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716 Treffer
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The general evening post23.09.1755/24.09.1755/25.09.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 23. September 1755
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Stomach; and about an Hour after Lating an Drinking (though ever ſo 'INTOCTM 3"".ſm,3",'f (LJST . my) thoſe Pins are ready to burſt un-il ri.l is eye C "up again, and this is followed wlith windy Bclchmgs . as acid as Vinegar, great lwitchirigs, as cold Sweats, [...]
[...] nei-vous Diſorder as anyflpooſ U--MPFY MO-1-il Cſ'"l'-l ' 'This Medicine is prepared and ſold by Dotftor HENRY, (t-he Patentee) at. his Houſe 'ri Hatton -.Giirden, London; likewiſe iold by Mr. Brown, in Chriltmas-Street, Briltol; by Mr. 'BUS;ld'fl'Y1 Pſiſlſcſs [...]
[...] Burcott, nen Bromſgrove. in Wort- it-rſhirt-, in the 8oth Year of his Age, Mr john 'l'.illi . whohid laid in his Berl, without r-ſing fro-ri it. lor thirty Years pall. under an Opinion that he could not b-ar the ſreſh Air; to lteep himſelf as inurh as pt-llibllc [...]
[...] qchlerday was married, at V-'hi'echapcl Church, Mr. Joſtph Turner. an eminent lNeaver in Spittle ficlds, to Mifs Ricards, Daughter of Richard Ri cards. Eſq; - And a: the ſame Time and Place was married the [...]
[...] for a ſir-gle Half-sheer, which has been reprinted, and which wrl' be delivered at the following llookſellers : [ohn Knapton 'In Luc gate-Street, ar d Mi.-ries Bathuril in ſleet-direct, London; Wil liam Thurlboum at Cambrir'gc ; and james l-'lutcher at Oxford; [...]
[...] ' ext o the Aſtcrnoon Sermon is to be taken ſrom the 6th Xhspter of St. Paul'Is( Epiſlle to the Galaiianz, viz 1" ri- as many as wal according to this Rule [ " Peace be ſon them, and Mercy, and upon th; " lſracl ofGod." ln the Evening they are to have a [...]
[...] di.ie5tti.iid the crv: , and by Conſent of Parts 'fled the Head, and pruduc? ſo-'net-ime' Liddincſ-i, Dlmneſs of dight, confuſed Thought', per-'ii-.:ri;i0us Vsaiching', troubleſome Sletp, I-"rights, grouncleſs Feais, a d the deepen Melancholy, with drrcſul view: and terriuie. ppnehenfiam; at other ſimes Fits, Fluſhing Heat', [...]
[...] or the F.:l', or :r-.i.i ()b'lrii-'liois or -!.-.- Air ii: izy P:rſ'!25e, 0. 0: ſ.n,;ii man :i;'c; fhi'irt.gh which the iV.i-it ofth; E'..ir l: ltzerrieil, 1 Mad cii e t.:i'C' N fed 'o ozic-i all Obilruztron , to ri-. .v btace the T)iii aniiin or lrrtiiii ol' tliti Ear, rq cnnikirt and llnngthin lit the inicir-al Nvf'--us iiirtls and IN-'.t.'iii'...".i..0i'.:. Fit-it , might be [...]
[...] how in ch, and hiywj )ltiii.)'W.1s he ſtiiyriiti', at Ltii 5 it-iltzizy relttittl toasqijck htaring as cicr, l'-y only i.l'i:.,c; it two or thiec '1irnes. Aiicr that he cxpc-ri.r.t;id it on wait Nttmbcrs cd' Per)-lt: or al!Agt.o and l-oth sure.-3, with ſich h.i,py Stitctſs, lo lo ſcarce y creiiibh, th-Jizgh (bit-Lily true: So...t- il..ni-.-il to be [...]
