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739 Treffer
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The general evening post29.07.1755/30.07.1755/31.07.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 29. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Real'-Admiral Holburne tzrought in with him a French Snow, from Martinico, laden with Wine, Rum, Sugar, See. - Part sfa Lrtm-from Boflnt ſu New-England. " We in America do not deſire to hear of [...]
[...] its Violence, had greatly pcriſhed and diſtended the Bone ; there were nine large Holes ; the Arm ſwelled to ſuch a Size that it was ſhoclting to ſee, and the Pains inſiifſerable. He was admitted it Patient at St Geoige's l-luzpiial, but on Examinaiion it was deemed [...]
[...] Pounds in Specie, for tour-year-old Horſes, see. that never Yon ſiſty Pouiids (Macches exccpti.d)5 Weight nine stone; two liles for a He-it. [...]
[...] Horſes nine Stone nine Pounds. ' . . on Friday the 26th September, Fifty Pounds in Spcct-e, for ſize and fix Years old Horſes, See. that never won above fiity Point 8 (Matchcs cxceptedl: Five-year-olds to carry ninehstone, Six ear-olils to car ry nine Stone twelve Poiinds. . [...]
[...] (Matchcs cxceptedl: Five-year-olds to carry ninehstone, Six ear-olils to car ry nine Stone twelve Poiinds. . y All thoſe Horſes, see. limited to Age to be ſufficiently cernfied for To mm- and run according to Artic-les. lſ any Liſ;-utes ariſe to be determined by the Majority of Subſcribers thtn preſuzit, [...]
[...] ariſe to be determined by the Majority of Subſcribers thtn preſuzit, I ". . . ' 'niiiiiiiizz see. that run for the above Plates to be thewn and entered at the Red-Lion lnn in Doncafler, on Friday the xgth of Sepiembor, between the Hours t:f'i'liree and Six the ſame [...]
[...] g , ztc. Any Horſe, Mare, See. may enter at the Paſt, paying double I-Intrance. it but one Horſe, acc. .c0rries to, enter- tor either uf the above Purſcs, to be allowed Ten Guincas, and ii' two, Five [...]
[...] -th:-r curious Particulars, the following: , 7..;v-..un' rvt' ;lic- Bmiſh Plalitatiomt. Capt. Turton's Trial. The -I -1"': -tl -.; .i learned and political Club, See. continued. Complaint nf .i du. zycſ Membir. Miſchiefs oſ' reeommending bad dervints. ("-'r.vi- n ſurrlier diſcuſſed. Monumenttil Ornaments eenſurecl. [...]
[...] t Poetry, See. Chronological Memoir oſ Oc ,currenc-es . [...]
[...] Courſe oſ Exehiinge. Bills of Mortality. Obſervations on the Weather. Prices of Stocks, See. [...]
The general evening post05.07.1755/06.07.1755/07.07.1755/08.07.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] ' Frontiir ſent a Letter with it ſi the Pork-50 , importing, a' '* " that ſeeing the Mail_ did not am've at theuſttal Time, he had ſent to know the Reaſon : that the Mail had [...]
[...] ,orderrd a ſtiict Inquiry to be made into this Affair, that he may prOCeed to the Canonization if the Mi racles cart be proved. hence we may ſee that 'Miracles have not yet ceaſed in the Church of Rome, ,though none of their dead or living Saints perform [...]
[...] Extract q/ a Law-from Hal/ifax in Moon Scarf', dared May to ** We are in daily Apprehenſionsof ſeeing a French Fleet, which we have ſome Re in to think is in theſe Seas; and, iſ it be our Fare to fall a Sacrifice, [...]
[...] Thurſday a Min was robbed and murdered near Tallagh-Hill, by ſome Vill'ains, who, it it thought, had ſee'n him receiVe ſeven Guineas in Dublin the Day before.v Dublin, joly r. By a private Letter from Paris to [...]
[...] at ]ames's ſrom Portſmouth. And Ycilerday Morning his Royal Highneſs was on tli-: Paradc to ſee Part of his Regiincnt pcrſorm their Excrciſes. - -- - t The Duke of Dorſct Lord Anſon and ſeveral [...]
[...] its Violence, had greatly periſhed and diſtended the Bone ; there were trine large Holes; the Arm ſwelled to ſuch a Size that it was ſhoclting to ſee, and the Pains inſuſferable. He was admitted a Patient,,at St. George's Hoſpital, but on Examination it was deemed [...]
