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29 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 30. Juli 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] meteorologist. The north-east trade-wind prevails at Barbados during three-fourths of the year, and most of the rain comes from that quarter. Heavy showers come at certain sea sons from south-west and north-west, but generally fail to [...]
[...] sons from south-west and north-west, but generally fail to reach the eastern districts. Indeed it very rarely happens that rain falls at the same time, or in equal proportions, over the whole island; it has, therefore, been divided into two main districts, the windward, and chiefly high [...]
[...] the seven wettest and the seven driest years of the period, we observe that in the wet years two-thirds of the excess proceeds from heavy rains in the dry season, and that in the dry years more than two-thirds of the deficiency is caused by three out of the same four months, viz. June, [...]
[...] Of the two stations, Binfield and Halton, lying respec tively at 1,065 and 280 ft. above the sea, the former received on an average nearly 11 in more rain in the year, and showed a greater monthly variability. The influence of elevation is interesting. A table of rainfall in 1870 and [...]
[...] two years. Two exceptions to this regular increment in the means for 1871-73, in supplement No. 2, are ascribed to the lower stations catching the westerly rains, which do not penetrate far inland. In March, one-half more rain fell at night than by day. [...]
[...] place a bell-like prolongation of the body-wall like a ring of united cilia. The second paper is on the heart of Appendicu Maria furcata, in which that organ is shown to consist of two nucleated cells connected by fourteen or so slender vibratile fibrillae, whose mutual connection by a membrane is uncertain. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 30. März 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] storm there is an area of lowest barometer marking the region where the equatorial current overlaps the polar current and the theatre of the cloud and rain which accompany the storm, with two regions of high barometer, one in front and the other in the rear of it. These three [...]
[...] ranean reservoir, I may observe that in most of such districts floods are almost unknown, the soil being sufficiently absorbent to imbibe all the rain that falls, except when by chance the sur face is frozen. The lowering of the water which, except in the valleys, is now usually from Ioo to 200 feet below the surface, [...]
[...] of the Vistula. But he did not pass all his life in that part of Europe. At one time he went to Bologna and stayed with Dominic Maria, a professor of astronomy in that place. After this, he proceeded to Rome, where he was made professor of mathematics, and where we find him actually engaged in making [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] IN NATURE of the 15th there is an account of hailstones of a form deviating considerably from the spherical. Hailstones are frozen raindrops, and a rain-drop falling through a vacuum would of necessity be spherical, but in falling through the air it must tend to assume the form of least resistance, whatever that [...]
[...] has received the following telegram, which was despatched by Lord Lindsay immediately after the Eclipse. Lord Lindsay's place of observation was La Maria Louisa, which appears to be near Puerto, the mainland station opposite Cadiz.:-" Photo graphs successful. Two good pictures of corona. Polariscope [...]
[...] The “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’’ contains the next later obser vation : “A.D. 685.-This year it rained blood in Britain, and milk and butter were turned into blood.: The Chron. Scot. follows with: “A.D. 688. –The moon was turned into the colour of blood on [...]
[...] Britain, and in Ireland.” “A.D. 689.- . . . . a battle against the son of Penda. Bloody rain fell in Lagenia.” (Chron. Scot.) “A.D. 690.- . . . the milk and butter turned to blood.” (Brut y Tywy.) [...]
[...] We now come to a most perplexing record of phenomena, which cannot, I am afraid, be explained; they occurred in “A.D. 714.— . . . it rained a shower of honey upon Othan " See NATURE, December 8, 1870. + Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Translated by [...]
[...] W. M. Hennessy, M. R.I.A., 1806. : Showers of Blood are mentioned as having taken place in Tit. Liv. Book 42, Sect. 20. It says: “There was a report ºf it having rained blood for hree days at a town in Italy.' And in Pliny, Book 2, Chap. 56, “It rained blood when M. Acilius and C. Persius were Consuls." [...]
[...] ... it rained blood in the island of [...]
[...] say what this record really means, especially when it states that the Loch became “clots of gore.” “A.D. 878. –It rained a shower of blood, which was ſound in lumps of gore, and blood on the plains of Ciannachta. . . .” (Chron. Scot.) [...]
[...] drawing to and fro by the Suras and Asuras, a cºntinual streat of fire, and smoke, and wind, which, ascending in thick clouds replete with lightning, it began to rain down upon the heaven'y bands, who were already fatigued with their labour." [...]
[...] of it ; and as the Aurora, which has been seen in England this year, was also visible in India, I think it not at all unlikely that “a continual stream of fire,” which “began to rain down,” is a record of a similar extensive phenomenon. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] prosecuted. (3) Report on the climatic observations made in France, and particularly on the distribution of rain, with four maps. (4) Meteorological memoirs and documents (thirteen in all), contributed by different meteorologists of France and other countries, a section of [...]
[...] The Rector delivered a very able oration, summarising the progress of the higher studies in Croatia from the time when Maria Theresa established the Society of Sciences. Many dele gates of foreign or other Austro-Hungarian Academies were pre sent at the ceremony (Krakow, Berlin, Bologna, Pesth), and [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. März 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] during the ensuing quarter. Whenever the latter part of February and beginning of March are dry, there will be a deficiency of rain up to Midsummer-day. When the foliage of the ash appears before that of the oak, we shall probably have much rain the first half of the summer; but [...]
[...] “The most remarkable effect of this earthquake was the perma ment elevation of the land; the land round the Bay of Concep tion was upraised two or three feet, at the island of Santa Maria (about thirty miles distant) the elevation was greater. On one part Captain FitzRoy found beds of putrid mussel-shells still [...]
