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174 Treffer
Suchbegriff: See

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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer22.07.1755/23.07.1755/24.07.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 22. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] ing the ſame to the ſaid Scott at a Publick-Houſe, de- , ' ſired' to ſee the Bond, which he inadvertently delivered' I [...]
[...] greatly periſhrd and diſtended the Bone; there were nine large Holes, the Arm ſwelled to ſuch a Size that it was ſhoclting to ſee, and the Pains inſufferable. He was admitted a Patient at St. George's Hoſpital, but on Examination it was deem'd incurable, and thereon diſ [...]
[...] ſtribed H-U a Curnea at leaſt to the ſaid Reeve. And iſ only one Horſe, &t. corner to enter ſo' any oſ theſe [Ne-ſee, ſuch Horſe, &r. ſhall have Fire Uumea', and it two or three Horſe', &e. Fire Guineas each, and their Entranee Money re turn'd, unltſa they are allow'd to run. [...]
[...] in' oſ Bed', W.n£0' Our'ainr.Har-ging'oſ rich Genoa Da mllk, C ffoy, fine ſhmtr, printed Cotton, Cheek, and otb-r Fumi t'uo, Se'tceer d Che 'e cover'd 'itb eitto, See Gooſ' feather Bcda, exceeding good Mazmſſu and Hell-tri Quilt', both Had' and Flat-it, fine white Qui a, Blanker', (heſts oſ Ma- er', Dimng. Card, and [...]
[...] J' been remzrleeble for ſellin' -etd fluting 'he Ten Thouſmd Pound Pr see end man of tl.e ozher cepitel Priee' in ell the Lor 'e'ie' for ſeverel Yee e pell, ſell' the 'l tekrts, end Sheree of Tiez let', end Charite', in the preſent Lemery, et hir irne-Lottery [...]
[...] Prieſt', 'Piece of the City of jeruſelem, drc. end 'hetcvcr elſc may ce nd to tlluflnte the Hot' See l'TUR es. [...]
[...] ther-in-Law to the Ear] of Sendwich, Dcſendent, about the Right of their reſpective Manors, which join; the Pleintiff claiming ſome Wreclt thrown up by the See cn the Dcſendant's Manor of Leiſtcn ; when, sfrer e Triel of ſix Hours, the Jury, without going out of [...]
[...] tekc in Merines, end proceed dircElly to Spithead. N. B. After the Venguerd, lion. Cspt. llyron, came in the Advice, Brcclr, from London for this Port; See horſe, Judd, from London for Set-il, having loſl her: Bowſpth 5 Matilde, t'mith, from-Dentzick, with Pipe. [...]
[...] Bank Stork, rzz. India Stoclt, no Price. South See Stock, no Price. Old South See Annuities, 94. t-4th. Ditto zd Sub. no Price. New Armuitics, 93 i-4th, exclufivo oſ the Dividend. Ditto :d Sub. 9t [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer03.06.1755/04.06.1755/05.06.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 03. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Ticicet-Porter m Thennes-Street, , , 1 Stairs at his Houſe in Long-Lette', Southwark, his Scull being fractured, ſuppoſed by a violent Fall, being- ſee the Night before very much in' Liquor. ' -* *- I Yeflerdey Morning a' ButchErWho kept a' Sh'op the j [...]
[...] always to be ſufficient to' ſiwe the Patient, on. account. of the Defiruaion thernalreedþmctsſioneda by-the Venom; See) that a perfect Cure maybe expected ifth' 'iS'taken thhin a'few Days gifte? the Bllb; or' [...]
[...] Aſ South'uk, and M'allad'r Cokjr, 'ae thla Day diſſolud 5 it l'- mutually agreed by the ſaid Partie', th't Debte due to the ſaid Co Fbfiperbip may be paid either to It. South, at bie New son, ſeeing St, Masgeret'r Hull in the 'caught to "neither, on Snow-Hull z or Mr. Richard Wheatley, at the Bbop 'here the ſ'ld Trade we' [...]
[...] N-B. The Timber may be tranſported by Water from e Lab- in the Wood to the Spey, and floated by that River to the Plane' Shippſng, and 'he Puwhaſer 'ill have Liberty 'o erect See' Wit, be. And alſo a Faroo near the Wood ſee ſupport-o' Cettle ſo' Carri'gee. - [...]
