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Galignani's messenger03.04.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. April 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] That had been done at the suggestion of others, with which he entirely concurred from regard to Mr. Grady. But the offer he had made to Mr. Grady was unaccompanied by any stipu lations for political support, and was not made [...]
[...] made. The promise did not form any part of the charge ; but he should blush had he held out to Mr. Grady any illusive hopes to lead him astray. The hon, member here read a let ter that he had sent to the elder Mr.Grady upon [...]
[...] R. Smith to the office, and that he was ready to meet and to repel the charge of hostility towards Mr. Grady. Mr. Grady, the younger, at first declined to accept the sum that had been offer ed, but two gentlemen had come to Adare, [...]
[...] shake the evidence of Mr. C. Smyth. He (Sir R. Wilson) had the whole of the letters between Mr. Grady and Vir. [...]
[...] sident that Mr. Quin throughout the whºle": the transactions, expected political suppºrt from Mr. Grady, and that he suspected " }. tention on the part of the Grady family." . - draw their political connexions ſrom Mr. § ins [...]
[...] statement, the hon. Member said, was corroborated by Mr. Carew Smyth himself, in a letter Written to him by Mr. Grady, in which Mr. Smyth says, Mr. Quin refused to sign, in consequence of the aların which a previous letter of Grady’s had excited in his [...]
[...] h did so. The question of Election was originated by Mr. Grady. The observation of Mr. ošin was drawn from him—and as regarded Mr. Grady’s Yoºs, malnely, that he (Mr. G.j was on that subject [...]
[...] ments ; which determination should be communicated to Mi. Quin by Mr. Carew Smith.” This conversation witness communicated to Mr. Grady. In October, wituess went to Limerick, and hearing there from Mr. Grady that he had received a message from Mr. [...]
[...] mise, I feel that this proposition can be made compatible with my honour.” Mr. Maunsell's letter added, that Mr. Grady had agreed to these terms. The witness is cousin-german to the peti tioner, and also to Mr. O'Grady, who was a eandidate for [...]
[...] Mr. º at Mr. Goold's louse. The arrangement as to the office was previously talked of in Limerick. Witness admitted that Mr. Grady, jun, was very much exasperated against Mr. Quin, Mr. Grady, sen: first intended to have a motion brought before the House for depriving M. Quin [...]
Galignani's messenger05.03.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 05. März 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] subject be adjourned till Monday next, was then put aud carried. Release of Thomas Grady. Mr. C. HUTCHINSON assured the house, it was swith infinite pain that he presented himself to their [...]
[...] avoid it He mentioned this, to show the feeling of the house on that night, beeause they had thought that this ex cuse was a trick on the part of Mr. Grady, and that he was wishing to deceive them. He could prove, that although Mr. Grady was a literary gentleman, and fond of reading, [...]
[...] This had been received by the house with cheers upon cheers; but the hon, member had given the office to §. Smith on the aad of September, and Mr. Grady's letter is dated the 19th of October; consequently, he had not the power of giving the office to Mr. Grady's son after the 19th [...]
[...] Wednesday?" Certainly not, if there had been l tº: . ;ºlid grounds for committing him. H.". not grave an Grady nor the petition till he had seen them in i. Mr. He had sent a communication to Mr. Grady that at house. to which he had received no answer; it º: i. .."; [...]
[...] forgery of his name and signature. Were the house pre pared to believe this?-Were they prepared to say, that the letter for Thomas Grady the son, was not written by Thomas Grady the father—(hear, hear. Sir R. WºjS explained, that he meant Thomas [...]
[...] then by Thomas Grady—(hear, hear.) ad mentioned this, because he was anxious that there should not be the least doubt that the letter was the hand-writing of Thomas [...]
[...] this, because he was anxious that there should not be the least doubt that the letter was the hand-writing of Thomas Grady; and he would appeal to the hon. general, whether he had a doubt, that both papers were in Mr. Grady’s hand-writing. He had moved his immediate commitmen [...]
