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The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire18.12.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Dezember 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] as one of their writers pleafantly obferves; have zhad not only their fleet, but their Guarda Coſtas, Flotas, Flotillas.: Regifter Ships, and the Devil and all, to have paid for; nay, we might have taken for much from them, that all the ready money in the kingdom [...]
[...] all things good in their kind muft be dear.” - By this Convention, it was faid, all the grievances which had interrupted our commerce in the American /eas were to [...]
[...] *** Stin we'll have them on our ſtreet, ' ' |- ------' ': Looking fine and fmart and neat; - ** - - Doing all that men ſhould do, i ? * * [...]
[...] America, including all the countries, islands, and places, within the faid limits, which were reputed to belong tº the Crown of Spain, or which ſhould hereafter be found [...]
[...] to ſay, the Members of the faid Company, their Heirs and Succeſſors, íhall hold and enjoy , for their own ufe and benefit, all and every the iſlands, cities, towns, .forts, and places which they ſhall difcover or find out, feize or postefs, with all mines of gold, &c. &c.” " [...]
[...] you to be of that fophiſtical captious fpirit, or of that *uncandid dulnefs, as to require, for every general ob fervation or fentiment, an:explicit detail of all the cor [...]
[...] bę included in all the general propofitions which come from reafonable men.” Had Mr. Burke always read with, the fame fair indulgence, cione half of his [...]
[...] . . . We understand, that when the Endymion struck, iome of the feamen mutinied, and refufing all obe dience to their officers, broke open and plundered the ſpirit room, and poffested themſelves of all the [...]
[...] quarters; and on the wellknown law distum :::th:: Truth is a Libel,” informations are to be brought in the name of the cherokee Chiefs, againſt all 'thoiề\ [...]
[...] examination. . - By the proclamation for difcontinuing the bounties to feamen, it is evident that all thoughts of war are laid afide for the preſent; yet, fo little is the Conven tion reliſhed in the commercial world, that all the [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire14.08.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] fembly to the ſubjest of their meeting; he obſerved, that the proceedings of this day would have a good effet upon all the habitable world, at leaft upon all who ſhould hear of the proceedings of the National Af fembly of France, for a more glorious Revolution than [...]
[...] their Liberties and their Conſtitution upon the primevat Equality of Mankind. –- They had eſtabliſhed their Constitution upon all principles which are obviouſly caleulated for the public good. : [...]
[...] ?National Aſſembly contented themfelves with thefe de clarations, they were not fatisfied that man fhall enjoy all his civil, but that he fhall alfo enjoy all his religious liberty, for which purpoſe they had annihilated all in tolerance, and reduced all religious reftraints to their [...]
[...] tical, civil and religious. »* *** * * . : --- » * Civil and Religious Liberty to all mankind. . . , * A refolution was put and carried, in fubſtance, That the people of Great Britain have not the fame [...]
[...] tional Affembly; and that they be publiſhed in the newfpapėrs. .*} ~ . . . 2 - :,: The facred Rights of Men, and may all Nations have wiſdom to understand, and courage to defend them. May the glorious example of France teach all other [...]
[...] foon corrupt the fource of public virtue.” -- If this ſhort ſpeech, upon a fubjeết of great natio mal importance, does not diſplay all the flowers of ora tory, it does what is more honourable and ufeful in all ſtates – it diſplays found Senfe and Humanity. ' " [...]
[...] and the fource of diſcontent to the bad: the event hás proved the truth of the predistion; for the Meeting was the next day abuſed by all the enemies of Liberty.» In all difcustions conçerming the French Revolution, in every application of the principles on which it haš [...]
[...] **Pugiliſht is now reduced to a regular fpe&tacle, where the performers have falaries, and all the rights of the Theatres. There is advertifed for this day a Benefit Boxing Match. - * | [...]
[...] Whoever ftrives to work her ill, (Ne'er heed the boast ºf birth) ~ With all thy courage interpoſe – z -- Thruft home thy conqu'ring lance; . . . . . So fhall you vanquifh Freedom’s foes, 3: [...]
