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Suchbegriff: Winnings

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Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (Literarisches Zentralblatt für Deutschland)Intelligenzblatt 29.06.1793
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Juni 1793
  • Erschienen
    Halle, S.; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Halle (Saale); Leipzig; Jena; Wien
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] 'micbegrn'iein ' Die(- :Wez-ce .Wiki-ge. obn-obl (ie mic einer ern-nnen; Würciigen Gefckn-inciigi-.eic cn annäe gebt-cnc win-(ie. ifk (Loeb .den ("o [cbön, nnä kiel-nig a15 ciie .ro-ige. Der 7er fali'er bac äief. mic einem fein* wichtigen *nba-ige nei-men [...]
[...] kei* unbekennc, äie aber mic ("o "i-*1er Sorgfaic bearbeicec LK. Cafe (i. 1-011 nem ynbiiicnm mic grofäem Bez-i'aiie auf. [enoinmen Win-ae. .Ruf ciiel'e ker-("cbieienen .eingeben mer-Jen n'a'ciiflens mehrere icaiienil'cbe Ueberfecxnngen folgen, nei-möge [jene. [...]
[...] Ct. Mon- ee sia/Line. .Wk-'e 1:792. 'nö 7712_ 9W FFW-o.- [Fonic. .Li- Win-*iocte .Om-"Fi, 1793. 12, "e-eien njicni'lens im ?ei-i331: (Lei l)7icil'cnen Manni-ici ]nne in kein-.ig gnce nen-[We Uedekl'eienqgen Skiciiei'ie", [...]
[...] cnen. wie erfle Wir-i bei-eine nnigegeben. nnä "ech eien Liebnabukxin eien Zcenci, lien 1:011 eier &nennen nnä [(01 kectneic äiciet .WiN-be generie en üben-.engem ln öen" key-nenrnfien anbnanäinngen Dencfcnianäß .ma Neiieiinnx .ini-ani' anZennnnnen. ' i ' [...]
[...] Der nei-nen.: "Wi-lege.- giebc Wie an; menrem geienk. ten [Zlnccern, inl'onciekneic (ier x. l.. 2. [onnxfam bekennt iii, keit 6 _lebten eine &winning iier neuen engixnniii'cben Seni-ijctieliec in ?wie 8. anf (cbönen Weißen chreidepäpief bei-ans, (iM-an 74 [Uncle herein: ericnienen nnci mic umge [...]
[...] *nobl 3-1- nnenii-iecien mic lien") ferien'ec maclien, 6er. ein j'nn :ni-?ene eine &Vox-c nicin Win-en. "elf-("t ..nix-nen man. Demnacli erknck. icli .ii-*jenigen Zefiteec (ier bez-äen eiiie-1 '.l'lieile meiner 'op-ZyayjiiFe-ne» , kF/LoyiF'cF-en um? yet-'Werken [...]
[...] niic dinbnien. 77i. luoi .ier Wenn (La-n micli (Lee :n lie fCliuifiieen . (ia es Hock in meinem Buck: äie LianLi-fein bl'enmskEF. 8. 44. beifec: Men 'm neck eine [Win-jeux, ...mL-'ck einen NL'.- kelicn Ziel.. , 'NM-"g in ie! (iR-ie eine' Zecke-kinn; nnä ferner: (Federn-np'- ,FW-ein. nie Teck-„ii [...]
[...] *Femi, geek-ecke de! Jon. (AW. Eothr. WiN-nik. ; [...]
Amts- und Intelligenzblatt des Königlich Bayerischen Rheinkreises (Königlich bayerisches Amts- und Intelligenzblatt für die Pfalz)Beilage 24.06.1832
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 24. Juni 1832
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] 6. Section A. Nro. 23. 8 Aren 33 Centiaren Win gert im Kohlhaſen, zu 35 fl. 7. Section A. Nro. 95. 6 Aren 61 Centiaren Win [...]
[...] 7. Section A. Nro. 95. 6 Aren 61 Centiaren Win gert im Seitenviertel, zu 23 fl. 8. Section A. Nro. 168. l Aren 53 Centiaren Win gert am Edesheimerweg, zu 18 fl. 9. Section A. Nro. 299. 6 Aren 52 Centiaren Win [...]
[...] Section AMro; 819 2 Aren 83 Centiaren Win gert im Blümel, zu Section A. Nro. 348. 2 Aren 5 Centiaren Win [...]