[...] Mr. Baildon, Miſs Turner, and others. The lnſtrumcntal Parts by Mr. Brown, Mr. Millar, Mr. Adcoclt, Mr. Meriing, see. The Mufick to he condufictl by l!r. Boyce. There will be a Ball each Night in the College Hall : To begin as ſoon as the Muſick is over. [...]
[...] mark'd on three of his shoes ; he has likewiſe a Switch Tail. Whoever has loſt any Horſe: th:i't anſwer the 'above Deſcriptions, may ſee the Horſes, and the Priſoiiei-s,' any Day before the Aſſizes, which are to be held at Huntingdon on the izrh oſ July. -N.B. The ſaid Daniel and Thomas Smith, on their Eitamination, [...]
[...] E D I T l Q N of ' TALES, FABLES, .Tl'l-IRS, EPlTAl-'I-lS, dec. see. er Lgſirri of Morality, equally in Malters and Milſea. [...]
The general evening post27.10.1761/28.10.1761/29.10.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Oktober 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] *A keep the field till ſuch time as zzº, the Prince ſees ºar will be the iſſue of M. " ſha' Broglio's - at empt at Bº aſ 'ck and [...]
[...] ???, re/a/2, O.7záer 27. The King has been p'eaſed to order a Corge d’Elire to the Dean and Chapter of Saliſ bury, to elect a Biſhop of that See, the ſame being • *aſ apt by the tº at ſlation of Dr. Robert Drummond to the Archiepiſcopal See of York; a d aſ a letter ſecum [...]
[...] The King has been pleaſed to order a Conge d'E'íre to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, to elect a Biſhop of that See, the ſame being vacant by the trarſlation of JDr. Thomas Hayter to the See of London; and alſo a ºr, recommending Dr. Philip Yonge, now Biſhop of [...]
[...] to his Majeſty, and had the honour to kiſs his hand. This evening their Majeſties go to Covent. Garden Theatre, to ſee the Jovial Crew, and the Fair. - This morning died Mr. Ritchie, an eminent Merchant in Budge-row ; much lamented by all his acquaintance, [...]
[...] Lºgiſlature, ..which is now ſhortly to meet, would but **r itſelf in taxing things which are more for ornamen, and diverſions than real uſe, I ſee no reaſon why the tax **on tº might not alſo take place, and be of ſome “ºice, however finall. But her: doº’ mean that all [...]
[...] of four cubits; (ſomething like making him ſland in the pillory) and no doubt but this pleaſant device for eople's ſafety gave the dog fair play for his life, to ſee if he had the ſymptors of madneſs upon him, and then to diſpatch him directly. We are told again in the ſame [...]
[...] large towns, (where one might reaſonably expect from the Clerks and Sextons much greater decency and filence preſerved and ſee how ſhamefully dogs are ſuffered not only to drive to and tro, to the hazard of throwing down old women and children, but alſo to commit ſuch ſcan [...]
The general evening post18.06.1761/19.06.1761/20.06.1761
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. Juni 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] C E N E 1. Park. Enter Clariſ, and Belinda, who being ſoon after joined by Beverley and Belmont, the latter, to quiet his fiend's ſuſpicions, aſks to ſee the picture, which Belinda at firſt conſents to ſhew him, but, on a ſearch, perceives that ſhe has loſt it ; Clariſa and [...]
[...] doubts, endeavours rather to encourage them, and treats him with a raillery, in which, notwithſtanding all his vows and reſolutions never to ſee her more, ſhe ſeems perſuaded that he will not be able to avºid throwing himſelf at her feet and imploring her pardon for this [...]
[...] tween hope, doubt, jealouſy and love, as well in his ab: ſolute refuſal of a letter ſent him by Beliºda, to excuſe her aſſumed gaiety, and intreat him to corne to ſee her, as in his recalling it, reading it, teaſing it, ordering his poſt-chaiſe to go into the country, and many other par [...]
[...] patient to haſten and implore her fºrgiveneſs fºr his in diſcretion, and in the impetuoſity of his returning fond neſs, reſolves to ſee Sir john Rºſºlſ; firſt, in order to recover his piáure from him, and preſent it to Blinda on his knees. - [...]
[...] injury ſhe ſhall do her friend Clariſa by this raſh ſtep, and determines if poſſible to put a ſtop to it, yet ſtill reſolves never to ſee her lover more, and gives direaſons to her maid Tippet to carry all his letters and preſents back to him, with her determination on that head : [...]
[...] back to him, with her determination on that head : hearing, however, that he is come to viſit her, ſhe is unable to reſiſt the temptation of ſeeing him, and he is admitted. – Here a very fine ſcene enſues of alternate tenderneſs, reproaches and miſapprehenſion ; Belinda [...]