[...] nt-ighboirring P'-153. ' Ntztc, This 'a.:.'il Balſcuiick- E'ex5'tuary is n w, by -h..- .'Lu ;,l,nr's Ap--.in'ri'.:nt, to .-e had inly '.c'Mr. Eg-'iittm's (Mr Rzid ortl bel it det.-.al'edl at-the Gnlilen Pair t S,-ct'.t;-.ic- agumt um Earl-I-Lrid ol the New Church in the St-nod, L--ndon. [...]
The general evening post28.01.1755/29.01.1755/30.01.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ' A'ri'ed hete the Earl and Counteſs oſ Clanrrrihgd Boltdn [...]
[...] .pta'v ri iſ P-trill-1 ot the; [...]
[...] E H E Ri E A S Richard Sharp, a Youch , -- - about e;g'rteeri.Years-of 'Age, well grown, has without 1 l Cnuſe ahſcnted hiniſclſ ſrom his I-other, near the Monunient; Lon. [...]
[...] -W in F1cec-5n-ei:ri,i by T-V." S'H1(Oi'SVf-IIRE',i in Nc'w'BondFStreet.; and ailhfoiziy 'ARD, at she lxlng s-Arms, me Lolner or rope s-lleaci A 57 "gw and H. WHl'I'RlDG]:l, the Corner of Caflle-Alley, in Cornhlllg [...]
[...] , By Or.-lrr of lb: Crurrciſ. . ' g - ]QH;'i- LO(.ilil'-IAN, Szrſzfayy. V] H E Ri E A 3 Riclzdrd Sbarp, a Youch -- - 'bout e.g'rteen.Ye.1rsfof Age, well grown, has withou; Cziuſt: nlrfcntcd himſclt from h'u Father, near the Monunronr; Lnn [...]
[...] , - ' 7 il tare.-.or' mt-ri-ow in. rh-2 County of Lincoln, Eſq; de;eas'tl; [...]
[...] worth about 901. a Year. t Alſo the 1-'ee-Simple and Inheritance.n Poſſeſl" n of and in the Bartons of Eaſt-Ogwell and Holbeam and Ri)9dd's Tenements, lying within the ſaid Pariſli of Eaſt-Ogvell, now let: for 1651. a Year, or tnereabout. [...]
[...] Subſcriptions are taken in by Mr. Richardfon, Bookfeller, m Durham; Meſſ. Bryfon and Charnley, Bookſellers, at Newcaſtle_; Mr. Bell, at Stbclttonz Mr. Thornhill, at Sunderland; Mr. Ri chardſon, at Darlington; Mr. Parl'ons, Bookſcllcr, at Newcaſtle under-Line; Meſſ. lnnys and Richardſon, Bookfellers, at London 3 [...]
[...] ' . Blefied PBINCE. Printed for R. Balclwin, in Pattr-nottei--row; the Author at l-'oole 3 and B. Collins, Bool;ſeiler,- ri Suliſbury 5 and fold by molt llookſellers in Great-Britain and lreincl. [...]
[...] of SHAETESBURY. ' . Ml. On -Ridicula; conſidered is 3 Taſt of- T,-uth; U. on thcK orives to Virtue, and the Ncceſit oi' reli l0Lh 'ri ' ,. , Revealcd Religion and Chii(ti.1n2ty.y 8 1. na?-He Lu on -By-20-I-IN BROWN, pl,1) [...]
The general evening post26.06.1755/27.06.1755/28.06.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] '"'ſi ' -VWW "w ' - . Egg -p 4. V U) ' A . ri. -- t . . 2--t F Lu 1 ' ' I [...]
[...] Example is preparing to be followed throughout all the Province; and, perhaps, in Time, will be car ried to the total Recovery of the reatcſt Partoſ our Province, long loſt in the Lalte olgl-larlein. [...]
[...] ſhocking Manner; ſortunately it was only charged with Powder] Bel aſf, um- i7. Laſt Sunday the Ri ht I-ſon. thralfiil oſ7Hillſborough arrivrd at his St-si at Hillſ bqſouglh ſrom London, by the Way of Scotland, [...]
