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76 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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The general evening post15.09.1759/16.09.1759/17.09.1759/18.09.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. September 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] thip alhore in the G'ulph, but could not give her any afliflance. The Maria Therefa, from the Streights with brandy, is loft in Brifiol channel. ' ' g The lhip Friendlhip, from _lamaica, which lately blew [...]
[...] Dry qfrbir infiant Softemder, at ‘T 01 a’Clarl in the F ornmon, a: the St. Alban’t Tavern, it: St. Aldon':-firut, la roqfider If the mcfl gfliti‘ual Met/Jed: w 5: rain for [In Support afbir lllrgtyl] and bi: Government, again/f tr): [Irina/[on new tbrgatmld, and fir 111; Security of Ibis Conny, Cir], alrd [...]
[...] September 1758, ,A Map of the Circles of the Upper Ind Lower Rhine, Swabia, Franconia, Burgundy, Lor rain, and the Countries adiacent. November 1758, A Map oi? the Electorate ol Hanover. February 1759, A Plan of Qgebcc. [...]
[...] relating to the Black-Friars Bridge. The Life. of “an; Bar-now, D. D. His Epita'li and Character. ‘Philofophical Reafon why it never rains at Lima. 'A curious Dil'oovcry in Arithmetick. .Clllculation of thc Eelipfca in 1760. QOpinions of the Anciema concerning the primitive Language. \No Language natural to [...]
The general evening post10.03.1759/11.03.1759/12.03.1759/13.03.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. März 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] the Exchequer-ofiice in the Temple was blown down by the violence of the wind, and falling on the roof . beat molt ofit in; by which, and the rain that fell, great damage was done to the writings; but happily the gene [...]
[...] o "‘8 “Std, - 1: having me as: loth of Fetitsugiyoiiii: vr‘lic EiPrmifh 5:308“ "Min 1?“ cai’t- Pablo Maria Moralez, '5 (My 08' teall c 510] ‘Y armed m e Canary mands, “'35 boar brolw y d ' Me"- f'w" rour Engtirh Cutters, WI“; Parr [...]
[...] rained, not having buried one man fince we left En gland, and hav: but very few lick. I have not time to lay more, but hope our brtfinefs here will b: finilhed [...]
[...] thé-gl'efltt'll part of his hand on the other were immedi ately cut off. This is the only rained, not having buried one man fince we leftEn gland, And have but very few lick. I have nottime to [try more, but hope our bnlinefs here will be finilhed [...]
[...] their chicane in the obl'ervaliou oi' trcatics.~A H701]; may well enough defign the EmprtB-QQIVC" 5 Whorc mid and ferocious dil'pdition has Rained whole rtvulcts erh the blood of murdered larnbs.—The Mar-mm, gill“ "5 a lively pit‘hrre of Spatith indolence; the hides her head in [...]
The general evening post08.11.1755/09.11.1755/10.11.1755/11.11.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. November 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Mermaid, jenvings, from Malaga, in ditto. 'Sw-allow. Peacock. from Stotkton; William and Betiy, ſ,g-gh, from Briſtolt Anne Maria, Hamplons from Petr-rſhurgmt Lt-ghorn. Black _f ike. BIHOH, from St. Kit's. at Portſniouth. [...]
[...] undivided Fourth-Part of the Manor oſ Lower Kinſi-rain, with its Rights, Members, and Appurtenantes. And alſo of all that Catſital Mcfl'-dage call'd the Rodd ; conſiſiing [...]
[...] Pounds Steriirig. " Saturday was a moſl dreadful Day of Wind and Rain. many Boars were overſct '.i' the Hiibour, but happily the People were ſaved. " Great Preparations are making to celebrate this [...]
The general evening post18.07.1761/19.07.1761/20.07.1761/21.07.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Juli 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Saxmundham, July 16. At two o'clock laſt Sunday morning we had a moſt terrible ſtorm of thunder and light-ning, attended with a heavy ſhower ºf rain. Two [...]
[...] at ſo great a diſtance. On the 10th we began to land our ſtores, and to prepare every thing for the carrying on the fiege with vigour. The rains being over by the 26th, I imagined the diſtreſſes of the enemy might be much augmented, and garriſon-duty, rendered very fatiguing, [...]