[...] in thickness from ten to twenty feet in round numbers, and over lying strata of tenacious clay from Ioo to 200 feet. The former being easily permeable, the rain falling on its surface filters through it, until stopped by the impermeable London clay, where it accumu lates and forms a never-ſailing source of supply to the innumer [...]
[...] tributaries there is a lower-lying bed of valley-gravel or of rubble on, and often passing beneath, the level of the river. This bed is supplied with water both by rain falling on it, by springs thrown out from the adjacent hills or by the drainage from those hills and in places by infiltration from the river, when, from any [...]
[...] along a more irregular belt on the north of London, these sands pass beneath the London clay, so that the water they receive from rain and springs on the surface, passes underground, where it is prevented from rising by the impermeable superincumbent clay; consequently, as there is no outlet for the water below [...]
[...] abundant supply was obtained, led to the construction of so great a number of such wells that a time soon came when the annual rain outfall no longer sufficed to meet the demand, or, rather, it could not be transmitted fast enough to the central area of ab straction to replace the out-draught. The consequence was that, [...]
[...] and the watercomes from the chalkhills at a nearest distance of from 15 to 25 miles from London; whereasin Paris the well of Grenelle is 1,798 feet deep, and derives its supplies from the rain-water fall ing in the Lower Greensands of Champagne, and travelling above 100 miles underground before reaching Paris. The well [...]
[...] of auroras; and the aurora of the 4th of February was the subject of notes by MM. Denza, Mohn, aud Coumbary.—M. Tarry and M. Denza also noticed the sand rains of the South of Europe.— M. C. Sainte-Claire Deville also presented some remarks on a note on the theory of auroras, read at the last meeting by Mar [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Januar 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] of its climate, viz. the remarkable calmness of its atmosphere, which, combined with a light porous soil draining away the rains as they fall, and the great beauty of its environs, have made the reputation of Pau as a desirable winter and spring sanata rium. In L'Amigration dans le Midi de la France attention is [...]
[...] American Agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) from South America, a White-spotted Crake (Porzana notata) captured at sea off Cape Santa Maria, three Geoffroys Terrapins (Platemys geoffroyana) from the Argentine Republic, a Maximilian's Terrapin (Hydro medusa maximiliani) from Brazil, purchased. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. November 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] This was preceded by a hailstorm and rain, with occasional breaks in the clouds, through which we observed four meteors between 5 and 6.30 A.M. [...]
[...] numerous important towns in proximity to the central line, as, for instance, San Lucar, Jerez, Puerto de Santa Maria, Puerto Real, San Fernando, Cadiz, Medina Sidonia, Estepona, and at those places observers will meet with [...]
[...] on Tuesday morning the 22nd to 6 A.M. on Wednesday morning the 23rd. The wind was blowing strongly from the S.W. during the whole time, with occasional violent rain, and the average temperature was about 40” F. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. Mai 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] dews prevail and fogs are plentiful in the early hours of the day, the after parts of which are clear and bright. During this season rain is almost unknown. The hot part of the dry season comprises the months of March and April, during which time, chiefly in [...]
[...] the former month, an occasional heavy thunderstorm moderates the intense heat. In the early part of May the regular monsoon rains, which cease during Novem ber, set in. The thermometer, during the hot season, rises rapidly to 95° and 100° in the shade. The nights, [...]
[...] dust-rain. [...]
[...] competition, and in the end prizes and certificates were awarded in the following order to four competitors:—John Pilley, George Price, W. R. Cory, and Maria J. Menzies; and certificates to Mary C. Menzies and Messrs. C. E. Marks, C. W. Shreeve, H. Steadman, J. F. Adcock, and G. Garland. In the course of [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. März 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] The Private Life of Galileo. Compiled principally from his correspondence and that of his eldest daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, nun in the Franciscan convent of S. Matthew at Arcetri. 307 pp. (London : Mac millan and Co. 1870.) [...]
[...] were placed in the Convent of S. Matthew, at Arcetri, in 1614, when the eldest was only thirteen years old ; hence forth they became Sister Maria Celeste and Sister Arcan gela. Of the latter we hear but little, but Sister Maria Celeste constantly corresponded with her father, and the [...]
[...] constant interchange of courtesy seems to have taken place; Galileo sent money and presents of meat and wine, while Sister Maria Celeste sent him plums, and baked pears, and candied fruits, and cakes, and mended his linen and kept his wardrobe in order. Her love for [...]
[...] by Mr. G. V. Vernon. March 1.-Mr. E. W. Binney, president of the Section, in the chair.—A paper was read “On the Results of Rain-gauge and Anemometer Observations made at Eccles, near Manchester, during the year 1869,” by Mr. Thomas Mackereth. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. April 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] tion, to being deprived of the credit of being the first European to penetrate into the interior of that interesting country. April 20 LUIGI MARIA D’ALBERTIS [...]
[...] sun. How then are we to find the velocity of the earth in miles. This depends on a curious property of light. In a steady down-pour of rain you hold your umbrella upright if you are standing still, but incline it forward if you are walking fast. This is to make the umbrella catch [...]
[...] upright if you are standing still, but incline it forward if you are walking fast. This is to make the umbrella catch the rain-drops. The amount of inclination you give it depends upon the rate at which you are walking compared with the velocity with which the drops fall. The same [...]
[...] July. The cyclical periodicity is probably cne of ten years.— Among other subjects treated in this number are the formation of rain-stations in Bohemia, the inadequacy of the ozonometer at present in use, the decrease of water in springs, rivers, and Streams. [...]
[...] .***'','...' ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 s' D'Albertis' and Dr. Meyer's Discoveries in New Guinea.– 4. UIGI MARIA D'ALBERTIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Spontaneous Generation.-H. CHARLToN BASTIAN. . . . . . 482 Earthquake in St. Thomas.—W. G. PALGRAve . . . . . . . 483 [...]
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