[...] Regiment of Foot-Guards, and Aid dt: Camp to the Lord Licutenant of ireland, is appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the Hon. George Boſcaw-.-ri's Regiment of Foot ſinylrcland, in the room oſ Col. Carolirie Stozt, decez ed. - [...]
[...] This Day 'was ptiblzſbed, (Price r s.) (Dedicartd to 'be Ri in' Rev. 'be Lard Biſhop of [...]
[...] IVIHJ Hid' Maj:fly': Rayal 1'ri-vilrg: and Liecriu [...]
[...] that no one ufllifited with'Dul'netr, or 'Difliciil-ry ot Hearing, Pain or Noiſe in the Ears, med tlelpm ot being 1-ur!6Cf'YCU"-4 by this Great Medicine, ythich is to be uſed in L'-ri-ps only, and thercfcrc in ittled Sy cunck Drops ioi Dcatncts, 'and axe rcr the phbj-. 1; tjood periiiitrtd to be ſold only dy the (gentlewoman at [...]
The general evening post27.09.1755/28.09.1755/29.09.1755/30.09.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] one Diamond in the 'vlitldle and time on each tide; one other Dram-'nd Ring, with one Diamont in the Middle and ſix ſmaller ſet round it 5 one Bralil-Stane Ri'g, very large; one black ena melled Muurning Ring, with the \'ame or Anne Drandtling; one Vt hire enamellea' Mourning Ring, with the Name James Myonnet, [...]
[...] (T lace M.-.s-ri-zit of the Ror.Ls. Printed for WVilli.'-m Sandby, at the Ship, ovcpasajnfl St, Dun. fian's Church, in fleet-Street. B [...]
[...] wherein the Fſcnch ſufik red greatly. A 'vVe arc aſſured that Meſſ. john Chutchill and Son, I.-onmiſters, in d'tafl"orrlſh-ri-, are rrppointed Gun fnunilers to his Maj-:(iy; and that W irrarits are ſent them to cwſi a large Qpiniity of iron Ordnarice ar; [...]
[...] mcms, and Fmmn I-.ni;r0.rclx.rrents on me Continent of North Amerrca, neatly er1r;r'.ixc-il. UIH a i..rge scale, trorn the lateſt and belt Diſcov;-ries and Survey'-r JFAXF 9' me Enihm Fnd French coijnggrapn,--5: and a new hong let to Mutic, with an em blematical ii-.-an-re.-e.) P [...]
[...] Wrrh Hss MA]Es'ri'. Royal Privilcgc and Licence, L Saturday was publiſhed, (Price 6d.) Nurrrzrzn XIV. '-. [...]
[...] 3 b ri V ""'"s Nir)iſuete.3uu my mgmwd ' a Sand ſet 'O Mufiikr and a new [...]
[...] .(. ,Regiſler of all the Tranſaflron -. thoſe relating to the War in Amesrig, P:ri"EEii,"InTf in Europe. Accuratc Liſis of Births, Marriages Pro.-notions ac' Printed ſor R. Baldwin, in Pater-noſlcr-liotih aind ſoldib' B9"kſc"e'V: and me NTWS-C5l"'i':rs in Great-Britain and Irelztnd [...]
[...] Printed ſor R. Baldwin, in Pater-noſlcr-liotih aind ſoldib' B9"kſc"e'V: and me NTWS-C5l"'i':rs in Great-Britain and Irelztnd ln the LONDON.M.-'LCAIINE ſor une i - plete and entertarlling Account of our Plarit 'tidn:viariA:'?fc;i'i1c.:,ctfd!ri Eaimng the Hiſtory of their Diſcuveiyy settlement, and Provrcſs, 0 the preſent '1ime, which, when finrſhcd, will be the n-mist re [...]
