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29 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Weiler

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Galignani's messenger03.05.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 03. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The Court met at half-past nine; and the Jury having been calleſl, over, the proceedings were resumed by the reading of Weiler's letter of reeonmendation from Messrs. Perrigord, the Paris bankers, to Messrs. Mineu and Stride. Th; letter describes Weiler as a dealer in woollen cloths, [...]
[...] tention on his part to make Joseph Lee an instrument to aid him in carrying on a fraud upon the rest of the world? So with respect to Weiler. Did Weiler on his arrival in this country go first to L. º: On the contrary, did he not first go to Myers, who ha already established him [...]
[...] he not first go to Myers, who ha already established him self in Levy's opinion, and in the .." of the world; and his introduction of Weiler induced Levy, already rejudiced in favour of Myers, to believe Weiler, who was introduced by Myers, to be a man of character.” One cir. [...]
[...] º representation of M }. would not be taken ººdence against him by the Jury. The evidence of Weiler, he thought, when it stood unsupported, would meet with no credit from the Jury; and where, he woji ask, was it corroborated, except by such evidence as that [...]
[...] to him as a witness in a cause he hº pending respecting a bankruptcy. The only evidence whº affected Mr. Kee uier was that of Weiler, a German Jew; a bankrupt in his own country, a disbanded French soldier; a man who had tººd Fränee because he was dij there, and [...]
[...] Myers credit with the Public; a similar charge, as regard ...'. and Lee; and a third .# of doing the same as regarded Weiler. Now he would ask; how was Mr. Wolfe implicated in any of these charges?—First, as º; arded Myers, who gave him money to commence with: [...]
[...] ing between them." But then there was the evidence of eiler; but was he a witness worthy of credit? 'The Learned Counsel then proceeded to colument on Weiler's evidence, and contended he was uot to be believed, since he acknowledged of his own accord, that he told Lewis [...]
[...] 20ol. must not expect to have his testimony. as it un fair to inſet; that if Mr. Lewis Levy would bave given the 200l. Mr. Weiler would have given no evidence against him?... Weiler had been included in the original prosecu tion, though now proceedings were dropped against him ; [...]
[...] other person acquainted with mercantile tiansactions migh; linye said the same.—Was that any proof of conspi racy? The next head of evidence given by Weiler, of the cºnnexion between Myers and Wölfe, was, Wolfe was at Myers's counting:house; in this he was contradicted by [...]
[...] bad man. ith respect to Montague Levy, the case stood different. Little was proved against hini, except by Weiler, and the Jur .# say, whether on that testi mony they would find him guilty. They had all the evi dence before them, and they would decide according to [...]
Le constitutionnel10.08.1820
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. August 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] contient les que tions suivantes : - « Ces difficultés ne se rapportent-elles pas à la possession du village de Schweigen et à la † de ceux de Weiler et d'Alstadt, à gauche de la Lauter que les Bavarois occupent toujours, quoique compris dans le rayon de 2ooo toises que le traité de Paris de 1815 assure à la [...]
[...] 1oo ex. ; Schreider, 1oo ex. ; F. Schvreighauser, 1oo ex. ; G. Hautz, 1oo ex. : Habicht, 8o ex. ; le marquis de Baudrin, 2o ex. ; Weiler cadet, 6o ex. ; J. Olmer, 5o ex. ; Broidstett, 5o ex. ; Fleischhauer jeune, 5o ex. ; Martha, 2o ex. ; Beuss, 2o ex.; Schneigans, 2o ex. ; [...]
Le moniteur universel18.07.1816
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. Juli 1816
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] 286 f. 4o c. Vcbersaal et fils , notaire : 43 f. 1 1 c. Weu ;ler, notat e , 78 f. 47 c, Joseph Brechtet, 1co f. He mann Grauls, umarchand 46 f 53 c. Daniel Weiler l'ainé 1o3 f. 25 c, Faudel, cafetier 2 1of 2 1 c. Charles-Guillauune Hey, négociant, 93 f. 2 c. Franco s Sinmoniv, négociant, 3 1 1 f. 5o c baron Zorn de Balach [...]
[...] 38o f. 72 c. Chai les Masské, officier de santé, 25 f. 84 c. Leysz, orfèvre bijoutier 123 f 6 c. Daniel Stauch 23o f. 88. Joseph Strifher , 25f. 87 c. Frédéric Kersten 87 f. 46 c. Veuve Weiler, née Baldner 134 f. 5 1 c. Philippe Reumann 56 f. 2 c, Antoine Grosselly, négociant 1 15 f. 94 c. Schoenel jeune , épicier [...]
Journal de Paris 〈Paris〉07.11.1810
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 07. November 1810
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] | cour de juſtice criminelle de cette ville.(Voyez | le Journal de Paris du 15 octobre.) François Joſeph Streittmatter, ſurnommé Weiler, étoit | né dans l'aiſance, & avoit été plongé dans ' l'infortune par tm moine & un juif. Dès lors il [...]
Journal de Paris 〈Paris〉10.09.1809
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 10. September 1809
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] cupé Bregentz, Weiler, Staufen & Lautrach. * Cette contrée est toujours paifible. [...]
Le constitutionnel01.08.1826
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. August 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] un Espagnol, 1oo fr.; la chambre des notaires de l'arrondissement de "Thiers (Puy-de-Dôme), 1oo fr. i produit d'un concert donné à Gueb ' weiler par quelques amateurs de cette ville , auxquels se sont joints M. Hartmann Munster et se demoiselle, 1,515 fr.; souscription faite eu caſé de l Europe, tenu par M. Grelet à Saint-Etienne, entre vingt habi [...]
Le constitutionnel20.09.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 20. September 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Boullay, Gaston Robert, Carles, Feuillet, Moutozon-Brachet, de Messcy, de Guiroye, Lelieurre de l'Aubepin, Delpuech de Comeyras, O'Quin, Weis, de Grave , Claude - François - Hyppolite Roch , .. Weiler de Navas, Gibotet, Sudre , Travert, lratsoquy, comte de Moubrun. Sous-intendaus-militaires-adjoins. [...]
Journal général de l'Europe ou Mercure national et étranger20.06.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Juni 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] juſqu'au camp de Klanacz. La journée du 23 n'en a pas moins couté une perte de 224 hommes , outre le lieutenant Weiler & l'enſeigne Rodaflovich. Mais la perte des Turcs fut triple, s'il eſt vrai qu'ils ayent eu près de 6oo morts & au delà de I46 bleſſés. [...]
Gazette nationale, ou le moniteur universel (Le moniteur universel)20.12.1793
  • Datum
    Freitag, 20. Dezember 1793
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] matin, uue de ces colonnes s'avança par Euten bach jufqu'à tulzbach ; l'autre ſe porta vers Katz weiler, au delà du Honberg , et ſe déploya dan : la plaine d'Ortenberg , delà les Français voulure t pénétrer en avant près de Moh laute en , et ſur le [...]
Gazette nationale, ou le moniteur universel (Le moniteur universel)27.05.1800
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Mai 1800
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Le général Reuss s'était placé avec son corps d'environ 1o.ooo hommes , dans les positions ,retranchées de Heimenkirch , Weiler , etc. Son quartier-général était à Scheidegg ; il a été obligé de rétrograder sur Fuessen et Ruri .. pour garder [...]