[...] fiteor' of ignorance; therefore to prevent ſup'rtin ua Trouble a' merh aa may be, it re determined by the Perſon putat-'Leg thu Ad vertilem-nr not to ſee any one upon thia Oxefion, without bemg flrfl eredibly in'- rmrd, that the Perlon applying is really and bone fide poſſeſs'd of the ſj'eral Reqmfiree above premrſer'. [...]
[...] " ' I really doit't' wonder the Go'vernmen: meet with ſo much Difficulty in manning their Nai-y, when I hear and ſee the ill Uſago the p-mr Creatures' meet with. Saturday Morning a Tendcr, corn mande'd by ':b'o Second Licurenant, came into our Bay, [...]
[...] miral Bqſcawen; endſſ had this Licurenancbchaved liko a Man, he might, undoubtedly, have had [literal-more; But to ſee ſuch liſago to ono7s Fellow-Creatures the hardefl Heart could not recommend any to him, and l think ſuch Behaviour ought. to be made publick, eſpg [...]
[...] he' formerly difllvzoiſh-d._lto line-2, noon-e, A', end Sntl._ It' River-e, Prnſutinn oſ Fiſh. end of 'lmoſt til otter Conrmdi ter e-lte 'dium Cor-itfit'te' on the See Co'fl'. Theolory. lX. (ſieo Theoltzy (contlouedl The d'ffetent Cleoe, Mould. or Earth, pl in Pruoſ' oſ infinite Wtſdom.-The Stone' oſ uriom KPnde, more ptr [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer01.01.1756/02.01.1756/03.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] the Water. The Vice Legate was almoſt conſtantly at the Town-houſe, to give the neceſſary Orders, and went through the Streets in a Boat, to ſee that they were properly executed. - HAL Lº, Dec. 16. By Letters from the Daniſh Miſ. [...]
[...] tion which this Piece of Kertiſh Ordnance has done amongſt the Anti-Chriſtian Powers, they may take the Liberty for Sixpence to fire it themſelves, and then (if their Eyes be open) they will ſee Pagans, Mahometans, Jews, Papiſts, Deiſts, Arians, &c. all tumbling down headlong before it [...]
[...] Markets for them. Ferms of Bills and Notes. Sever if uſeful and very neceſſary Tables. Plain Directions how to carry on Buſineſs, in ſuch a Manner that the Shopkeeper may ſee his Profits every Day, and on each Commodity; know exaštly what he ſtands indebted to each Dealer, and if any Miſtake has happened in the Dolivery of [...]
[...] late in the Afternoon, and then nor One in Twenty received any Benefit thereby: The third Day the Fire continued, and great Numbers returned to ſee what Effects could be ſaved; but unfortunately the far greater Number never returned, and thoſe that did [...]
[...] Ship by ſºme Boat, for better Quarters than in the Fields at Belem, which I quitted the Afternoon before, and alſo to be near at Hand to ſee if any of my Eife&ts | could be recovered) the Remains of which it threw down into the Sea, and the Remnant of the Cuſtom and [...]
[...] ably gone, the Houſe having taken its Part in the Con flagration: I was ſufficiently uneaſy and thought my Condition bad, but had thc Mortification to ſee man others much worſe, not having ſuved 5 s, in the World, and perhaps ſome Thouſands bad. They continue [...]
[...] Houſes, excepting the Parochial Church, St. Franciſco, a Part of the Inquiſition, and ſome Nunneries, which by a Banditti of Spaniards and Portugueſe were ſee on Fire to prevent a Diſcovery of their villainous Plunder of the Riches of thoſe Places, leſt the Shocks [...]
[...] la" "ar The Powder" are ſºld at Mr. Sixt n’s in Red-Lion Court, Fleet. Street per dºzen Papers, with full Dreſtions, *...* See the Adveriement of Diſcover, of the 19th of Novem bºr. to Win. Cram-cºnd. F ſq; in the Gazetteer or London Evenin”. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer09.12.1755/10.12.1755/11.12.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 09. Dezember 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] * fldour was come to put an End to this World. This is - now the gth Day ſince the overthrow of the City. I . ſee all around me many Hundred: of Perſons, who. like me, have nothing left but the Remembrance of their former Condition. We are miſerable and deſti [...]
