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Deutsche Bauzeitung 〈Berlin〉The Architect 05.03.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. März 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] against a splayed surface, but relieved by ranges of largetoothed ornaments running up behind each of the front shafts.* The windows, also, differ from mere arched opened in having a functional plane, which occupies one order, and is needed to receive the glazing. The orders are never so numerous in windows as in rich doorways; rarely ex [...]
[...] It must be clear, even on the most superficial glance, that the vaulting over of extended areas is a matter of fär greater intrieacy and requiring vastly more thought and contrivance than the mere arching over of an Opening in a wall; and, though its primary elements are simple, I must beg you tº follow me over easy ground, andground already trodden in my [...]
[...] other such corridors, all similarly covered by barrel vaults. Instead of the simple intersection of our previous case, we now have a group of four or two pairs of such intersecting vaults, meeting in the centre on a mere frustum of the partition walls reduced to a square pier, from whose angles spring four of those edges of intersection before described.* [...]
[...] then, before proceeding to more advanced or intricate developments, apply to what we have reached the same process of architecturalisation which we have gone through for mere arching. Now, so far as relates to a barrel vault, it is evident that, when divided by transverseribs, those may be carried bypilasters or by colonettes, [...]
[...] against a splayed surface, but relieved by ranges of largetoothed ornaments running up behind each of the front shafts.* The windows, also, differ from mere arched opened in having a functional plane, which occupies one order, and is needed to receive the glazing. The orders are never so numerous in windows as in rich doorways; rarely ex [...]
[...] walls or ranges of piers, I have hitherto dealt exclusively with the former; and that, as the forms of piers and clustered columns are influenced as much by the requirements of the vaulting as of mere arches they have to support, I have been obliged to leave my description of their formsimper feet; and as it is my wish to treat of vaulting as systematically as I am [...]
[...] It must be clear, even on the most superficial glance, that the vaulting over of extended areas is a matter of fär greater intricacy and requiring vastly more thought and contrivance than the mere arching over of an o" ning in a wall; and, though its primary elements are simple, I must bºg you tº follow me over easyground, andground already trodden in my [...]
[...] other such corridors, all similarly covered by barrel vaults. Instead of the simple intersection of our previous case, we now have a group of four or two pairs of such intersecting vaults, meeting in the centre on a mere frustum of the partition walls reduced to a square pier, from whose angles spring four of those edges of intersection before described.* [...]
[...] then, before proceeding to more advanced or intricate developments.apply to what we have reached the same process of architecturalisation which we have gone through for mere arching. Now, so far as relates to a barrel vault, it is evident that, when divided by transverseribs, those may be carriedbypilasters or by colonettes, [...]
[...] local architect with the consent of the proprietor; but the court ruled that such appointment in no way relieved the chief arehitect, whose plans were merely carried out by the other, and moreover, that the insufficiency of the means for securing the solidity of the foundations arose rather out of the plans and estimates than from the actual execution of the work. [...]
Deutsche Bauzeitung 〈Berlin〉11.04.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. April 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Die Stabilität der Tarife vermindere ferner das Interesse der Bahnverwaltungen an reichlicher Material-Beschaffung, verküm mere den legitimen Gewinn der Eisenbahnen, und sei deshalb auch dem Bau neuer Bahnen wenig günstig. Endlich schrecke die selbe auch von zeitgemässen Tarif-Ermässigungen ab, sofern ir [...]
Deutsche Bauzeitung 〈Berlin〉04.04.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. April 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Dampf gesättigt. Wird einc mit Dampf gesättigte Luftmenge auf höhere Temperatur gebracht, so enthält sie dann als wär mere Luft nicht mehr die relative Dampfmenge, welche vorhin vorhanden war; sie ist also der kälteren Luft gegenüber bei gleichem Wassergehalte verhältnissmässig trocken; im [...]
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