The general evening post01.04.1755/02.04.1755/03.04.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. April 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] luiimtttl r- Hags, l'.i't-dais, Cems, and other Copper-Plates; h'Oi'.l.lTi3l iiil, cuntzlning the Hiflory of Auguſlus. Mr. ltt.ri.:.'. Ancient flifiory, -10 vuls. Svo. with Maps and Copper-l'1;i:es - - -----i Arts and Scicnees, 4vols. Bvo. [...]
[...] 'jeryec . r-Plates. -'ri-.e I. s. in 5'---.-tt [...]
[...] V ihe Lzrand Specifick 'lvilei-irk, or Well" Female Pilla; they remove all Uhſ'truClions, 'nd pur the Blood in'o a righ' Circula ri. n 5 they alſo cure I-lypochondri.-ical anl tplenetick Diſordeis in mon, an' Vapours in VK omen. Tlirſe nlls naye been experienced in private Practice upwards wf thirty Years, with wonderful Suc [...]
[...] .;.i'g.- There are one hundred and twenty l-'illa in a Box, at 5 s, the Box, ol' as. 6 d. the Half- and is. 3 d. the Quarter ii X. Likcwiſe incomparabie O:-if,-'ri Elixir, allowed by all judge' of Medicines, both Phyſicians and JUFSCOIM, to be the beſt in r, land. [...]
[...] By.R. JAME , M.D. in Order to render lll.: excellent Wsrk as coi-iipictc, at-tial the time lime as coin. a'l as ri ſli:il.:. Care lists been taken. this t-di:.on to 'ctrench it-h;ite':r Mitt-:r did not iixinisdiairf concern th- P..iElice ot Plulick an' to fub'litur- in its d'e.-lll.' [...]
[...] all m'd ci-'al l --..ition' or Cure; with an liidiczuiori ſub;-ir.:l u id.: each F--imula 0' its refpeiiive Uſe and Virtue; ſo rh.-i it is to he hop.d, it will now ba; lookudi upon as the Ri.-,.;iiir2iy ofuvi.-ry T in; that can puifibfy be rcquirctl by the moſt .irur.u Pr.1'liii-mer in th. - -iurfc ot his l-ndeuours to 'i.li..'ve 'illu [...]
[...] lo-:,d, lndigelion, and iiyrn-; l'.l.i-1' l,lt.: .ucchcsr Vf"""L'd, ward Coiiiiictk ol the lzrcali and St m-.-.c.i; ſwelwllajmm. l;ri;.,-3, l..,-gg, ani i-'e.t, arcompancil with Patin-aiid l.i wind' tiori ; an uritaſy Fulncix ol the Body, (A lir.-ir..1.s, ;ind (J'ai In rl--.lu t;.ri':s zh .- l).-cur p'irticu'.xr5) ortiulcd ih-ie 1"-At nd [...]
The general evening post14.06.1755/15.06.1755/16.06.1755/17.06.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] lgizg, iſi,ri';ie.'pr aL2icer de Cechcr. - -- - [...]
[...] Fellow 0.' Trini.y llrll, who was many Years Dr. Dickz.-irs's Dcputy in th-.t Oliicc. ' i 'l'ri-iiſday lift the Rev. Mr. Harnphry Chriſlian was inſlituted into the Rcflory of Palgrave, in the County of Sufſ-ilk; on the Preſcntatiun of the Right [...]
[...] Jsrivimx-Namm,..ancl thi:.'ln'.ri'gues and A-ttcmpts of the Frenali to [...]
[...] Printed ſor ]. 'I-iincon, at the Kingfs-Arms, in Nt:wg.1te-Ftrcet 5 'nd fold by jacoh Rcl:itrl'on,,-at. ti--.' Golden-l'.'i-on, in ,Lutli';.t'3 St;-cet, London; and by the l'ri:1t-zrs and ſ-Ioc-l:ſcllers cſ aii chi: Cities and nor'-:d 'i'o'wi1s of (;rc.it-Briuin and Ii-eland. ' . Where may he had, ' ' " , - [...]