[...] been much worse. With regard to his near-sightedness, je ſvir. Bennet) could bear testimony, that the fact was as W. Grady had represented it, and that, there was, no fºundation fºr the severe remarks that had originated in ... àefect of his vision. When Mr.Grady read, [...]
[...] sent, to give Mr. Grady time for further consideration, when the propriety of offering an apology might be evi dent to him—(hear, hear). ' [...]
[...] Mr. C. HUTCHINSON begged to bennderstood as not having argued the question, on the denial that the letter was the hand-writing of Mr. Grady. He took it np as a reat constitutional question, Suppose that Mr. Grady É. stood upon the admitted constitutional principle of [...]
Galignani's messenger02.03.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. März 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] year for Mr. Quin's disposal; that on Grady's deinurring on the business, Mr. Quin told a Mr. Pereau, who was requested to inquire into the [...]
[...] he was eight years old, and discharged its duties by deputy – (hear!)–And even in the advan ced period of Mr. Grady's life—his 23d year [...]
[...] of the petitioner, Thomas Tierney Grady, pro-, When the petitioner found that he was no vided he would make an allowance of 200l. a [...]
[...] Brougham. Mr. Con RTENay then moved, that Thomas Grady do forthwith attend this House, which was also agreed to. - Mr. Countenay, understanding that Mr. [...]
[...] was also agreed to. - Mr. Countenay, understanding that Mr. Grady was in attendance, moved that he be [...]
[...] Mr. Grady having been introduced at the bar, The Speaken desired him to look at the let ter, and to say whether it was his hand-writ [...]
[...] might judge whether it was his own. Mr. MARTIN did not see how hearing a letter read could enable Mr. Grady to ascertain whe ther it was his hand-writing. Mr. GRADY was then recalled, and the Speaker [...]
[...] be read to him. … < * , The letter having been read aloud, The SPEAKER asked Mr. Grady whether he now could state positively that he was or was not its author 2 [...]
[...] but that the letter which he had received was in his hand-writing. Lord CASTLEREAGH rose to move than Mr. Grady [...]
[...] bert Wilson, and Mr. Hutchinson, who cºnsidered the *** **ºst ºxtraordinary and hard one, and had given no vote for tile commutulent of Mr. Grady-Adjouined. [...]
Der Gesellschafter oder Blätter für Geist und Herz23.06.1824
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 23. Juni 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] zehnten Jahrhunderts unterſcheide, oder jede andere eben ſo einfache Frage, nicht zu beantworten wiſſen. Selbſt O'Grady iſt freilich nur zu geneigt, die philo ſophiſche Geſchichte der Taktik gleichgültig zu behan deln, und in geradem Gegenſatze mit meinem Neffen [...]
[...] lich beluſtigen, wenn er ſeine Doppelflinte mitgebracht hat.“ – „Ich wünſche von ganzer Seele, daß ſich O'Grady dem Studium der alten Kriegskunſt widmen möge!“ rief ich aus, als ich meinem Neffen nacheilte, - um meinem Freunde die Hand zu drücken. „Ich wollte [...]
[...] dem ſteifen Soldatengruße in der Mitte ſtand. Er hoffte, daß der Herr Maior bei guter Geſundheit wäre, und mit der Vertraulichkeit, die er gegen O'Grady wie gegen mich ſich zu erlauben pflegt, fuhr er fort: „Nun, Wolf ſieht ja ſo gut aus, als ob er nie aus [...]
[...] Gabel des Wagens ſchnaubte. – „Vielleicht nicht, Jo nathan“ ſprach O'Grady; „aber Ihr ſeht ja, Wolf iſt, wie wir Alle in dieſer kläglichen Friedenszeit von ſeiner Höhe herab gekommen.“ – Jonathan begriff die [...]