[...] Section A.Nro. 1009. 4 Aren 15 Centiaren Win gert im Rötz, zu 1T 1. [...]
[...] Section A. Nro. 236. 2 Aren 36 Centiaren Win gert allda, zu 1. [...]
[...] rich Köhler, Angebot 5 f. - Section D. Nro. 203 und 204. 3 Aren - 99 Centiaren (38 Ruthen 7 Schuh) Win gert im Knappengraben, zwiſchen An dreas Ferkel und Johannes Heller, An [...]
All the year round29.06.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Juni 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The valuable selection I received for my thirteen stamps was as follows: “Back Prince Charlie to win, and Drummond a place for the Derby, to win a good stake, and please put me on a present.” This [...]
[...] INVERESK 1 INVERESR ' | SOUCAR – ARTHUR WEBB'S success.-On Saturday picked Inveresk at 33 to 1 and Soucar to win the Chester Cup; Prince Charlie for Two Thousand ever since November last. Subscribers, we are as certain to win [...]
[...] AN OUTSIDER WINS THE DER BY.—A certain clinker now at a tremendous price has just won an extraordin trial. The trainer considers, it good [...]
[...] good stake on the undermentioned at once, knowing it to be a certainty—Sunbeam Colt, win and place. Please put me on five shillings.” [...]
[...] inclosed names of horses are real good things, and ought not to be neglected if you wish to win money, and have a good start for the season,” gives Queen's Mes senger to win the Derby, and the Sunbeam [...]
[...] By another post came a piece of red tissue paper, on which it was that “each subscriber stands in to win ten shillings to nothing on Laburnum,” which sum, in case of that horse winning, would be remitted. [...]
[...] of that horse winning, would be remitted. Beneath was the following: “Tip—La burnum or Prince Charlie to win. Young Sydmonton for place. The Oaks—Delrict.” (sic.) [...]
[...] Sydmonton for place. The Oaks—Delrict.” (sic.) WHAT WILL WIN THE DERBY P TRY FAIRPLAY'S LONG SHOTS. [...]
[...] tract, which enunciated in large type the statement that “Druid or Bethnal Green will win.” - The North of England Turf Guide, sole proprietors, Messrs. Grey and Wilkinson, [...]
[...] pleasant observances. What is known of this song of Dulce Domum ? According to tradition, a Win chester schoolboy was once, for some mis conduct, kept in when all the other boys [...]
Rosenheimer Anzeiger31.01.1882
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 31. Januar 1882
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] schwer gefallen sei, die Trennung von August zu ertragen, daß sie sich aber still und gefaßt gefügt habe, da ihr so schöne Hoffnung gegeben war. Der junge Kaufmann Braun habe nach WinningS Abreise sich [...]
[...] zu erklären und ihr die Intrigue mit der Briefübersetzung zu ent¬ hüllen. Die Frau fing an laut zu fammern; sie verwünschte den alten verstorbenen Winning und rief immer dazwischen hinein: „Ach, die arme Elise!" „Was ist aus ihr geworden? Wo ist sie?" fragte Winning scheu [...]
[...] Da erfuhr er nun, daß seit dem Tage, da Elise den Brief empfangen habe diese in ein willenloses, dumpfes Hinbrüten verfallen sei, und daß von nun an Braun's doppelte Bemühungen der alte Winning selbst unterstützt habe. Ja, dieser sei aus gar leicht zu errathenden Gründen in seiner Freigebigkeit so weit gegangen, daß er dem jungen [...]
[...] sprochen habe, wenn die Ehe mit Elise zu Stande komme. Von nun an habe Elise die Hölle im Hause gehabt, denn der alte Greiner habe in der Ueberzeugung, daß Winning für seine Tochter verloren sei, nun auf die Ehe mit Braun gedrungen, der ja eine so sichere Stütze in dem alten Winning gefunden hatte. Elise habe weder Ja noch Nein [...]
[...] eine Droschke vorüber! Schnell fort!" In größter Elie fuhr nun August in der schrecklichsten Gemüthsverfassung nach dem Spitale. Als Winning in dem Spital angekommen war und zu Elisen ver¬ langte, wollte man ihn nicht hineinlassen. Da berief er sich darauf, den eigenen Willen der Kranken deshalb zu vernehmen und bat, doch [...]