[...] '. Meſf. Richardſon's Accourt ut the itatues, Baſ-R;cliefc,-Drz';w ings, and Piliures, in ltaly, France,-Scc. zd Edit. Prict. 55. 2. The Life of Huqo Grctius; coittainfmz ri ci-c"'inſkr",i-il I-i 1' gory of his. N-. 5- critic rts, an-J'.i -::'i'::i: ji. :,i;i.: Liii V.".zrt:s. . i) Mr. 13.-ridrity. l-ricv 0. ' - -' ' [...]
[...] ; LV. Twenty-fix excellent Antliegris, car-npofcd 0fScrx's,rYugcs,f,, Sand Choruſs, collcfled from the belt Autfinrs' n5w'ex . ntf witlf' ſeveral new ones never i:cl'i.ri: in prznt; hlſb ſevcF?11.l)iv?i-ds Hymru' - [...]
[...] Head, Weakneſs ofthe Ne.-w-es, Melancholy, l,c'.l':n'git's. ſ3T1-i.ri's.fliY ' the Iztorin-:'1,.Stinkii1'.z Breath, Violent Rcichinzs, Retention of Urine, Difxrvlcrs incidemto the Fair Sex, Hy.l".-ricks, Eainlinzs, [...]
[...] fi ma-I Ntriwiv.-.e i- 6 5 2 Pot, fezlli till. with-1 Botrki rij 1,-in 3 ri--ii.-zi.-ns, i. ;;l'-ty ncccllnry ug be so-t-1. 'gy ails l't-xſoua .-.vl1'w cyu' were-..'it3,-:'tp) -in-ii zny. uzlonlur in Atnt; PW.-iinziſiil Nzcſiclx or " [...]
The general evening post06.12.1755/07.12.1755/08.12.1755/09.12.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. Dezember 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] they had built a great many Huts for their preſent Reception, and were building many others; that a conſiderable Qgantity of Proviſions were al'ri'.'cCl there, and ſeventeen Ships from Liſbon to refit and water, to prepare them for their Voyage to England; [...]
[...] " Hills, and they ſmokc. Pſal. civ. 32. " And that kriawing the Time, that now it is high T' " awake out of Sleep. Roni. itiii. ri. " Diſccre juſlitiam, moniti, et non tcmnere Divos." Printed ſor dſ. Buckland, at the Buck in Pater-noilcr-ro , T. [...]
[...] )This Day. war publi.tb'd, (Price 6 s.) The nor-1'ri-i cnirioix of [...]
[...] ne Caufl isſtcret, in ib: Eflfl is i town. AdJiſ . P ENGLAND ! be aw'd, now the Alarm is ;Iv'ri [...]
[...] (price 6 dſo, 53. Per Dgz, to thoſe who give them away) t, A N E W' B D IVTI O N of " l " HE IKBUASILY dCQiY11'uA1H;?wI;M7- O M A C A U L A. I-'T ' s '; W'th Chr' ' n up ris un ertie rou eso i. -r . . ' . . to cornſortland ſiiccour alliichoſe who in this tranfitory Liſc are inx 2 H O W Trouble, Sorrow, Need, Sickneſs, or any other Adverfity- Unto ' - L . [...]
[...] diſl'ei':iit Senſes in ,wh.ri-i they -lſt. ii:-.d. X-Vicli Autlicritios from tl.c beſt VN'rll8l'd to ſupport thoſe appear d"bb1'i.ll. [...]
[...] By NATHAN iz-xiLi-:Y, I Author of the Uniwrſill Et)-nalagiral Engliſh Dic'ri-oiwiitv. Printed ſor W. lnnys and ]. Richardſin, R. Ware, C. I-litch r and 1.. 1-lawes, ]. I-lodges, ]. and ]. Rivington, R. Baldwin. [...]
The general evening post04.12.1760/05.12.1760/06.12.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] D Fr Pa A Y CÁIl ' . ris, N. , D T H : ecembe U C E fr. 2 1 r - R S [...]