[...] Both appétites now aſk for dainlier piking, - jeºntomime, coldlamb, or white-legg'd chicken. At Ranelagh, fine rolls and butter ſee 1 Siglior ſtudacci, and the beſt green tea.— Italian ſinging is as light as feather. [...]
[...] I'll flirt and wiſh, and wiſh and flirt again- - come then—a ſong—ſfirt, and muſick is beard) indeed! . I ſee 'twill do : - Take heed gallants, I'll play the duce with you when e'er I pleaſe, will charm you to my fight, [...]
[...] ( Dedicated to the K_1 N G ) S S A. Y S on E D U C A T I C) N. See CTA TO RS, &c. To which are added, Obici vation, on the ancient and modern Languages. By it. W Y N N E, A. M. [...]
The general evening post12.01.1758/13.01.1758/14.01.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 12. Januar 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] ** A ipºſition hºalſ ſſed and every thing that is valuable and dear to us. Our to * Chaplaim to the Earl º º . to Robert Walker, B. º: attentive neighbours and aſiduous rivals the French, very a 1. º, iſion in Devoni er . ey, to hold the Vicarage o clearly ſee and fully comprehend the inconveniences and *" in Comº, * with the Reāory of Luſhington dangers of our º, debts ; and therefore, it is . bé - - A Diſºr.: be feared, will never ſuffer us to enjoy uninterrupte ve [...]
[...] inſpection. * The Engliſh miniſtry do not, or perhaps will not ſee, that the unequal load [meaning publick debts and taxes] is, and always muſt be, a drawback upon the credit, or influence of that country, while ſhe continues [...]
[...] late; I need not be at the pains of pointing out what every one knows, what all Europe knows. “We cannot but ſee what all the world ſees, that B—n has neither S- to dire& her councils, nor Generals to fight her battles, except your Lordſhips. [...]
[...] B—n has neither S- to dire& her councils, nor Generals to fight her battles, except your Lordſhips. We cannot avoid ſeeing the decreaſe of her trade, the weight of her taxes, her luxury, and her debts, which might have been paid off before now ; and we muſt be [...]
[...] republic to embrace the overtures you are pleaſed to make us. Can we venture on your councils, or your efforts in the proſecution of a French war, when we ſee how you have miſapplied your force and your time in carrying on your preſent war with Spain To embark [...]
[...] by the author, who, however, declares himſelf ready to impart it to the King or the miniſtry, if called upon for it: ſo that if we don't ſee the Dutch joining us in this war, we may conclude that either this ſecret plan has not been called for, or has been found impraaidable. [...]
The general evening post04.09.1755/05.09.1755/06.09.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] ritable Aſliſtance they have received from their molt kind and generous Benefatflors. . N. B. Whoever is willing to ſee the ſcveral Sums each Family of the Emigrant: hath received, and the Methods made uſe of by the Socicty to relieve them, [...]
[...] have given you a Deſcription ſo far as I have ſeen or heard, concerning the Matter: going forward at Dunkirk ; and, for my own Part, [cannot ſee how a War with them can be avoided, for what they arc doing here is a dowiiright Breach of the moſt ſolemn [...]
[...] wht', by pretc-riding to want Capacity, drew ſrom them the clearell Iniormation; by ſeeming to enquire after rioiiing, was preiſed to ſee every Thing ; and is f-if-i: direclly to that Miniſler whoſe Fury he ap Ptttiecl ſo much to dread. [...]
[...] Laſt Wedneſday Night Mr. Thompſon, a- Dealer in Coals in'Mill'ord-Lane in the Strand, dropt down dead as he was ſeeing ſome of his Coals meaſured in a Lighter. . A ſew Days ago was married at Axmiiifler, Mr, [...]
[...] The Owner of each'H- rie, are. to produce a certificate under the Hands of the Owrier or Owners of the Hounds with which his Horſe, See. ſo hunted; and to certriy unr'er his own Hand- writing that his Horſe, zec. is, bona fide, qualiſied, according to the other Particulars as above-mentioned. [...]
[...] Subſcriber, to. pay one Guinea I-Lntranccg iſ it Non-Subſcrlber, three Cuineas 5 or doubte at the Poſt. Each Horſe, See, ſor the above Plates, to be entered on Monday the 6th of Ofiober, at the Old King's Head, hetween the Hours of Three and Eight' in the Afternoon, paying five Shillings [...]
[...] Thomas 'l'ayio:'s, the New King's Head, ior Five Cuineas a Battle and 'l'wr.-nty the odd. (Ya Ball', See. each Nig'-,'. N. B. The Reaion that Louth Races are poſlponcd to the t4th and .5;h of oft:-rber is on Account -ſ Lciceſter, swafihaoi and [...]