[...] auf meine landwirthſchaftlichen Unfälle aus meiner tiefſten Bruſt aufſteigen, aber er verlor ſich in Geläch ter und herzlichem Gruß, als ich in O'Grady's fröh liches Geſicht blickte. – Es giebt Menſchen, welche die Kunſt beſitzen, immer gute Laune mit zu bringen, [...]
[...] die Kunſt beſitzen, immer gute Laune mit zu bringen, wo ſie ſich zeigen, und die man nie ohne Vergnügen findet, nie ohne Bedauern verläßt. O'Grady gehörte zu ihnen. Eine ſolche Gemüthsſtimmung iſt ein zwie facher Segen, einmal für ihren Beſitzer und dann für [...]
[...] zu ihnen. Eine ſolche Gemüthsſtimmung iſt ein zwie facher Segen, einmal für ihren Beſitzer und dann für diejenigen, unter welchen er lebt. O'Grady's Platz in der Tiſchgeſellſchaft war immer der Sitz der Fröhlich keit; in der Geſellſchaft oder im Ballſaal war der Platz, [...]
[...] „Das alte Feuer glüht noch in der Aſche!“ – und mehr als ein Funke iſt übrig geblieben, die - Mit O'Grady kommt die beſte Tagesbeluſtigung für meinen Neffen, und das beſte lange Abendgeſpräch für mich. Selbſt [...]
Giornale italiano26.03.1808
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. März 1808
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] alla pubblica istruzione ) TITOLO III. Dei gradi delle Facoltà e dei mezzi di ottenerli. [...]
[...] S. I. Dei gradi in generale. 16. I gradi in ciascheduna Facoltà saranno in numero di tre; cioè la baccelleria, la licenza, il dot [...]
[...] 17. I gradi saranno conferiti dalle Facoltà in se - - - - - - guito ad esami ed atti pubblici, [...]
[...] 18. I gradi non daranno il titolo di membro dell' Università, ma saranno necessari per ottenerlo. [...]
[...] S III. Dei gradi della Facoltà delle scienze matemati che e fisiche. - - s - - [...]
[...] S. IV. Dei gradi delle Facoltà di medicina e di diritto. 95. I gradi delle Facoltà di medicina e di diritto [...]
[...] do di baccelliere in quella delle lettere. - S. V. - Dei gradi della Facoltà di teologia. - [...]
Journal des débats politiques et littéraires02.03.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. März 1819
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Paris; Clermont-Ferrand
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] faits suivans : M. Wyndham Quin est custos rotulorum (garde des rôles ) , pour le comté de Limerick , dont il est aussi le dé puté à la Chambre des Communes. M. Grady fils, âgé de vingt [...]
[...] c'erc de paix du même comté , mais cette place est à la nomi mation arbitraire du custos rotulorum. M. Wyndham Quin auroit déclaré à M. Grady que, menacé de perdre la majorité dans les éleº tions, il a jugé nécessaire de donner la place à M. Smith , riche propriétaire, qui dispose de cent votes, mais qu'il offre à [...]
[...] éleº tions, il a jugé nécessaire de donner la place à M. Smith , riche propriétaire, qui dispose de cent votes, mais qu'il offre à M. Grady une pension de aoo liv. sterl. payable par le nouveau cl rc, à condition que M. Grady continueroit à voter pour lui. M. Windham Quin a raconté tres au long les véritables faits [...]
[...] cl rc, à condition que M. Grady continueroit à voter pour lui. M. Windham Quin a raconté tres au long les véritables faits qu'il déclare avoir été entièrement dénaturés par M. Grady. Ce jeune homme, protégé de l'ancien custos rotulorum, a été nommé a l'ºse de huit ans à la place importante et lucrative de clerc de [...]
[...] M1. † fils ayant parlé de se brûler la cervelle à cause de sa destitution, il lui a fait offrir une pension de 2oo liv. sterling: mais M. Grady en a demandé 3oo, ce qui est très exagéré, vu #ue la place est loin de rapporter 8oo liv. sterl comme Grady l'a dit dans sa pétition Jamais M. Wyndham Quin ne luiim [...]
