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Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Mai 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] the Belgian Academy, treat of a great variety of interesting and valuable matters. The Belgian Academy of Science, Literature, and Art was ſounded by Maria Theresa on December 16, 1772, but as December is not a very suitable month for a great public gathering of men [...]
[...] primarily by glaciers. He considered a far more probable ex planation to be, that the greater lake-basins were parts of ordi nary valleys, excavated by rain and rivers, the beds of which had undergone disturbances after the valley had assumed approxi mately its present contour. He showed that the lakes were in [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Juni 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] demic having broken out at Fayal, it was not deemed prudent to land. San Miguel was visited, and the straits between it and Santa Maria were explored, and the Challenger on the Ioth stood for Fauchal, reaching it on the 15th, having been now more than a month [...]
[...] nearly as large as turkeys. During the next week the ship gradually made her way, with light winds and heavy rains, and close depressing, equatorial weather, past the Schouten Islands and Hermit Island towards Admiralty Island, where it arrived on the [...]
[...] tion and strength of the currents. Of several of these, details will be given at this Conference. With respect to rain-gauges but little need be said, unless it be to call attention to the system, which, thanks to Mr. G. J. Symons, is now so universal in this country, [...]
[...] viz., for observers who make only one daily entry of the rainfall, to take their observation at 9 A.M. and to enter the amount of rain to the preceding day. The late Meteorological Congress has no doubt discussed this and other points of international interest. [...]
[...] many of the peculiarities common to inland localities. The mean annual temperature of the last ten years is 53.73° Fahren. heit; the average annual rain-fall is about forty-five inches. [...]
[...] Zeitschrift der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie, Feb. 1.-In this number appears the first part of a paper by Dr. W. Köppen, on the yearly periods of probability of rain in the northern hemisphere. It is accompanied by a valuable diagram of curves. He begins by calling attention to the value of the [...]
[...] of curves. He begins by calling attention to the value of the system on which his calculations are based, namely, the mere registration of the days of which rain falls in each locality. Con sidering that in our latitudes changes of vapour tension and of relative humidity do not concur, it is simpler than measuring [...]
[...] sidering that in our latitudes changes of vapour tension and of relative humidity do not concur, it is simpler than measuring the quantity of rain or snow. The probability of a downfall depends upon two conditions, the degree of relative humidity between, say 1oo and 3,000 metres altitude, and the favourable [...]
[...] annual distribution of rainfall, but annexes a table showing the actual numbers for each station. The diagram exhibits the probability of rain in each month for each district. Feb. 15.-In this number Dr. Köppen concludes his remarks on the yearly periods of probability of rain. The paper, which [...]
[...] on the yearly periods of probability of rain. The paper, which is illustrated by elaborate tables, contains much valuable infor mation respecting the times of year at which rain is most and least probable in a great number of countries and districts of the northern hemisphere. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. Januar 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The remark of Mr. G. J. Symons in NATURE, December 26, that it seems to him “more likely that the effect of cyclone is simply to alter the locality of deposition " of rain, suggests a doubt whether the relation between rain and wind is sufficiently considered. The amount of evaporation must always be the [...]
[...] waves and foam. The evaporation during a cyclone may be presumed to be enormous. Wind in fact is almost always drying, even when rain is falling. - - - May we not on this account see a theoretical probability in favour of Mr. Lockyer's belief that the cycle of sun-spots coin [...]
[...] nomenon 2 It is said to send its waters “pure and unmixed' into the ocean 300 miles. I have had no information as to excessive rains on the continent.” RAWSON. W. RAWSON Government House, Barbados, Dec. 2, 1872 [...]
[...] near Theta Centauri.’ “I was on the look-out from comet-rise (16") to sunrise the next two mornings, but clouds and rain disappointed me. On the third attempt, however, I had better luck. Just about 17}" mean time, a brief blue space enabled me [...]
[...] angle from nucleus about 280°.’ I had no time to spare to look for the other comet, and the next morning the clouds and rain had returned. “If I get another view before posting this I may be able to add a hasty postscript. The positions, the first [...]
[...] occurred on July 3, in Araucaria, of sufficient extent to cover up all the planted fields of the Indians, and oblige them to take refuge on the north side of the mountain. This rain, supposed to have come from an eruption of Mount Llaima, distressed the Indians so much as to drive them into the neighbourhood of the [...]
[...] Arrugiº, is proposed for Zerythis basuta Wall, £rotiſmºus Lin. The new species are all Geomitrina, they are Conchylia /acto Maria, Camptogramma yuaggaria, C. jºrºv, Mºſarigºriºniſ, M. getula, 7%hrina memorizaga, Zamºra //atrºcata, /*. Cºomaculata and Mesotype textilis.-A new species of mica called [...]
[...] the serpent among ancient and modern peoples. One of its chief characteristics was its power over the wind and rain. Another was its connection with health and good fortune, in which character it was the Agathodºmon. The serpent was also the symbol of life or immortality, as well as of wisdom. It [...]