[...] diſmal 'Calamity : 'AE'E'O our Parts; have neither Time nor Spirits to doir. ' _ ' _ _* , __' , , . P, 3- I You ſee the' Conſdſion that I_ wrote the above in ; (into which there have-puſs'd 2-4 Honrs,*and we have had two Shocks more, not quit: ſoviolctsnt as [...]
[...] INGLAND, p'tticuhrly thoſe of the Royal Houſe of STUART, uſ bleſſed Memory. ** And whilc they live, we ſee their glorious Mint' " Oft uttflcd to the Wcrſi, and all thcir Life, " lt but a Shff of endleſs Toil and Strifir. [...]
[...] S r n, v December 9, '755. BEING at the Seffions-Houſe in the Old-Bailey on Frida , _I was greatly pleas'd to ſee that Court in ſuch fine eld-der, ſo well diſpos'd and neat, and ſup lied with Rue and other Herbs, proper to guard again In [...]
[...] fine eld-der, ſo well diſpos'd and neat, and ſup lied with Rue and other Herbs, proper to guard again In fectio-i ;ſi but was concern'd to ſee the Priſoners of the loweſtSort ſo very foul. As a new Priſon is deſign'd, ſuppoſe that in ſome convenient Part of that Gaol a [...]
[...] SOLlClTOlſs Table for the Year r756. * * Printed only for R. Baldwin, It the Roſe ianter-noflet-Row. it? Be careliil to ask f'or Baldwin's Daily Journal, and ſee that his Name only be at the Bottom oſ the Title, by which you may'be L ccrtJin Oſ the Right; ſome MODZST People having ſor the enſuing [...]
[...] cafler Man oſ War," Witneſ' to 'be like Cureol hi' only Dlfllh ter by theſe Po'tdtr', 'ben in the utmoſt Danger, and 'all alſo (cſljy i' r He 'It plw'd to tak' I large ngthy of than to See 'irh himI a' they are no leſ' ſueeeſrlul in the moſt malignant and acute Fever'. Thi' Medicine 'an diſcour'd to Mr. Smun by I jrſuit [...]
[...] laſt War. The [lo-der' are fold at Hr. S'Xton" in Red-Liar' Court, ſleet-Street, per d-'zen Paper', 'itb ſull Direction', ',* See the Adrerziiemenr o' Diſcovery, of tbelrgth oſ No'em b-r, to th. ('rammond. Eſqi in th' Gazette'r or London Ever-ing. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer14.08.1755/15.08.1755/16.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] , vVill- Ftence, where he hee' been jdned'by 'tht Plz'ceuix. . n-btge'sM e'lnu'su 'Tthſſe Daſip 'after any hnd my-" tr"H;-Frie'id_ if! .l'Iſſ'fi-Mdd'f'fl 37!" 153J7$$8 ., Cept. Mucus, from Porttnahon. Mr. Edgcumbp; wtll wher smrm, "Wah _mewzgdjdſime Mm..ge unde ' w " The Profinge pf_PEngſyſv4.-Z_e he; J'wmilzedcm'e nt ted-See in I,feW'Dx s, in order to condone his 'FruItLbf the Earzh,.'b'u mujzhzkſ, th." (he [omen ra'lſiPrxddrx-k with ibp're .zb'o ug-ggem. ſpun Horſe' rain ell 'long the'Coe Of Irsly, " ffl .7 M. thleiik L.4y,,q'.1z'o.;( * Name of the' Eaſt 'edcb'l enſi'ſi'fxrgd ,N4mlfictr£"q£ chſi-hukg. together , 'CIMZ'UW, July 28. un Wedneſdey 'bank Three in ' ſung, [m brought m Emo . whh Mr mifw Cade, With ebbu'c 7 ee-seqa I; North Jqſ &gy-Mans" and be [...]
[...] _ "In a 'ced '_u] * _ .furnxlh Mrs-r 'fir lah ' Q 'ſi fflrel'- Hmh am, -,Iq_,ſee,tbſſ15_in,PA_-_iat.*fn£7;hi Wwblic-Ucffiffijwd [...]