[...] #laré par écrit qu'il pouvoit voter comme bon lui sembleroit. 'est bien au contraire M. Wyndham Quin qui a été menacé #ºr M. Grady père, dans une lettre par laquelle il lui donne l'*vis amical d'assurer la place à son fils à vie, avant le 1er jan [...]
[...] tant que durera l'enquête sur sa conduite. : La Chambre tout eutière a fait éclater son indignation contre Grady père, qui a eu l'assurance de se présenter dans la galerie des auditeurs, d'où il a été conduit à la barre. Interrogé par le président, il a essayé de désavouer sa lettre, en disant qu'il ne [...]
[...] l°. Qu'une semblable lettre étoit une violation des préroga tives de la Chambre ; 2°. Que le sieur Grady père en étoit l'auteur, et qu'il l'avoit énvoyée à M. VVyndham ; 3°. Que le sieur Grady père, pour punition de cette viola [...]
[...] · A l'égard de la pétition de Grady fils, il a été décidé qu'oa [...]
Giornale italiano15.04.1808
  • Datum
    Freitag, 15. April 1808
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] panno, porteranno spada e fibbie nere, con orlo molto largo ai loro manichini, e le persone di distin zione del tre primi gradi metteranno le strisce di mus solina sulle maniche del lore abito. Ne due seguenti mesi, porteranno lo stesso abiro, ma coll'orlo meno [...]
[...] per quattro mesi ch'essa apparve nel cielo e percorse 242 gradi del circolo, d'Occidente in Oriente, au mentando la sua coda sempre di luce e d'estensione. Nella notte dell'8 al 9 settembre, la lunghezza di [...]
[...] Nella notte dell'8 al 9 settembre, la lunghezza di questa coda, misurata a Parigi, fu trovata dal sig. Messier di Go gradi, partendo dal suo nucleo, Ella apparve ancor più considerabile in altri luoghi. A Bologna fu di 7o gradi. Il sig. Pingi é la osservò gli [...]
[...] Bologna fu di 7o gradi. Il sig. Pingi é la osservò gli i 1 settembre, essendo sul mare, fra Tenerife e Ca dice, di 9 gradi. All' isola di Borbone, il sig. della Nux trovò ch' ella si estendeva a 97 gradi. Essendo questa cometa stata veduta l' 8 agºsto i 769, la sua [...]
Il pungolo16.11.1860
  • Datum
    Freitag, 16. November 1860
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neapel; Mailand
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] come asserisce il Nazionale. Disse, e ripete, che la misura di porre in discussione tutt'i gradi è nn offendere i mille che se li hanno guadagnati col sangue, per non premiare i dieci che ne sono indegni. [...]
[...] stinzioni fra l'uno e l'altro rivolta del pari la coscienza della nazione. » E i gradi non solo sono posti in discussio ne – ma v'ha di più – occorre la presenta zione di documenti, in seguito di cui si fa [...]
[...] che atto glorioso. - Il Nazionale trova che il metodo da noi proposto di riconoscere tutti i gradi, e poi cacciare gl' indegni non sia il migliore mo. [...]
[...] do di far salvo il decoro dei volontari, e tro va più decoroso per essi il negar tutt'i gradi [...]
[...] meridionale anche il diritto di RICHIEDERE. « Si vorrebbe, chiede il Nazionale, che i vo lontari disponessero soli dei gradi nell'esercito d'Italia »? Chi à mai chiesto nulla di simile? - Dav [...]
[...] discussa una grave questione relativa all'Ita lia meridionale. Si trattava di decidere se le cariche e i gradi conferiti a tutt'oggi dai dif. ferenti governi che si succedettero nella dire zione degli affari di Napoli e Sicilia, e che [...]