[...] řř) Which we hope will be experienced fhortly all over the world. - - . [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire25.06.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 25. Juni 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] lace, or rather of the gardens of one, fo well, as the profpe&t of Vauxhall Gardens, decorated as they were, om Saturday Night. – All that was elegant, and all that was grand, feemed to combine together, and the effećt was fo aftoniſhingly great, the proſpeċt had fuch a [...]
[...] by the advice of Our Privy Council, to ifue this Our Royal Proclamation, and do hereby declare, Our Royal purpofe and refolution to difcountenance and puniſh all manner of vice, profanenefs, and immorality, in all perfons, of whatfoever degree or quality, within this [...]
[...] reafon of their diffolute lives and converſation, are a feandal to Our kingdom, Our further pleaſure is, and We do hereby ſtriếtly charge and command all Our Judges, Mayors, Sheriffs, Juſtices of Peace, and all other Our Officers and Minifters, both Ecclefiaſticaj [...]
[...] Judges, Mayors, Sheriffs, Juſtices of Peace, and all other Our Officers and Minifters, both Ecclefiaſticaj and Civil, and all other Our fubjećts, to be very vigi lant and ftrićt in the difcovery , and the effećtual pro fecution and puniſhment of all perſons who ſhall be [...]
[...] Day, or other diſſolute, immoral, or diforderly prac tices; and that they take care alfo effećtually to fup prefs all publick gaming houfes, and other loofe and diforderly houſes; and alfo all unlicenſed publick fhews, interludes, and places of entertainment, ufing the ut [...]
[...] intitled, “An Aét for preventing certain abuſes and profanations on the Lord’s Day, called Sunday,” and all other laws now in force for the puniſhing and fup preffing any of the vices aforefaid; and alfo to fupprefs and prevent all gaming whatſoever in publick or private [...]
[...] our Judges of Affize, and Justices of the Peace, to give ſtrićt charge, at their reſpective affizes and fer fions, for the due profecution and puniſhment of all perfons that ſhall prefume to offend in any of the kinds aforefaid, and alſo of all perfons that, contrary to their [...]
[...] and virtue pra&tifed by all Officers private foldiers, ma riners, and others, who are employed in our fervice by fea and land, We do hereby ftrićtly charge and com [...]
[...] riners, and others, who are employed in our fervice by fea and land, We do hereby ftrićtly charge and com mand all our Commanders and Officers whatfoever, that they do take care to avoid all profanenefs, debauchery and other immoralities, and that, by their own good [...]
[...] and other immoralities, and that, by their own good and virtuous lives and converſation, they do fet good examplesto all fuch as are under their care and authority, and likewife to take care of and infpećt the behaviour of all fuch as are under them, and puniſh all thofe who [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire24.01.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Januar 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Reve, in his Enquiry into Nature"; who recites the cafe of Ga/per Pierce, in Edward the Fourth's reign, who diverted the King and all his Court for many years; by fwallowing Stones and Marble of all kinds, Nails; Horfe-fhoes, and hilts of Swords; till at laft, having [...]
[...] I wonder they ſhould have prejudices againſt it; they have been bred up in them from their youth, and con ftantly confirmed in them by all the artifices imaginable: but I hope the time is not far diſtant, in which they will fee things in a true light, and if they lay afide all [...]
[...] paffed againſt me and my family; a folemn engagement to maintain the Church of England as by law eſta bliſhed, in all her rights, privileges, poffeffions, and immunities whatfoever, And as I am utterly averfe to all animofity and perfecutions on account of reli [...]
[...] times deſtroys it in an infiant. Remember the com mon maxim, - - “All fiefb is frail, and fubjeći to decay, And fairefi lilies /bonef fade away.” This being fo very true, and fo very apparently [...]
[...] us to imagine that they are allin a worfe place; thereby it follows, that they have no immortal part, and are exempted from being accountable for all the noife and difturbance they have raiſed in this world. [...]
[...] How far (as it is obſerved by Voltaire) the Jews, of all that have attacked the Chriſtian religion, are per haps [...]
[...] On that vaft deep, immeafurably wide, Barks of all forts lie waiting for the tide: It ferves at fix, high water at each port, | The colours then are hoifted on each fort; '. [...]