[...] 'he Clarh e' the Cauſe. The Ageexſ ſnth Ho'ſ',&'.'ln he ter ltified underthe fiende oſthePerſon 'he 'ruthe 'e'e- ſi On Wedneſd-'y the 3d,e Perſeol l-ſiy Ouin-e, drieth H'ſee, 'Warm o' Gdernp. ee her' hee' in the Mile' e' the 'dſpectiee O-nm thered', in the County oſ De'eu or Cor-cal), 'or tHelrz L [...]
[...] On ſhun-(dey a Paſſ' e' 'Ay Ounces, by eoy Ho'ſe. In', o' thd'rnz, d'ed in 'be Cat-U eſ Dem a' Can'ell, to he len-fled 'nde' the Head o' the P a' 'rho bred th' in; ſee' Yeen old arryinl eight, five Yeir' old nine, lie Yon' old te', I'd 'lf'ſſ None', be. 'lete- Sir-ne, Bridle had Siddle ſindld'd z Ill' be' 'I [...]
[...] "Ortfli'u en' 'he Hath o' England by 'he Nun' eſ 10" wll l_'nleeo'] e' Human Tree', by the N'me oſ ten-'3 emerge X h" Cannon-I' Swell-e, Le. by the 'du-'seeſ the L'T'te witch-e', Aſiuzh hie ryh: Name i' *u poſzd to he \VILLIA' Ieeeejroe, b-'n dlth e 'au' I'i-e' Wreathed' inDuh [it [...]
[...] Ieeeejroe, b-'n dlth e 'au' I'i-e' Wreathed' inDuh [it I 'I- do' ſome 'do'n I 'eneot in Sir 'alms Wdl 'me Wynn" Stable', le 'bout Ih-rty Yteneſ A', ſhe F'l ſee'n 'ache- but. '_'.l 'et pretty mue 'e' 'r'd.e ' y We,xcufi n'd by e Bow, i" Voic- ſue-'et Hernia-te, 'o e 'bribe tap' 'might black [...]
[...] of Ille Cornſ', 'rho 'ill tltre gin Anus-er, -'-l to and 'tom the Tin: o' err-rence 't the Houſe' only a' inch Perſene n ſub ſrribe Ten Shillinp to the 'ſee'n Purſe. No Smi h w plate e" Hu'ſC- du. but 'rho ſubſcnbee ſr'e Shillinp to the To'n Purſe. Ill' deſ' than in" Horſe', at. to 'art 'or 'he 'boeevl-'l 5 iſ it" [...]
[...] ' No. XXXVI. (Te 'In (onlinmd Weekly) zſ " NLW .-_;lS,TORY 'of the HOLY ' Bill-1. both 01.' 'nd Ne' 'ſee-rife" . By the Rev. THQMAS STACKHQUSR A-M. ' , hue 'tear oſct 82-th inmtz, . [...]
[...] . Mr. CHEV'ER" tra-'i oſ m. noum EIÞERDKS, I' hath-'ed 'Sed Hey', Mtdail. Cum, 'no other Coyya-Pllee; V' lumetbr ſad rd See-nd. t'o'. . up. Rnlh " Ancient fliflny', 'ilk Muſt 'nd Copper-Place, to Vol', "o [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer23.01.1755/24.01.1755/25.01.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] came to the Ottoman Throne ſo quietly. The janiſſa-. ries are likewiſe very quiet, but the Joy it gives them te ſee the Em eror Oſman upon the Throne is viſible in their whole ehaviour. U Gs non, Jan. 3. By a French Tartan, lately arrived [...]
[...] be' in t a ' pring. ' ,CAN£L,JWl4. he Princſs Conſort of the he > reditary Prince ls this Day ſetout to ſee the Piinces her Sons atGottiugen. Beſide: the ſeveral Engurrtmcnts into which Prince Frederick has entered by 'riting, [...]
[...] ing, and a rea y Memo to the laſt. __ s H 1 -N*"E*W s. . DEAL, jan. 23. Came down his Majeli 's Ship See ford, and remains with his Majeſty's Sloop ruizet; 'and aShip for Dunltirk. Came d0Wn and ſailed, the Eliza [...]