[...] nrzw to ctllnhly 'crioi--n to be directly, axi.l ivi a -iianr.er at once" pert;-cxly uirt: . ry the (irnnd Rczlricziive Bz liuiiick Elctliiaryſ that no ine, how badlliever, rit-ed dcſpatr o. being entirely ſee to Righ-.i r) it in 1. Jew Days. it is i-t-iz. this .ca -nott ex raorilimtry litlica-:y, that ſo inln] [...]
The general evening post20.08.1761/21.08.1761/22.08.1761
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. August 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] and picked up by the way at out twenty Ruſſians and Auſtrians. - - General Laudohn, ſeeing himſelf diſappointed in his firſt plan fºr joining the Ruſſians, abandoned the 3d inſtant, all the poſts he occupied over gait ſi us, and [...]
[...] 2000 Ruſſians lately paſſed the OJer and attacked . advanced poſts of General Knoblauch; but he "PP2. them ſo opportunely, that the Ruſſians ſeeing themſelves - foiled at every ſpot, reſolved upon a retreat. This de tachment is ſaid to be the ſame which, a few days before, [...]
[...] cloſe iſ here, ſo am i ; if not, he may proceed; it will not be the firſt Time that Mr. H- haſh been ſºnº in a public Paper.t * See a Pamphlet, intitled, Mr. whitefield's boarines conſidered and confuted (Ipſwich, printed for the Autilor, by W. C.) P. jo, jº, 16, 18, 21, 22. Compared with Articles 9, 13, 17, 18, [...]
[...] Rºnº. . he has any Modeſy, may ſerve as a check to his s *99°nt Bellowing againſt Diſſenters for the future, f See Ipſwich Journals, Feb. ºn. 25, 1733, [...]
[...] Employ'd in plain work or in fine, ... Pleas'd, , paſſive, and reſign'd. ~~ See rich prºfuſion round her pour’d, See in her houſe, and at her board, The labour, of her hands. [...]
[...] Printed for G. Keatſ!, at the Golden-Lion in Lu'aate-Street. Note, This work will not only be an agreeable Aſſitant to thoſe who have an Opportunity of ſeeing the Coronation, but alſo very entertaining to ſuch as live at a D.ſtance, or are otherwiſe prevented from viewing this moſt delight ul Ceremony, as i: -; ii) convey a joſt [...]
[...] good Allowance to thoſe who buy their for charitable Uſº on to ſell again. * See a jiāº rtation on Fevers and other inflammatory Discº oers, ſold at the Places abovementioned Price 9 d. [...]
The general evening post28.11.1761/29.11.1761/30.11.1761/01.12.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. November 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Whiteball, Nov. 28. The King has been pleaſed to order a Conge d’Elire to the Dean and Chapter of Lin coln, for electing a Biſhop of that See, void by the tranſlation of the late Biſhop thereaf to the See of Saliſ. bury; and alſo a letter, recommending to the ſaid Dean [...]
[...] of his Majeſty's Chaplains, and Dean of the Cathedral church of Sarum, to be by them eleēed Biſhop of the ſaid See of Lincoln. t The King has been pleaſed to order a Conge d'Elire to the Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, for eleēing a Biſhop [...]
[...] The King has been pleaſed to order a Conge d'Elire to the Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, for eleēing a Biſhop of that See, void by the tranſlation of the flº Biſhop thereof, to the See of Norwich; and alſo a letter, re commending to the ſaid, Dean and Chapter, Thomas [...]
[...] Newton, Doāor in Divinity, one of his Majeſty's Chap lains, and Prebendary of Weſtminſter, to be by them eleáed Biſhop of the ſaid See of Briſtol. Admiralty office, Nov. 27. His Majeſty's ſhip Rich mond, commanded by Capt. Elphinſtone, being on her [...]
[...] is ſcarcely to be equalled. Prince Ferdinand himſelf, who happened luckily to come up when they were firſt attacked, was aſtoniſhed to ſee with what vigour and ſpirit they repulſed the enemy, altho' they were but a handful of men, compared to thoſe who attacked them. [...]
[...] Gregory Sharpe, and Kennicot; whoſe names Mr. Fawkes has quoted as his authorities, which perhaps has eſcaped Mr. T. W’s. obſervation. See Numb. xvii. of the Complete Family Bible, * - - At Drury-Lane Theatre, yeſterday, Cymbeline, and [...]