[...] While flippant Farce, a feather, fwims at top. Yet many a bark is ftowed with fenfe and wit, With all that Nature wrought, or Shakeſpear writ; With all that Fancy paints, or Genius draws, Welcome fuch freights, and hail’d with juſt applaufe. [...]
[...] “For Folks of all Sizes,” he wittily fays, “Are feribbling, and jingling, in Rhime now-a-days; “And publiſh their Travels all dizen'd with Cuts, [...]
[...] And had you not, Siſter, been feized with the Mumps, You too would have fhone, in your Blue Sattin Pumps; And fure of all places, for gig and for revel, There’s nome that like Margate puts all on a level, BILLY STAYTAPE; CoUNT DIP, and Young Boss? [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire31.10.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Oktober 1789
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[...] words I mean) between a Mufician and a Dancing mafter. - i v r. The Mufician faid, if all the world underftood mufic, all the world would be in tune, there would be no more jarring, no difcord, no difagreement. - [...]
[...] if unfortunately what I have added for your brother does not meet with your approbation: Í füpplicate you not to opprefs me with your diſpleaſure;”for in all my mifery, notwithſtanding all the ills. I endure for you, I exert my utmost to do what I think will be most [...]
[...] come, deign to put an end to my fufferings, it is time. To all fins merey is granted; let all be this day forgot and buried in oblivion; have mercy on me, I who have ever wiſhed you happinefs, and I in return will [...]
[...] and buried in oblivion; have mercy on me, I who have ever wiſhed you happinefs, and I in return will pray to God all my life to beſtow his holy bleffing on you; and all your much loved family, . :::have the honour to be, with the most profound [...]
[...] and engender. This is all that I can tell you without · [...]
[...] fhould not permit him, who has nothing, to invade the property of another, &c.” … -- , • : The King of France intends to fells all his ftuds kept for hunting, all his hounds, menageries, ward robe, &c. and prefent the public with the produce. [...]
[...] , : You print — but little is your own, - .sb ei For Pallas di&ates all you write. - , '; ifo. * * * ', : : ---- ... ::: : , . ::: -0'yi č. 4 Curious [...]
[...] By the new tobacco a&t, which takes place on Tuef. day, all dealers in tobacco and fhuff are to pay the fame licenfe-duty in Edinburgh as in London, and a fmaller duty in all other places. The cafe is the fame with the [...]
[...] But hateful docks, rough thiſtles, keckfies, burs, ” Lofing both beauty and utility; " - - : , : , " "; And all the vineyards, fallows, meads, and hedges,” Defestive in their natures, grow to wildnefst , [...]
[...] : Winter Theatres. *** A fmall number of free admifions have been iſſued, differing from Renters fhares, and from all former free doms of the kind. . -- * *** They admit indiferiminately to either houfe, and [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire23.04.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. April 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] fond affećtions of a father, and all the stattering hopes of a reclaimęd life, in cafe I had been fortunate enough to have efeaped on my late trial, crowded : [...]
[...] all who feel for the maritime rank of Great Britain; will regret that it was dropped. . . . . :::--: He had fufficient intereft to get introduced-to-a [...]
[...] for the laft fix weeks, was on Monday laft. Diſpatches. lay in the Office from Berlin, Petersburgh, Stockholm, Madrid, &c. and all the fixteen Meffengers of the Çrown are în England. Why all foreign bufineſs has been proçrastinated it is not for us to inquire. Now, [...]
[...] iſſued for the payment of Dividends, will áfest publie credit, – Ergo. – The minority of the Houſe of Commons, all the Directors and Proprietors of the Bank, and many of the principal commercial houfes, are knaves; and all who believe them blockheads. – [...]
[...] é.* In all the debates on the convention with Spain, it was triumphantly afferted by the Miniſter and his [...]
[...] from travelling ! : : , ?"i : *a i se i Private houſes are now become publie placer, uns der the name of routs, and all the differençe betwixt [...]
[...] our gracious fovereign was well known to be a teht; poral prince, a free monarch, to whom they di all owe arid håd fworh :ällegiance. The Pafliament is the great council, and hath aćted áll and mora againſt their lord and fovereign thân the other did [...]