[...] Lords of the Admiralty, event Pofl' to Plymourhpto embarlt in a Sloop of War directly," in order-to look in to Brefl and Rochelle, to ſee ls'lu't Forw'rdneſs the Fremh Fbet are in" " - Capt. Dodſan, arrived at Lancafler, from Barbados, [...]
[...] ' His Mejeſty's Ship George of 90 Guns, is brought down the Herbour, in order to be dockud and corn. * miſſion'ed for See Service. * The Cnpuin hes Order: to ſail to Spitheed this e, Da '_' [...]
[...] *_ next Morning to ſee iſ he could diſcnver tho Rogue, [...]
[...] Stork: were do'n this Day at One e'C/od, or follow : Benk Scocir, '30 e i-4th. Indie Srr-ck, 176 ex'cluſive of the Dividend. South See Stock, ſhut. Old South See Annuities, ioz e -02 3-t4ths. Ditro :d Szdi no Price. New Annuities, ſhut. Ditto zd Sub. fliut. [...]
[...] N AN l A; or, The l-ietnors Sit' of SBU-POLLUTXON, and all it' ffichtſul Conſeqneneea (in either See! 'maiden-ed t With Spirirual and Phyſteal Ad'ite to thoſe 'he lnve already injure-i themſelvea by th t abominable Practice. A a alſo the Branvt lip-no" oſ the SUPPLEHENT to it. 'toth o' [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer02.09.1755/03.09.1755/04.09.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] 'Sinuds' of People rdſqrtdſſi to ſee' Fthezri'; xſter wlii [...]
[...] its Violence, had greatly periſhed and diliended the Bone; there were nine large Holes, the Arm ſwelled to.ſuch a Siu that it was ſhnckiog to ſee, and the Pains inſufſer'ble. He was Idn'lltfed a Patient at St. George't Haſpital, but on Examination it was deem'd incurable, [...]
[...] erdles, &e. with entertaining Pictures to each Story and Fablc. The Whole adapted to the Capacities of Children, and divided into Let: ſees of' one, two, three, and ſhur Syllahles; with Dialogues, ſhew izg, r. How '.r little Boy ſhall make every Body love him. 2._How a linle Boy ſhall grow wiſer than the tell cf hir School-Fellow; [...]
[...] ctn't get their Names this Poll. ' Rank Stock, '22 r-4th a r-lulf. Indie-Stoclr, no Priere South-See Stock '03 I-4rh. Three r-hnlf per Cent, Old Annujties rſ't Sub. 93 3-4ths. Dittn zd Iub, 92. New 'ſi Sub. 91 r-4th a_ z-Sths. Ditto zd Sub. 9', [...]
[...] 'The Pineafint of Pennſglvanii. colour'd from Nature: A fine Head of Sir George Lilie. And a Delinettion of Mr. Hollnnd's Engine find wiſzng \Vuter: 'With a Cou ntry l'ance, 'nſidaSong ſee to Mufic) ' til: UNlVlLKSAL MAUAZlNlZ- of ' 'Knownznon and Pzzntuuz, lb' Anne-r, 1755. N' [...]
[...] 'Bellnda.-ln:antntion.-On'tlte _Pcwer and Penevolenee of the Sn premelleing.-1\n Actoſlicn-The Tenth Priflle of the Firſt Book of Horacc.--j£nigma,' See." Deſtription of Mr. Holhnd's Ingine fir raiſing W'ater. Deſctiprion; onubnn Tr'de trFrlm Colony. ' Account ofthe [...]
[...] Th' Othu fer Cut-ing the TOOTH-LCIJ, [na 'ale in I ſe'Hi 'i nue', 'nd in a little Time perhctly cure' it z "en when moſt violent. 'Old by He'be'y, nt the Bitle and Sun an: 'he (iſ-seeſ' Houſe in St. Pnul'rChurch-Yard, 'nd by the Auth -r T. Cremo"£b, Amuliuſ), 't the lidſ-Arms am: Peſht and Mortar .nvLueutg. [...]