[...] sofort eine bessere Pflege gesunden hatte, verlassen konnte. In einem schön gelegenen Badeorte, wohin sie der nunmehr reiche Kaufmann August Winning führte, erholte sie sich bald vollends und blühte bald wieder auf zu der reizenden Jungfrau, die sie vorher gewesen. Als dann die Badesaison sich ihrem Ende näherte und alle Sommer¬ [...]
Königlich bayerisches Amts- und Intelligenzblatt für die PfalzBeilage 26.01.1842
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 26. Januar 1842
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] Letztere drei Gutsartikel hat Schuldner mit dem Hauſe erſteigert. 7. Plan-.4ß 687. 7 Dezimalen oder 2 Aren Win gert im Folzen, neben Antoinette von Traiteur und Johann Ziegler, Preisanſatz 5 f. [...]
[...] Dieſen Gutsartikel hat Schuldner von Michael Schwarzwälder von Diedesfeld erſteigert. 9. Plan-./F 2150. 16 Dezimalen oder 5 Aren Win gert im Steinbühl, neben Valentin Eberle, Georg Serr Wittib und Daniel Minges Preisanſatz 30 fl. [...]
[...] Dieſen Gutsartikel beſitzt dermalen Peter Häg, Schuhmacher-zu Weyher. 10. Plan-.4F 2095. 14 Dezimalen oder 5 Aren Win gert in der Hummelau, neben Valentin Eberle und Andreas Kaufmann, Preisanſatz 20 fl. [...]
[...] 11. Plan-.4 2074. 15 Dezimalen oder 5 Aren Win gert in der Rötz, neben Jacob Kleinhanns Wittib und Anna Maria Hög, ledig, Preisanſatz 10 fl. [...]
[...] ſatz Dieſen Gutdartikel beſitzt dermalen Eliſabetha Steinhäuſer, Wittwe von dem zu Weyher verlebten Win zer Philipp Anton Jacob, dermalige Ehefrau vön Jo hannes Koch, Winzer allda. [...]
[...] b) Güter des Schuldners Carl Weigel, ſämmtlich in Section A.: 1. Plan-./MZ 2049. 11 Dezimalen oder 4 Aren Win gert in der Rötz, neben Mathias Jacob und Jo hannes Koch, Preisanſatz dito 10 f. [...]
[...] Dieſen Gutsartikel hat Schuldner erſteigert von Katharina Schlögel zu Weyher. 2. Plan-.49 960. 11 Dezimalen oder 4 Aren Win gert auf der alten Haide an der Kalkgrube, neben dem Weg und Revierförſter Michael Weidmann, [...]
[...] im Brühl, neben Franz Weidmann und Joſeph Kaufmanns Wittib, Preisanſatz 10 f. 4. Plan-.-Z 2221. 1 1 Dezimalen oder 4 Aren Win gert auf dem Berg, neben Michael Amann und Joſeph Meyer, Preisanſatz 10 f. [...]
[...] gert auf dem Berg, neben Michael Amann und Joſeph Meyer, Preisanſatz 10 f. 5. Plan-.46 2303. 6 Dezimalen oder 2 Aren Win gert in Krühling, neben Andreas Kaufmann und Georg Meyers Wittib einſeits, anderſeits David [...]
Amts- und Intelligenzblatt des Königlich Bayerischen Rheinkreises (Königlich bayerisches Amts- und Intelligenzblatt für die Pfalz)Beilage 24.08.1832
  • Datum
    Freitag, 24. August 1832
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] tags 12 Uhr, von folgenden im Banne von Weyher gelegenen Güterſtücken, als: 6. Section A. Nro. 23. 8 Aren 33 Centiaren Win gert im Kohlhaſen, zu 35 fl. [...]
[...] 7. Section A. Nro. 95. 6 Aren 61 Centiaren Win gert im Seitenviertel, zu 28 fl. [...]
[...] 8. Section A. Nro. 168. 4 Aren 53 Centiaren Win gert am Edesheimerweg, zu 18 fl. [...]
[...] 9. Section A. Nro. 299. 6 Aren 52 Centiaren Win gert im Heckmann, zu 25 ſl. [...]
[...] 15.Section A. Nro. 647. 2 Aren 83 Centiaren Wieſe allda, zu 12 fl. 16. Section A. Nro. 819. 2 Aren 83 Centiaren Win gert im Blümel, zu 12 fl. 17. Section A. Nro. 88. 2 Aren 54 Centiaren Win [...]
[...] 20. Section A. Nro. 1009. l Aren 15 Centiaren Win [...]