[...] ifh the fellow, who was, however, immediately : bis accomplice, when all further : : inefestual — after completing the booty, hey made ost: : : , . - - - -- [...]
[...] all things are there in common. ...i [...]
[...] focommon. Not a Journey-man Gentleman, but whe; if robbed at all, lofes tiventy guineas, and, perhaps, a [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire17.09.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 17. September 1787
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[...] pointed to fail the firſt of Auguſt, all full, which, on - [...]
[...] Great preparations are making all over London againſt next Saturday ; mew locks are putting to old . guns, and new guns to old locks. The papers are filled [...]
[...] informs, that Lord Dorchefter is ufing every effort to have the militia of Quebec well regulated, and under proper difcipline. All the male inhabitants, from 16 to 6o years, are enrolled as militia men, out of whom are to be fele&ted all the able-bodied unmarried men, [...]
[...] of Lord Dorchefter was very pleafing to all ranks and [...]
[...] States-General reprefent the Sovereignty of the Union, which refides properly in the General Affembly of the States themfelves of all the feveral Provinces. [...]
[...] France, it is remarkable, that it will have originated from a Stamp Ast, which was the meaſure that firſt kindled all the American diferders: - --: - : " " - - - Thofe [...]
[...] *** The Opposrrion, at the prefent erifis, have done every thing they can to fink the funds. – CHARLEs Fox has fold out all his property there – and Burka has declared his intention of difpofing of his fhare – [...]
[...] ra fum of money eas the temptation, your grenadiers would have one and all prefented themfelves. — They did fo inſtantly, and out of 194, of which the company confited, only 9ò returned alive. * - - [...]
[...] confined to fix, who all fleep in different beds in the fame room. His wife and himſelf occupy a bed alſo ih the fame room, which the other beds furround at equal [...]
[...] Lady to fet about, are her pronunciation and her ge fture. O Let her study to pronounce the letter H, di finaly; and lether, above all things, hold her per fon erećt. - - | [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire28.01.1788
  • Datum
    Montag, 28. Januar 1788
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[...] friendly, refpe&tful, and attentive. As a man, and as a Prince, for he was Chief of the Montific Arabs, a powerful tribe, take him for “all in all,” he was de ferving of better fortune: his enemies allowed him cou rage, enterprize, and liberality. His ufurpation he de [...]
[...] predation. Georgia is anxiouſly preparing for aĉtion, and, we hope, ſhe will receive feafonable affiftance from all her fifter States. - [...]
[...] taken place, and that without all the common formali I 3 ties [...]
[...] joice to fee improved; and if he can be fo fortunate as to improve it into an union, his name will defcend to pofterity with all the honours of exalted patriotifm. [...]
[...] danger. – The moſt intimate friends were torn from each other – Husbands from their wives – Parents from their children – all were hurried down by the deluge, all endeavouring to feize the timber that was floating, to fave their lives, and many conceived them [...]
[...] fchooners, drogers, and turtling-boats, were rolled over and over in the rivers like fo many logs of tim ber, and all on board periſhed. - [...]
[...] mafter’s health, fucceſs to the future harveſt, &c. then returning home, they are feafted with cakes and ale. – Wiſhing that all the Kings and Queens of this evening, all Minifters of State, Maids of Honour, Ladies of the Bedchamber, &c. may enjoy every poſſible merriment, [...]
[...] counterfigned by John Aftley, Efq , Mafter and Trea- furer of the Jewels, by which it appears that the greateſt part, if not all, the Peers and Peerestes of the Realm, all the Biſhops, the chief Officers of State, and feveral of the Queen's fervants of the houſhold, even including [...]
[...] eafieft and beft humoured captivity imaginable. In Wicliff’s time we were all Theologicians, and the pro foundeft cafuiſts in Europe. In the age of Newton we were all Philofophers. When Pope lived we were [...]
