muſteventually prove extremely injuriousto our Re venue, Manufacture, and fair Commerce of Tobacco. - - - d: ** - - - * « » - But [...]
[...] * But thefe evils, Sir, are partial and, inconfiderable, compared with fome, that appear lurking in the Ast. As the Syſtem of Excife applied to a Manufacture, more complicated, perhaps, than any other in the [...]
[...] |- of the Nation, will be deterred from engaging or con tinuing in Bùfineſs. Not only our Wealth and Power, but our Libertres alſo we fee endangered by the Ast. The Hydra Excife pulls down every Barrier — trampler R 4 * On [...]
[...] of the Church of England, in the neighbourhood of St. Paul's, to confider on the beſt means of oppofing the intended repeal of the Teft Ast.: The bufinefs was con duêted with firmnefs and moderation, and fuch refolu tions unanimouth agreed upon» as will beſt fecurs the [...]
[...] the performance of this, as in the former piece, from, the fame author, nearly the fole praife belongs to Mrs. Pope, whofe asting was fraught with the most exquiſite touches of Natures and Paffion. – Holman, we are happy to ſay, was alfa entitled to commendation; he [...]
[...] --- The Tragedy of Eudora is withdrawn, at the exprefs defire of the Author. Some alterations in the . last ast were fuggeſted, but he would not agree to hazard the experiment. : ' ° *** 4. . . . . . }** * * * - * * · * * * , , , ! «fis»2-5 [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire07.08.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. August 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] tions of his own ideas. This only I may add, that if Šacontala ſhould ever be a&ted in India, where alone it could be asted with perfest knowledge of Indian dreffes, Blanners, and fcenery; the piece might eafily be re :--- · · · · - u düceá [...]
[...] -duced to five asts of a moderate length, by throwing the third ast into the fecond, and the fixth into the fifth; for it muſt be confested, that the whole of Deyk [...]
[...] fefolution, not to ast under orders from the preſent Commimoners of the Admiralty; and the arrangement now made feems to countehance the truth of that in [...]
[...] was known to be not only a friend of mine, but to have been a&tive in the meafares to procure a repeal of the Teft and Corporation Asts, and was fent to London as a delegate from the Diffenters in a northern county. Had my own elestion been depending, it [...]
[...] abler man to put an affront upon. It therefore thews, what is much to Mr. Madan's purpoſe, the ſuperiority of thofe who oppoſe thë repeal of the asts in queſtion over thoſe who defire the repeal, hot only in the Houſe of Commons, but even in the Royal se: [...]
[...] ofthe Quarter Seſſions perform the stage exhibitions pre fented by them to the public. . Mr. Palmer and Mr. Barretti lately committed by Juſtice Hyde, for asting at the Circus, were difcharged. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire24.04.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. April 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] of fix guns, and four other armed ſhips, taken from the King's ſubjeếts at Bahama, continues to commit the moſt violent asts of pirácy among the feveral Iſlands within the government. He not only plunders every veffel that has the misfortunę to fall into his [...]
[...] ning Jennies. The manufasturers, having received Previous intelligence of their defign, applied to the asting Magistrates in the neighbourhood for protestion; one of whom preferring his duty to his eaſe, very readily complied with their requeſt, and the neceſity [...]
[...] repeatedly called this claim into question, and in order that the question of right might be fairly tried, on the ioth of May, 1786, an Ast of council was pasted, which levied two per cent. upon the rents, &c. "The College infift that their privileges are antecedent tó [...]
[...] * An abſurd clamour is attempted to be raiſed against Mr. Fox, by stating that he has coaleised with Lor Haod, and by that ast betrayed the franchifes of west: minſter. — But every man has a right to bejudged by his own declarations, until their falfity be proved: [...]
[...] facceſsful mutiny – the question might be afked; eus fonó? asin thoſe feasthere was no poñibility of plunder, or committing the finalf ast of piracy: , , *** * , * - - - - ----- . · * , , , , '. a French paper his the following just obſervations. on the rejestions of Mr. Flood and Mr. Fox's Motiọns, [...]
[...] ::: THE GALLERy o:::sfɛARE: Nuws ex xxxvii.::::::" ": : , , , , , , Ast V. Scene I. ,,,,, „The entrance of the cell opene, and diſcovers Fer „... dinand and Miranda playing at chef. * :f: [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire18.12.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Dezember 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] - The Bank Dire&ors have asted very laudably and very properly in fo frequently advertifing that they had forbid theiri Clerks to a&tías Brokers or Agents. Ex [...]
[...] the Gentleman had him immediately fecured, and fent for a Magistrate. The law, however, not reaching an ast of this kind, they were obliged relustantly to diſcharge him: but the girl was kept, and» by the hu mane attention of the above Gentleman , in whoſe far [...]
[...] fuited him from performances with which every body is almoſt as well acquainted as himſelf, and indeed very feldom gone out of plays now commonly asted on the stage. Although materials fo collested muft be of very umequal quality, he is intitled to the praife of [...]