[...] regolare, Art. 3° Una Commissione mista deter minerà i gradi e l'anzianità degli ufficia li del Corpo dei volontari riguardo ai servigi da essi resi ed ai loro prece [...]
Giornale del Regno delle Due Sicilie30.01.1821
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 30. Januar 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] » corpo, accompagnato da una condotta irreprensile, oper » rerà a favore degli ufiziali suddetti la reintegrione di » pieno dritto nel loro antichi gradi. º . - » Art. 6. Questo termine potrà essere abbreviat per pro » ve di valore, o per servizi straordinari renduti in tempo di [...]
[...] » E ciò oltre la razione di viveri in campagna. - » Art. 8. Passeranno alla 4ta classe del loro rispettivi » gradi: » 1. Gli ufiziali dell' armata, ch'essendesivolontaria [...]
[...] » de rispettivi gradi per essere impiegati a misura delle va [...]
[...] » reintegrati immediatamente nel loro antichi gradi. Agli al » tri, dietro l'esame della loro domanda, de loro titoli, e » del loro servizi, verranno accordate delle lettere di nazio [...]
[...] » rispettive classi trovansi esuberanti al numero necessario i» per comporre il nuovo esercito , saranno titolarmente, o » attivamente impiegati nell'armata nel loro gradi, a misura » delle vacanze, e secondo il loro merito, e la loro anzia » nità. - [...]
[...] » 6 luglio sono stati destituiti, o riformati per opinioni po » litiche analoghe all'attuale ordine costituzionale saranno » reintegrati nel loro gradi, soldi ed onori. - » Art. 17. Il Parlamento, nel dichiarare di non esservi » luogo ad accettare le offerte di servizio attivo, fatte dagli [...]
Allgemeine Zeitung05.05.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 05. Mai 1819
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Tübingen; Stuttgart; Ulm; Augsburg; München
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] be mit Abfassung der Liste» der Wähler, der Geschwornen ic.> zu ernennen. Diese» Plaz füllte seit iz Jahren der 2ziährige Sohn des Thomas Grady; er wurde ihm «der von Hr». Qui» vorKurze», entzogen, „aus keinem lindern Grunde, (wie Grady der Vater in seiner Beschwerde bebaupiet,) «ls weil Quin, l» [...]
[...] im Amte angewiesen, aber unter der Bedingung, daß G ady der Vater für ihn stimme." — Hr. Quin zeigte in einer laugen Rede, daß Thomas Grady die Thatsachen sehr entstellt habe. Der Sohn desselben sey von seinem Vorfahrer zum Zriei» einem Alter vvn 8 Jahren ernannt worden, deusfchrcibcr habe aber, da er immer kränklich sey, seine Geschäfte durch et- [...]
[...] »e» Kommis besorgen lalen. Hr. Qui» dachte, ohne politische Nebenabsicht, daß ein solcher Posten einem Manne, der ihm vorstehen könnte, verliehen werden sollte, und sezre daher Grady be» Soda ad. Da dieser sich zu erschieße» drohte, so wies ihm Hr. Quin eine Pension von 2«, Pf. an; weit entfernt, dabei [...]
[...] Hr. Quin eine Pension von 2«, Pf. an; weit entfernt, dabei die Bedingung zu sezen für ihn zu stimme», schrieb er vielmehr, «» Grady den V^ter, er könne seine Stimme geben, wem er «olle. Grady drohte dagegen i» eiuem Schreiben dem Hrn. Quin, er «olle ihn, wen» er nicht dem jungen Grady de» [...]
[...] als eine wahre Verschwörung gegen Hrn. Qui» ausehn müsse, i.der zurükgerufeu wurde). Hr. Quin legte mehrere Briefe von Grady rvr ; die Hcmdsch,ift wurde als dieselbe erkannt. Sir I. N empört warf die Frage auf, ob Grad? das besagte Schreiben auch wnrlich an Quin addressirt habe? Hr. [...]
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