[...] abfent five minutes, but on his return he could find nei ther the horfe nor the old woman, notwithſtanding he made every poſſible enquiry about all the neighbouring ftreets. - - - - * * The ancient lady, however, made her appearance [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire15.01.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Januar 1791
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[...] forms, from the mad defpotifm of Afia to the mild adminiſtration of laws in Great Britain – in ſhort, the offſpring of fuperſtition confounding all human reafon - – which [...]
[...] example, profeffes to teach. Of as little importanee is it to us whether a libel on a whole nation, wrought up with all the enthufiafm of a glowing imagination, be the mere creature of imagination, or an exagge rated pićture of the evils attendant on all great re [...]
[...] vidence, yet are petrified with horror at the irregular juſtice of a mob. Were not falfe terrors induſtriouſly raifed to reprefs all ardor for that firſt of human bleffings, public liberty: — Were not principles advanced deftru&tive, in my judgment, of all freedom; [...]
[...] The Ladies feem now determined on all occafions to affert the Rights of Men. Among the company in the Gallery of St. Stephen’s Chapel last night , was a [...]
[...] The Publie are not aware of all the Taxes contained in Mr. Pitt's Budget opened on Wedneſday laft. They have heard of Sugar, Rum, Malt, Spirits, Game [...]
[...] wheeled, . . . . . . . . . , . | 1 Io per Cent. on, Carts: and Waggons. f:: - And that all thefe Taxes are calculated to produces by the new Duty, in addition to the Million which they have produced, Ioooool. a year. They are [...]
[...] » The Debate on the Malt Tax Bill will be warm and ſpirited. – The country gentlemen have taken i WP with indignation, an? all the Corn counties in i s . país [...]
[...] ** I have experienced nothing but oppofition, injury, and injuſtice; but candour obliges me to infer, that they are all honourable men, that their government is mild, and their general conduct equitable.” …,n [...]
[...] “the impatience natural to man under a hateful yoke. “Mafters and Slaves will turn pale at the afpest of re “generated France. Paris will be the depot of all the “fceptres and all the chains that have been employed “to cruſh nations.” . ::::: [...]
[...] Night's Dream is now what it ought to be – a morning frene: in its former ſtate it had all the heat of a moon - day fun. The faces are clearer, cooler, and better painted. The Miranda playing at chef, [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire28.03.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. März 1789
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[...] he valuable prefent I fend you, will render all in trodu&tory compliments on your publication both unneceffary and impertinent. Were I mot fatisfied that - [...]
[...] fix; but an opprefſed mind does every thing ſlowly and heavyly, and confequently fuch muft the proceed ings apeare of all I a&t, in that I am, [...]
[...] enjoyment in life — eating, drinking, and fleeping conſtitute the principal employments of it; and as of all thefe ſleeping is undoubtedly the fweeteſt, I ſhall take this evening fome pills, which will make me fleep a long time, |- - [...]
[...] Dr. Willis and his fon remain with the King at Kew for fome time longer. All the other Phyficians are difcharged, and have taken leave. The medical affiſtants are alfo fent home. [...]
[...] A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, read in all Churches and Chapels throughout England and Scotland: “Almighty God, Father of all Comforts, and the [...]
[...] fhew forth our Thankfulnefs for thy Loving-kindnefs, and for all the Bleffings, which, through his juſt and mild Government, Thou beſtoweſt upon us. To this End may we be enabled by Thy Grace to maintain a [...]
[...] as there have been feveral late publications on this Art, it is neceſſary to mention, that no part of this work ever appeared before. And the Plates are all new. [...]
[...] may not be deemed înapplicable at the preſent crifis. - :: ; ** , " ". Ou Mr. PITT's Re/ºgnation. . . . . Egyptian darknefs cover’d all the land, º And locuits fwarm’d (a miniſterial band:) : *** "Till Pitt difpell'd that dreadful gloom of night, i [...]
[...] I M P R O M P T U. “come, chanies,” – faid all his Friends— “Recanti [...]
[...] — 26. She wou’d and fhe wou'd not. The Devil to pay. — 27. The Triņmph of Truth. " – 28. The grecian Daughter. All the World’s a Stage. March 2. The Constant-Couple. . The Sultan. |- - 3. Coriolanus. (5th Time.) The Waterman, [...]