[...] N I. Th'ſe l'o'de" (for the great D'z'o'ny eſ 'bill hie 'h jlſly honoured Dr. Le'tb" 'ith hi' R yd Pz-tnt, ju'e 5, [7(S) are mld only 'a B'm ba'- Wnrh u'e, Ilmofl ſeeing 'Water Lint. Feet! rect, 'then the man. vtude Tvefuay', Third-ye, and Sir-'dr- 're-m To' o't'l-el' m One. tr- gT'e he Ad'ice mn- " [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer03.05.1755/04.05.1755/05.05.1755/06.05.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] X by the great Numbers of Ferſons he very obligingly permits to ſee Fthemi Several Imitation's of this valuable Manu'factory' vhave, indeed, been ſet on For; near this Metrnpolis, as [...]
[...] nlſo have his Majeſty-'s mnſl gracious Pflſdllil. By Command of the Poſl-Maſler General, ſi GEORGE SIlELVOLK, See. To 'be Gentlemen, Cle'gy, am; Fndvotders of 'be Count) of Hartford. [...]
[...] the Roome, very delightſul View' tſ hi' Majeſty" Dark-Yard, the Haibuur, Portſdown, Spithe'd St. Helen r, the lſle oſ Wight, and en unbounded P'vlpect towa e' the See. lt i' a very clean and healthy Town, ſu'rounded 'i-'h e regulrr and he'ul'ſul Fortiflca'ion, planted 'vith Tree', and, 'ram 'he fine [...]
[...] 'ound 4', ' . . - - -* d _ sold by C. Deyie, o'pqite Oren'r-hn-Gete. Roll-torn; end P. 'IlliſnI' ſeeing Southampton-flreet "I the Str'nd. _'ney be had, printed on e tm Letter in Quarta, Aflnri [ohnfiom Pſilml De'ldtel. brerpretetione, Argumentl', [...]
[...] 'i h Ne'er hiſtoricel, chronolpgicel, and "hie-1, .Byi CR E'GORKY- SHARP, ALD. Fello" uſ the Royal Sedety 'nd-oſ die See-"ty ruetiquuirnr. rinted ſor A. Lndc, Bookſellir to her prel Highte', the tri-in. at oſ Wele' llt Catherine-Rr'e', in the Str-nJ; me ſold hy S [...]
[...] See' . - Hh (itN ſLl*.M A N's MAGP. ZLNE 'or APlUL, '155. C>nu him. 'more e V'n'h '1 o-hu [...]
[...] (ſſuflretrd 'i h 'iehr Ure'e o' the! "on :nz-'i u' err nſ'e'ul ln l-u'rent, the Ceihole (lie-mon, or Uni'e'le' Sl ding Rule; eu'hc me' h hr- M-j'ſl"e Peter-t. under (L' Greet See', "ur the ſol'ir' a rit (Luſt- ne in Pr-O-rel Mrrhemtia ' A Nneerknr, 'ctor-' e. Life. 0' nineteen (cur-'irled lnlſiefler A R'r'eſelte'ionuſ [...]
[...] ZINZ; or, Gentlemen end Lady" Polit' hſh'ttdo'. For APRll., '755. In Mint-ſee hi' Royrl Highneſs GEDRHE Prince aſ Wnt re. Containing, in three Sheeu oſ Letter-Puſ', 'nd ſo'r Copſſptr _ Ple'e', &t. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer24.05.1755/25.05.1755/26.05.1755/27.05.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Still ſhall old England b'ſſ' _vom- Fwn'chman's Butt? Whede'er he ſhuffies, We ſhould always cut. l'll to 'em, faith-avaſi-before I gonot protnia'd Sall to ſee the Sh0wl Have] _ - Pulla 'out a Play-Bill. From this ſame Paper we ſhall' underſlAnd _, , [...]
[...] will be preſen-ta-"ted a Tragedy call'd " SA-R A 11.. - . l'm glad 'tis Sarahq-then our chi] may'ſee Her Nameſxlte'a Tragedy , and as for me, } l'll ſleep as ſound, as ifl were at _Sear , [...]
[...] .mend, Stomich and Digeſlion better, and Spirits re cover'd, and is now perfectly well. To ſee this in Prior may be of public Utility, and given l'lcaſute to, Sir, Your obedient humble Servant, NICHULAS FARMBROUGK. [...]