[...] north-weſt counterguard and curtain. On the 1ſt of January, we had a very violent ſtorm of wind and rain: It began at eight o'clock in the even ing, and laſted till between three and four the next [...]
[...] and remain with the ſhips as per laſt, the Rebecca, Bewis, for Portſmºuth ; St. Anna, De Rocha, for Oport ; Ann, Wye. for dit of Maria Anna, Hockmann, for the Gulph of Venice; Ranard, Clark, for New York. Bank Stock, l 13 1-half. India Steck, 141. South [...]
The general evening post11.09.1756/12.09.1756/13.09.1756/14.09.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] compleatly formed, all the Regiments. and most of the Artillery defined for that Purpoſe, being arrived; but the very heavy Rains that have fallen there for fome Days paft, have as yet : their Troops from ing through their daily Exercite. - [...]
[...] Johnſon, Gowith, from Virginia, at ditto. Sharp, Brown, from Antigua, at Dover. Port Maria, Hodge, from Jamaica, at ditto. Adventure, Hoffack, from ditto, at Plymouth. Four Canons, Heyſham, from New-York, at Dublin. [...]
[...] Inn in Dartmouth, to begin at Ten o’Clock in the Morning, for difpofing of the wrecked Ship the Juliana Maria, Daniſh built, Burthen about 6oo Tons, with all her Appurtenances of Mafts, Yards, Sails, Anchors, Cables, ſtanding and running Rigging, [...]
[...] SUURVY in the rUMS . 2 1 he TINCTRE for the TOOTH-ACH, which removes the moſt ragirg and violent rain in a few Minutes. . +→ "hefe Tinctures have been in contant Ufe, with a gret Number of Perfons of Dıttınétion, for feveral rear, Paſt, and are [...]
The general evening post19.07.1755/20.07.1755/21.07.1755/22.07.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Owner's Goodwiil, Fiſh, from lſitginia, at Ha Vcfſſfidwcfl. t Hull Merchant, G-iffiihs, and Maria, Millar, from London, at New-York. , ' Mitierva, Stone, from London: at Nevis. [...]
[...] 'ui ty. 7 jeremiah Redwood. Efiz nominsted in the May or-alty of Alderman Rain-tnſo' has aid his Fine to be rxcuſed ſerving the Ofiee of Sheriſſv The Re'. Mr. Wrsy, Fellow or Corpus-Chrifiſ [...]
[...] and Eight in the Evening, there happened the greateſt Storm of ſ huiider and Lightning, with Hail and Rain, as ever was known therein the Memory of Man, the Eſfcds of which were very ſuipr-ſing and aſloniſhing. The Paiiſh Church has ſeſfcred [...]
[...] nigm-"s.-TheL2ſs of the Brook, a new Song, ſet to Mulic.-Briflol Wells, a new Country Dance. Anſwers to two Mathcmatical Qxeſlions. Claudio and Maria, a true Hiſtory. Diſfcrtation on U.d Age and Death finiſhed. Authentic Account of the late Earth quake at Conſtantinople. Diſcofleries latcly made at Herculaneum. [...]
The general evening post29.01.1756/30.01.1756/31.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] tioner, was declared duly elected. - * We have accounts from feveral parts of the kingdom, that the late rains have fo much fwelled the rivers, that they have overflowed their bounds, and laid large tracts of land under water. [...]
[...] * We have hear the Inost dreadful ſeafon your idea can form ; nothing but lightning and thunder, hail and rain, and fuch terrible brins, that the very houſes crack and ſhake. Scarcely a week Pales that we do not hear [...]
[...] the county and diocefe of York. * . The great cauſe that has been depending between :_Jane Maria Forbes and James Lord Forbes, we hear, " is determin’d in favour of the lady. [...]
The general evening post27.01.1761/28.01.1761/29.01.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Januar 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Extrad of a Letter from Cove of Corke, 7am. 14. “I am juſt come from on board the Maria Thereſa, of St. Malo's, who arrived here this morning She mounts io carriage and 10 ſwivel guns, her comple [...]