[...] 21. Section A. Nro. 1013. 2 Aren 74 Centiaren Wingert allda, zu 11 fl. 22. Section A. Nro. 236. 2 Aren 36 Centiaren Win gert allda, zu 10 fl. 23. Section A. Nro. 1150. 3 Aren 31 Centiaren [...]
Hannoverisches Magazin (Hannoversche Anzeigen)Hannoverisches Magazin 01.08.1774
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. August 1774
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] durch das Umgraben aufgelockerte und höher gewordene Beet gepflanzt, ſo ſenket ſich daſſelbe im folgenden Win ter, und das hat den Nachtheil, daß man nachher im März und April viel [...]
[...] angel. Gleichwie von allen Win: terpflanzen während des Winters inn: mer einige ausgehen, ſo gehen beſon: [...]
[...] zu ſeyn, dem Winterverderben zu wie derſtehen als andere Kohlpflanzen. Wenigſtens iſt mir im vorigen Win ter, der aber den Winterpflanzen ſo nachtheilig war, als ich noch irgend [...]
[...] Beeten manche ausgegangen, da mir doch auf eben dieſem Beet von etwa vier Schock weißen und rothen Win: terkopfkohl, und von ſechs Schock Winterbraunkohl auch nicht eine ein [...]
[...] achtet im März viele Stellen ganz le“ dig und alle drey Pflanzen verdorben ſind. Mir machte der vorige Win: ter, (der aber, wie ich ſchon geſagt habe, für die Winterpflanzen ſo tödt: [...]
[...] blumkohlfelde auch ein großer Theil der Pflanzen ausgeht, ſo bleiben die ein ſchattiges, (jedoch luftiges) Win [...]
[...] losmachen, ſondern dieſelbe nach dem Ausnehmen ihrer Nachbarinn wieder feſtdrücken muß,) oder aus dem Win terbehältniß; und noch bis in dem [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Juni 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] not be near the winner's. The Sunbeam colt is welcome, for his name, but his chances are moonshine. The Druid has his merits, but if he says, in his stall, that he is going to win (horses have sometimes spoken, and asses often), quote Collins, and say, “In yonder cave a Druid lies.” Winslow we visited, and GRUMPY said that no Derby horse could win slow. Wasn't it a stupid [...]
[...] nearly equivalents—not elephants, said GRUMPY. Laburnum the Germans call “golden rain,” and this fine horse will deserve a golden rein, and golden oats too (like CALIGULA's) if he wins, but I think Labirnam wood will first come to Dunsinane. GRUMry muttered something about inane dunce. He [...]
[...] Messenger, and GRUMPY made a stupid quotation about a “poster of the sea and land,” d propos of seeing a poster of Land and Water. As for Q. M., I consider that he ought to win, because I have drawn him in a Sweep. Angel means Messenger, and if he wins I will call him an angel—I can't sayfairer. He is a clinking good horse, a fact which would comfort me more if I knew [...]
[...] THE Dean of Westminster was, one, of the horses prophesied to win the Newmarket Two-Year-Old Plate. Dr. Temple ran third for the Great Northern Handicap at York. Evidence such as this of the popularity of the Church in a quarter not hitherto considered [...]
[...] of gloves her turf speculations will produce. MR. MoRTIMER SLOPE is anticipating a premature and protracted sojourn in a foreign country, if Cantankerous does not win. Bookmakers are anticipating what the next edition of their little publications may contain. [...]
[...] Some sceptical persons, whose faith in the weather is not yet settled, are anticipating a snow-storm. Very many people are anticipating what they will win. Very few people are anticipating what they will lose. [...]
[...] ! / /JonATHAN. ** WIN [...]
[...] 2. What are the chances in favour of the Derby fa vourite winning “the River Plate” 2 3. In a family of four [...]
[...] to bind the bargain, and supposing the horse which you have backed wins, what are the odds against any one, or two, or all, of the [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Mai 1863
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ture, for quiet drinking, one can hardly imagine, Fetteresso, another of them, has a much finer name, and a horse with such a name would very likely win the Derby. No,. MR. Cox, it does not rhyme to CoLENso—how can you? [...]
[...] The Yankee lot for some months had been knocked out of the }*. and indeed there was no chance that animals so over-worked cou d ever win a decent place. must prove the fact, and they have no cause to reproach us at finding our words true. Still, with all their brag and bounce, the Yankees [...]