[...] preached by a Brothar ſuitable to the Occafion. . By Order of the Grand, May 24. 1155. s. SALTO SSTALL, See. Nctl. Divina Service w.ll begin mal, at Ele'en o'C eek. [...]
[...] * Ye Pair, to du" your Excellence at length ' Enceede the narro'lBounde oſ human Strength, ' You here in Miniature your Pictures ſee, ' Nor hop' from 2"le more juſtice than from me) Youno's Uni'. Paffion.' [...]
[...] By WALTER HO DGES, .> D.D Prowſt aſ Oritl Coll'ge. w' ' Printed fer [mea Hodeeu at the L-olting Glaſa, ſee' g St. lagnu' Ch'lſt h, London-Bridler 'LA Where i' likewiſe to be had, lately publiſhed, in Qviatto and Octuoh [...]
[...] Term' i-ſed 'thi' 'nflrufli'e 'nd ple-fir' Sti'nte, alphabe ieallr ail p- ſet -Tn yabtth i' aSee', Colleyea, Corporatiun', Compa nie', and Soeiatiea. 'hoſe reap-ar" Arma are made Inmpln oſ Bearing in the e Volamea. _The Whole comprehandtng an attur.te [...]
[...] a' the Enlar-em nt o' he Head and [on't r-ſ 'a Patient, y-ar'weaa nel of the Baele and Leg' 'du-_- o' the Fl-ſli,v Nign s'uta. or See-ting at an' other time 'ben tne t hild 'a alle-p; Dffirul y oſ breath ng; Coughing an' Wheearng in the Luna' . great ar d al moſt tonunual ſhr-fl; Uneafinela a' be-ng ſhe k, or la' muth a' [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer17.06.1755/18.06.1755/19.06.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 17. Juni 1755
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Mandrin liked the Jeſuit's Air and Manner, and ſaid to him, I am condemned to die by my ſeven Judges: I ſee I have nothing to truſt to, and will therefore con feſs to you. The Centinel was immediately ſent away, and Mandrin began his Confeſſion, which laſted a full. [...]
[...] His Grace the Duke of Bedford is ſailed in his Yacht, accompanied by ſeveral Perſons of Diſtinction, to Spit head to ſee the Flret. And Yeſterday Morning his Grace the Duke of King ſton, Sir Francis Daſhwnod, Bart. and ſeveral Perſons of [...]
[...] upon hit," their Conviction, rre-ire the ll-'ard of Ten Pound', ſ' .'n the P'ymader oſ hii Majeſty" Board.oſ We ka. , ISAAL'. WARE, See. STOL KB R l DbL-RACLLS, liANTs. 'i *O be run for on HoughtOn D >wna, on [...]
[...] at the ſame Time See-nd 'date 'ſ the ſaid Ihrp. or lame' Wuy at 'he ſame Time Seward of the ſad Ship, o 'h eh Edward Hid. [...]
[...] A Subſeribt' to ply One (Faioea urtranee, e Non-Subſcr ber Three Guiueaa. o' double at the ſ'- ſt. The Horſe, see that 'inn LhC ſirfl and ſecond H-ate ſhall be in tituled to the Plire, and the dlhtſ' to run' th rd 'or the Stahu. To enter 'a Mond'), luly 7, at the fitting Po', net-ten 'he [...]
[...] concerning this Gentleman is, that in the Year 1666, when this great City was elmoſl in Aſhes, he drove through the Ruins in e Coach, and ſeeing its deſolate Condition, his Spirits were ſo affected thereby that: ic ſoon broke his Heart. He went home, took to his [...]
[...] Bank Stoclt, no Price. India-Stock, '74 34"th South-See Scock, no Price. Three i-lmlf per Cent. Old Annuitios ill Sub. 9 7-8ths a 100. Dirro zd Subgfl r-8th. Ditto New '3 Sub. [00 I-4fl'l 't t-8ths a r-half. [...]
[...] Cbuteh,at na.6d. the t'vo Doſe', 'vith good Allo'anee to thoſe 'no buy them 'or charitable Uſe', or to ſell again. ' See a Diſſertationon Feve', and otherlnflammatory Diſtemp'r', ſold at the Place above-mentioned. Price 6d. [...]