[...] destroys the intereft which a well-judged attention to a principal charaster has excited. This was particu larly the cafe in the Fifth Ast in one of the beſt written and beſt asted Scenes of the whole Play, where Diai ry's extravagant flip-flopping destroys all ſympathy [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire06.02.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. Februar 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] The riot ast was not read, and if it had, perfons at tending the beating of a bull, are not an unlawful affembly – on the contrary, in Ireland it has always [...]
[...] vote for the repeal of the Teft and corporation Asts, and ſay » you nifh to be free yourſelf, do not therefore impºſe refraints on me. This appears ſpecious, but is [...]
[...] to aĉt as their repreſentatives when they come into the houfe. In faćt, they are not repreſentatives un leſs they ast as their constituents would ast themſelves in that fituation. The Diffenter, therefore, does not impoſe any imprope, restraint upon the candidate; he [...]
[...] preſent, there is little hope of her recovery. i o . " It is in agitation to raiſe a monument to the memory of Garrick upon the receipt of a play to be asted for that purpofe at each theatre, and to be ſupported, of eourfe, by the full ftrength of the eompanies. » [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire27.03.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. März 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Mr. Sheridan’s notice of a motion refpe&ting the Tobacco Ast, was not that he ſhould move for leave to bring in a Bill for the repeal of it, but for an ins quiry into the effest and operation of the Aét. [...]
[...] mail coach. În ſhort, were the aết carried fully into effe&t, it woutdº be abfurd to a degree; and when an: ast onee becomes abſurd; it ought to be repealed. ::::: |- * - e : , : , , * T - J When [...]
[...] liberal meafure, the cafe is truly fingular! – The voice of the people is certainly againſt a repeal of the Tefº Ast. [...]
[...] prefent political fituation of the country, that the majority will, on the preſent application, be greater în favour of thefe Asts, than it can ever be on any future occafion. It has been objećted by many who have not inclination, or want of ability, to diſcrimi-: [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire05.02.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Februar 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] “The Bills, which it is my duty to prefent to your Majeſty, are feverally intituled, An Ast for granting an aid to his Majeſty, by a Land Tax to be raiſed in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year One Thoufand Seven Hundred [...]
[...] |- “Mofº Gracious Sovereign, - i “The Bill which it is now my duty to prefent to your Majeſty, is intituled “ an Ast for the better fupport of his Majeſty's Houſehold and of the honour and dignity of the Crown of Great Britain,” to which [...]
[...] days, he could have proved that a gentleman fenthim to hire a furniſhed houſe. – He declared that he had no intentions of committing any ast of violence—that he went to the houfe folely to inquire what the rent might be. With refpest to the perfon faid to be with him, [...]
[...] · Krnc Henry IV. Ast. I. Scene III. A Field of Battle between Sandal Castle, and Wakefield, * Rutland and his Tutor, Clifford and Soldiers. |- * [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire01.01.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] alfo he calls the engagement and past of Society. In p. 26, he cites, as an authority againſt the right of the People to chufe" their own Governors, the very Ast for fettling the Crown on William and Mary, which was an exercife of that right, and the words of which [...]
[...] are: “The Lords and Commons do in the name of all “the people ſubmit themfelves, their heirs and pofte “rities for ever,” &c. &c. This Ast having been paffed on purpoſe to eſtabliſh a change in the facceſſion for a mifcondust, it cannot be fuppoſed that it was in [...]
[...] have attended to a fubfequent A&t, which has been recommended to my notice by the truly patriotic Earl Stanhope. I mean the Ast of the 6th of Anne, chap. 7th, by which it is enaćted that, “ifany perfon fhall “by writing or printing maintain and affirm that the [...]
[...] of ſmuggling, but foreigners of ali deſcriptions. If a French, Spaniſh, or any other vefſel comes within the limits defcribed by the Britiſh Hoyering Ast (made for the protestion of the Britiſh revenue), fuch veffel is examined, and if found to contain articles de [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire04.09.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. September 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] which they were in before the Revolution: our Parlia ment begins already to be declared of no other ufe than tº confirm and register the Asts of the Government! [...]
[...] Court of King’s-Bench, on a motion in arreſt of judg ment. The motion was founded on the idea that all wagers were illegal, under the Ast of the Fourteenth of the preſent King, made for the regulating of In furances upon Lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
[...] deemed in profpest of common law; on the contrary, he confidered that A&t of Parliament as a declaration, that before that Ast pasted, wagers muſt have been iegal, otherwife it would have been unneceſſary to re strain them. To ſay that the Ast of the Fourteenth [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British EmpireRegister 04.1790/05.1790/06.1790
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. April 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Miſcellanier, Origin of the Corporation and the Teff Asts Pag. I. Diffenters and Lord Chatham |- |- - 2, 4 Letter addreſſed to Gentlemen by a Woman's · [...]