[...] VICTOR-EMMANUEL be so well up to his work as his friends would wish to see him. The Russians and #. Austrians both declared they meant to win, but looking at their horses the world put little confidence in either protestation. Quiet Poland went at one time clean out of the betting, as much as ten thousand to one being offered, and no takers. [...]
[...] it continues in its present wretched plight, the Czar can hardly hope to show well in competing for the Civilisation Stakes. That John BULL would win easy, it was the universal faith, but the event even exceeded the general expectation. So complete a victory has rarely been recorded, and, when it is remembered with what a [...]
[...] about, for by a curious co incidence only one horse can win the Derby of 1863. Remarkable, ain't it? But, says you, my noble friends [...]
[...] prepared to prove by a ton of happydavits if need, which it don’t, that only one horse can win. We’ll overhaul the horses alpha betically, for the alphabet is a good invention, indeed I don't know an alphabetter. I know a young lady called ELIZABETH, and she lives in [...]
[...] three Bs, Baldwin, Blondin, Blue Mantle. Now all the world, except those who have betted º: him, or have drawn some other horse in the sweeps, would like the first named animal,to win, because he is the property of my noble friend, CoNSTABLE PAM, JIMMY GRIMshaw was to have ridden him, but JIMMY has been hung up for a bit to remind [...]
[...] property of my noble friend, CoNSTABLE PAM, JIMMY GRIMshaw was to have ridden him, but JIMMY has been hung up for a bit to remind him not to be so uncommonly eager to win races, and so my noble friend's chance is not improved. The BALDw1Ns of history were cele brated for their defeats and disasters, but one of them carried off [...]
[...] ere some of you, make a joke about not BB-HIND–L want to sneeze. He comes from a proud alcove, and LQRp ST. WINCENT will be a proud cove if he wins, as proud as was old JERVIs, who did the state good service, when folks were looking nervous. Next comes Maccaroni; and him I might as well bracket with Saccharometer [...]
[...] you without any excitement at half-past. Two on Wednesday? Wery well, then, this will be the state of the case at the end of the race. The number of the winning horse will be—and I abstain from all hesitating, circumambient, equivocating, self-protecting shuffle, like that of the other prophets—and I repeat that the number of the winning horse [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Mai 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] melancholy noises than they used to make in the win dows at which they were fixed I never [...]
[...] attention, but horse-shoes, made of iron, on which there has not been the least improve ment since the time of the Conquest. But this is not relevant to the Derby, because racers wear plates, and sometimes win them. What says CowPER about Englishmen riding races in France [...]
[...] “Be jockeys now, and win a plate Where once your nobler fathers won a crown.” [...]
[...] and dyed, dear little pigs. Let us pass on from this mystery to Grand Coup. There will be a grand cooing of Pigeons (turf dupes, my dear) if he wins, but if he does not win, they will be Pouters. I have Divers reasons (d'ye mark) for thinking well of the Pearl, and I advise you to turn to the chapter in Lothair [...]
[...] up your Hatchment (as the uneducated call it) for the demise of your hopes; nevertheless Count is no counter-jumper. Digby Grand is a horse with a name that sounds “winning.” I go so far as to say that he will be somewhere on the race-day. Ravenshoe is named from another delightful book,by my friend, [...]
[...] near the Ure. Combine this information, and bet accordingly. We next come to Noblesse. The French say noblesse oblige ; and if this animal will oblige backers by winning, I daresay they will be very glad; but it must be very distasteful to her ladyship to hear the sporting gentlemen speak of Nob-less, as that pre [...]
[...] will be very glad; but it must be very distasteful to her ladyship to hear the sporting gentlemen speak of Nob-less, as that pre sumes that the bearer of the name can't win by a head. As for the Frolic colt, another of the anonymous quadrupeds, “frolic.” comes from the German frèlich, and everything German is in [...]
[...] earth (in other days) would have been all the better for such a memorandum that they were earthy. But in this case a good Sovereign's name is given to an animal, that if he wins the race will not do it by imitating his namesake, for when did brave EMPERoR WILLIAM run ? What shall be said of Fisherman # [...]
[...] will not do it by imitating his namesake, for when did brave EMPERoR WILLIAM run ? What shall be said of Fisherman # I have seen a horse of that name, a dear old bird, win many a race, and I have pocketed Her Majesty's coinage in consequence, and the name is beloved of this child. But, ahem 1 if my friend [...]
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