[...] : P: M, o: : * : : X- eu ft : ed fy : ::" ::" : : :::: or e th #:: npr. Maj of đf (! of - of S ::::: ¿? : ft ! 10 #:: Un : fr ;: al : : [ :::: fb E : re/e :# A C of Vl TE |- : th ubi tid t C h t : ri | : ch Cf : A ::: af :::::: ;“zt 6:/?" rop Aff teċli ol. 0 Il Ce fs 15 R : f alon idie ted Cu e : : : }: : Axe tha loa y h Ing M. nd /h () QUfr ieft bers af :::: la er P thu : : |- : m B I : th eº : :::: e : : : : : : # ::;: ::k! P : : [...]
[...] : : : : :: # : ::::: :: | . : # :::: ynfi |- - 3 t f1 g |- |- - Il U |- - - C - - - : : : : : # : : : |he : :: :r a R rgeon rgeon N: - : : the G « » the : tl y you : ho : : f7, a : : : Ɛy, : :: ckw ris egi ---- to h : : 17ť:X"f : :::: : Ë : : :: : : : : : : :: Įr. : : well wa : ís : : #-# Gion by : M : ad 3ľT) : I Ore Il Of e : his : : : S : : illi - :::: · S : { in H 5, 1 # Ge t : :::::: [...]
[...] : : f. H : : J S 0IIĆ, f yest d : e :::::: tely : : : # : : : : g" : Fr!- Þ; O :: ell ·m: - old; erd C S : |-m I)e C3I of : ok war Ä : : fom b: Re h. g f : : b: b.f Nj :s:: 3 es H - :::: ay OII)II] : :fi: wł ried i;i by W dw ö: Li : : Ti : : : he eth ”, -* : iſ) 2 |- af) hi G O , w R įt - t á 2 ft no G - - ant : W t m : ot bej :::: r t} : : 0 : : } :::: : : : : :::: [...]
[...] : |- K* . O Q EI f * * Jl !! VC jei C() t Bi İO e, ife ed :k the : i R :::: : y i f: v'.* : : * : - f : W th : m) hir th :’ : : EA : : he aid : și * * , :G i 6: N. the ri ' ere e A :::::: mitt ch E : : : t : Ge se C S : O!" : ti : çd « · "" 3d . ' Ald A :::: y : » å GW (DII) th Iur he : : Ou! In J :::::: : (i : : * :,: M? j of Efe * kno S W3 : : : 10 : W Ga Aſh e : : : : : of ohn be :::: Mr : : : [...]
[...] | ;ti : :::: : : : fo : : : : : : : : Fett ford th r : : - 3 : re : : : : t! i e S : : : t :::: : : d - e pt: ile rieš ith ; o t t uf cei - be t, ho : i e , pu : 1s * : o b Cn :::: D : - : s, C , trí ſte the : : ry and e XC : : lt :r L2} Un :S # V t. eys ft efs : iws * : : wh Id : - t C cpt : nt y : : : he, af [...]
[...] have purchaſed another Look, and objektedim:, } : upon Inſpection were found not to be in theſe : :::::::: : to aſk for The CO U RI a., li: :: R, printed for Rivington, Joiste, i . B. Every Page of the above Lists h *** --: [...]
The general evening post18.09.1755/19.09.1755/20.09.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] Romney, Gibraltar, and Wolf Sloop. Wind E. Biahh Fanny, Kcndrick, from Nevis, is arrived at ri o . [...]
[...] Diſtiller, in Cannon-Row, near the Bridge, Wailinin."ti:r; Mr. Davis's, at the Mineral Water Warehoiiſe in St. Alban's-tlreet, St. jai-ries's-Square; Mr. Stephen Grecn, at the White-Horſe lnn, Cripplegate; and at Mr. I.aldwin's, the George lnn in the Bo rough. [...]