[...] the 1ſt inſtant alſo toºk t f the Stair, the Vu': ure, a ſloop privateer of the above place, mounting four car riage and ſome ſwivel guns. The Maria Thereſa had been out ſeven weeks, and had taken nothing ; but her late Commander, Monſ. Pellitie with five men, were [...]
[...] ſail of ſhips, ſuppoſed to be the Liſbon and Oporto fleets, under convoy, were ſeen laſt Sunday, by the cfficer who brought the Maria Thºreſa in here. The Aquilon is exp & d in, it is hoped with another prize.” His Majeſty's ſhip Aquilon, Capt. Ogle, arrived at [...]
[...] : ºrse-Horſmo. * St. P. ter's the Balie in oxſº at the *en-Lisa in High. Street in Worceſter; at Mr. Tºº, in ...i...º. tº Birningham 5 at the Rain in Northampton, and ** Angel inn in Sambridge. Pi.e One Shill.ng a Paper. “s" Cats nor Pogs will not touch 11, [...]
[...] Extrađ of a Letter from Cove of Corke, 7am. 14. “I am juit come from on board the Maria Thereſa, of St. Malo's, who arrived here this morning She mounts io carriage and 10 ſwivel guns, her comple [...]
[...] the 1ſt inſtant alſo toºk ºff the Starr, the Vu': ure, a ſloop privateer of the abºve place, mounting four car riage and ſome ſwivel guns. The Maria Thereſa had been out ſcven weeks, and had taken nothing ; but her late Commander, Mºnſ. Pºlitie with five men, were [...]
[...] ſail of ſhips, ſuppoſed to be the Liſbon and Oporto fleets, under convoy, were ſeen laſt Sunday, by the cfficer who brought the Maria Thºreſa in here. The Aquilon is exp: ét, d in, it is hoped with another prize.” His Majeſty's ſhip Aquilón, Capt. Ogle, arrived at [...]
[...] the Three-Hotſhoes in St. P. ter’s the Balie in Oxford; at the Golden-Lion in High:$treet in Worceſter; at Mr. Tully's in Spº-Sºcºt in Birmingham; at the Rain in Northampton; and * liv Angel Inn in Cambridge. Price One Shilling a Paper. "," Cats nor Dogs will oct touch it, [...]
The general evening post04.08.1759/05.08.1759/06.08.1759/07.08.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. August 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Rawlinfon. Copeland, from ditto, at Lanrafler. Sally, Thompfon, from ditto, at ditto. Port Maria, Cragg, from jamaica, at Dover. [...]
[...] Kind of Hefid-ACh, in a much ll-ior-erjil‘unc thin could pt-iiibly hive h,“ conceived before Trial. It lurpniir giy rclirijca tire mnl'i Violent rains ofthe Liniha, whe'h“! a'ifir g rmm tillerirnauc, or (ilker t aulte. It removes the (low in the =tn'niacll, ratptlnpg it upon the l Xticima tie; - ptri'iéily cure otll'lr Pains of ill: Stomach and hn\'.‘k'l£ ; and [...]
[...] Paul's Church Yard. bondon'; and by hilMahon's, in Caple-flrout, Dublin; at raining t'onr Dufes, with good Allowan them to: charitable Ufes, or to full imam ‘ See a Diiiiltila'lan on Form and otlic: [...]
The general evening post30.08.1755/31.08.1755/01.09.1755/02.09.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] S C O T L A N fD. Edivibrir I) Iugu 29. W'e hear rom lnver that on 'fuzſday lilfl the heavy Rain: ſwellt-dailie River of Aray to ſuch a great Degree. that it carried oſſ ſeven of the Hotiſcs next to the Key. No Live' [...]
[...] ward bound that ſailed-Yeſterda , and izmain with his Majeſſy's Ship Ramcllies, Kyice-Admiral Smith, and the Ann' Maria, Hampron, 'or Lrghorn. Wind S. VV. blows hard. ' - The Providence, Lamb, from Dublin, is arrived [...]
[...] l Rain in ls. W I U xviii. if [...]
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