The general evening post28.09.1758/29.09.1758/30.09.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. September 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] , and that their Generals requeſted a ſuſpenſion of arms to bury their dead. Whoever will be pleaſed to take ...the trouble, may go to Cuſtrin and ſee 103 pieces of cannon that have been taken from the enemy: A liſt of the Ruſſian generals, officers, and ſoldiers, made pri [...]
[...] Right to claim the vićtory; it being very rare to ſee. [...]
[...] been found, although the leaſt burthenſome of any they could pitch upon, are nevertheleſs ſenſibly felt, and we daily expećt to ſee the price of all manner of neceſſaries and every kind of merchandize greatly raiſed. They talk alſo of making circulating ſtate bills, which are to [...]
[...] to keep upon the defenſive. General Laudon obſerves the motions of General Ziethen, and takes his meaſures according to what he ſees his adverſary is doing. . [Since the Bruſſels gazette could have intelligence from Leipſick dated the 14th, we apprehend it might have told us what [...]
[...] of his valets de chambre ſat, and that this Monarch ſaid, no vićtory ever gave him ſo much trouble as this. [Thus we ſee according to the Bruſſels Gazettee, that the Ruſſians are allowed to be vićtorious in Dauin’s camp, and acknowledged here to have been beaten.] [...]
[...] aſſiſtance for his diſpatch. The Sphynx ºthº". day July 24th, had her water completed the 16th, it four in the afternoon; ſeeing us off, tumºntº h: the ſame day; about that time I brough!" with t convoy. The next day I made the ſignal fººl" [...]
[...] thought right, and ſought for no other praiſe than the approbation of his own heart. . --- . . . . . * Nor is it wonderful to ſee him thus asting wiſely in publick, whoſe private life has been ſanétified by an in violable attachment to every moral virtue. [...]
[...] -On ſeeing the fºllowing line; ſºme time ago in one of the papers. “YE Ruſſians, ſay, what inauſpicious ſtar “Could-make ye match, to certain death, ſo far * [...]
The general evening post19.08.1755/20.08.1755/21.08.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 19. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Countries where we ſaw, in 174' and t74z. a French Army under the Command of Marſhal Maillcbors, that we ſhallſoon ſee there another French Army, which will march directly to Hanowzr, without ſur fering itſelf to be ſtopt a ſecond Time by a pretended [...]
[...] its Violence, had greatly periſhed and diſtended the Bone ; there were nine large Holes ; the Arm ſwelled to ſuch a Size that it was ſhocking to ſee, and the Pains inſullerable. He was admitted a Patient at St Geo.-ge's I-Io'pital, but on Examination it was deemed [...]
[...] ariſe to be determined by the Mzrjority ot' fjubſcnberg men Pſeſenz, and beſorc ſtarting. r All thoſe Horſes, See. that run ſor the above Plates to be ſhewn and entered, at the Red-Lion lnn in Doncaſtei', on Fnday the r9th 'oſ Septcinber, betwt-en the Hours ot' 'l lrrce and Six the ſame [...]
[...] and entered, at the Red-Lion lnn in Doncaſtei', on Fnday the r9th 'oſ Septcinber, betwt-en the Hours ot' 'l lrrce and Six the ſame Fvenang. law.-ry Horſe, See. to pay three Cuineas Entrancc, ex cept the Property of the subfer-phers, which are to pay according to A-'t-dun Entranoe-Moaajbuzli Uq to go to tiic ſecond-beſt [...]
[...] Curr-.e.i 5 rrr d.,ub'.: at the Pcſl. The uwner of the winn.rrg Horſe eath Day to pay two Cuincas ſor Ururm, Flags, Ropcs, see. - No Horſe to ſtand but at tfre Houſe pſ a Subſcriber ot' at leaf! one Liuinea to the Town Pl'tlt:. [...]
[...] of Lincoln, I-'iſty Pounds in Spetle, by any Horſe, see. that never won five Pounds : Cl-ve and Take : ſourteen Hands to carry eight Stone, all above or under Weight in Propor tion. [...]
[...] To which' is added, 1 . A General Liſt of all the Ofiices and Officers employed in his M:ijeſly's Covernment. Ezclefiaſtical, Civil, and Military, See. in England and Scotland: With thoſe of the Houlholds at the Prince of Wales, the Princeſs Dowager of Wales, the Duke, and [...]
[...] Kinds of Civil Laws, and their diſtinct Obligation in Conſciencc. ln a Second Letter to the Rev. Dr. Stebbing, occaſioned by his Rcview, See. - By JAMES TUN-STALL, D.l). -' Refior of Great Cbarte in Krnt. [...]
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