[...] naby, Butler, Smith, Walker, Button, Blackwall, Lowe, Rollin, Abp. of Carnhray, Meiſ. de Port-Royal, 8:i:. 'ſhe Whole being diſtinguiſhed into wha: is ri-.ce1i'.ry to be repeated, andcwliat may be made only Matter oſ Obſervation. ' The Second containing the Subſtance of Lon5inus's celeb.;ited [...]
[...] were aflliſitcil with any Diſorder of the St.-nuiial Vcl ell or m,i5hL'oi.rinit Pciria. . ' imice, 'llzis -:iiii'il B.ilſzri.ri.lr. Elt-Eliiary 2' ny', by rleAu cj-Am'3 ,-Lpii.-intincm, to it: had' -zniy :it'.V.r. 1-.g-inru':" (Mr Rue: ord ber' it dec. uſed) it zli-: ſ.z iida.-.i i-air I S; t-clacles againil [...]
[...] By JOHN S T R Y'P la, M.A. And now brought down to the preſent Time by a Careful I-[A N D, ' ri.LusTiiATi-:D. .. With eytaa -MAPS of the City and Subiirbs, and of all 'In Ward, and likewiſe of the Oiir-Pariſbu of LONDON and WEST. [...]
[...] by all llookſellers and Printers in Great-Brirain and lrel.ind. kf? Four Editioos bf Bu jobrrſoſr jcfli hiving bean printed wri.i.ri a ſgw Years, it ſufficiently proves the Deſerence paid to it above all other jeii-Books, and alſo ſhews the great Rcpard held for that great Hiimouriſl the Author. [...]
[...] Newcaflle in Shropſhire, but now riſ Youghall- in lreland, maketh Oath that he was ſor ſcvcral Years aſfiifled with a Rheu maiic Gout, Cholic, Shortiieſs of Breath," and a very bad Digefllon, [...]
The general evening post31.05.1755/01.06.1755/02.06.1755/03.06.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] 'Fhurſday laſl' Mr. Robert Brettingham, an eminent Manufaaurer of Norwicli, was married to Miſs Har ri--tt Frelton, ,Grand Daughter of Sir William Coke, But. of Broom Hall in Norfolk. and Siſti-r of Coke Freſlton, Eſq; of Mendham, Hi h Sheriſfoſ Suſſolk. [...]
[...] e. 2: 1 ri V 's - ed .' of,l.. Thomſon, of Slrerfl-Hutton, near Malton, in Yorkſhire, the [...]
[...] Points in the Urlginal. ' By the late Lord Chief juſiicc HALES. Printed for Shuckliurgh, at the dun, next Ri;hard's Cotſec Houſe, in Fleet-Street. [...]
[...] In a neat Poclret Volume, Prrce 3 s. bound, (Ir:::c.-ud ai a cdmpleat Guide Io Fomgrrrn, and:-rli' orbm -wbo came to air-.u ſbi' Crry or tra-vel to any qſru cirtumyacuir Pa, ri) ONDUN in MINIATURE: Being a . conciſe atil comprehenlive Deſcription of the Cities of Luidon [...]
[...] ONDUN in MINIATURE: Being a . conciſe atil comprehenlive Deſcription of the Cities of Luidon and zſeſiu.-ri:ſIrr, and Parts adjacent, for forty Mrlcs round. ln vliici' tizc many public]-t Buildinga, Statucs, "Ornaments, -Royal l'al-hes, H3'ii:'es of the Nobility and Gentry; Places of p.ublick 1)i [...]
[...] hnglcd in the Chain Of [lie Buoy. It is a tviv.-Jvg Pounder, one oſ her upper Declt. it was ſound aim the Brecch down in the Mud or Clay upto the 'T':L-ri rnons, ſtandir-g-in a perpendicular Mariiiar '. he r0mi2k[n was nſ' the Gan, an.-1 it was loaded. 'X hat [...]
[...] SUGAR PLUMS, for VVORMS, RI [...]
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