[...] spirit ancestor was transformed into that of the Great Spirit, the father of the race, the attributes of the serpent would be en larged, and it would be thought to have power over the rain and the hurricane, which provide the moisture requisite for life. Being thus transferred to the atmosphere, the serpent would come [...]
[...] by means of carbon. The carbon is employed as the conducting film on the surface of the ozoniser. M. Gérardin presented a note on the amount of oxygen dissolved in rain water and in that of the Seine. Fine and persistent rain contains less oxygen than that of heavy and short showers.-Next came a note from M. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. Juni 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Marseilles, which according to the ancient myth was the scene of the contest between Hercules and the Ligures, when Zeus rained down a shower of stones to aid the hero. Now, if a myth venerable four centuries before Christ has any bearing on the question, this passage [...]
[...] illustrated by Brongniart, probably represented other types of Sigillarioid trees, and it is not improbable that the genus Sigil. Maria, as usually understood, really includes several distinct generic forms. The author had recognised six generic forms in a previous paper, and in his “Acadian Geology;” but the type [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. November 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] cohesion is nearly paramount. Thus the motive of ripples is the same as that of the trembling of a dew drop and of the spherical tendency of a drop of rain or spherule of mist. In all waves of lengths exceeding five or six centi metres, the effect of cohesion is practically insensible, and [...]
[...] But this rarefaction on the elevated portions of the moon demands a compensating condensation or concentration of atmospheric matter in the valleys, crater-pits, and maria. Here the pressure on the moon's surface should considerably exceed the calculated mean. This consideration suggests a very inte [...]
[...] The small share of water due to the moon would all be raised far above its low boiling point, early in the lunar day, by the heated lunar surface. There would be no sea, no clouds, no rain, no snow, but on the plains and in the valleys a formation of hoar frost should occur at the lunar eventide, beginning just where the [...]
[...] On the highlands of the moon no appreciable amount of hoar-frost precipitation should take place on account of the ab sence of sufficient atmosphere ; but on the deeper maria, wher ever the conditions are the most favourable, the patchy tempera ture should produce patches of such precipitation. If any [...]
[...] Oct. 19, 1871, p. 489) is by no means new or rare if I can judge correctly from the figure and explanation. It may often be seen on the lower part of the flank of a great rain or thunder cloud, and appears to arise from the dropping or subsidence of portions of the air heavily loaded with watery particles. My [...]
[...] flat, as stated in many newspapers, but is volcanic, and 2,000 feet high. It is covered with timber and scrub, and being visited by frequent and heavy rains is always green. The place is riddled with shafts, some 150 feet deep. It produces nothing eatable. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 03. August 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] but from records lent by the Superintendent of Japanese Lighthouses and Buoys. They consist of observations of the barometer, thermometer, rain-gauge, wind and weather, as made at twelve lighthouses, two lightships, and at Yedo, the monthly averages of which are repre [...]
[...] different places on the coast; they are, moreover, in general accordance with what was previously known of the meteorology of Japan. The rain results are in teresting, but they would have been more valuable if the position of the gauges had been stated. From the [...]
[...] rainfall of Algeria is much less varied than that of the south of France, for while in the south of France there are six distinct rain-regions, in Algeria there are only two, the one region being characterised by a very dry summer and a very wet autumn and winter, embracing the less elevated land near the shore and [...]
[...] THE Vienna papers report the death of Mdme. Hulsenstein, a lady who had been maid of honour to Maria Theresa, and lived to the extraordinary age of 119 years. The case ought to be noted as being well authenticated and not grounded merely [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 05. Oktober 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Ihangara state that at a place about forty miles distant on the hills, a thunderbolt fell on the 22nd of August after a heavy downpour of rain. The ground was literally cut up in conse quence, and the whole of the huts standing there as well as their inmates were swallowed up in the chasm. Such a catastrophe [...]
[...] face-skimmings one morning near the mouth of the Sado river having rewarded us with numerous specimens of an A/Aendicu Maria, which, from notes and sketches made at the time of their capture, I have since found to have presented phenomena seem ingly not yet observed by any other naturalist. Hitherto these [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. Mai 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] that on the rigging. The sailors agreed that the number did not exist on the body before the man was struck. 3. M. José Maria Dau, of Havannah, states that in 1828, in the province of Candelaria, in the island , of Cuba, a young man was struck by lightning, and on his [...]
[...] of the spots. If this is the case, then we have, as on many other occasions, a decrease of spots, a decrease of cyclones, and a de crease of rain all at or about the same time. “Our latest telegraphic news, vić India, states that severe cold E. throughout Europe. It would be very interesting to [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] and proposes to call it Verril/ia blakei. He describes the general aspect of the species as resembling that of Pavo maria Quadrangularis, but states that the polyps are arranged in “two unilateral longitudinal series.” I may add, that a communication from Dr. Edward [...]
[...] the hurricanes of Bourbon and other parts of the world. The hurricanes of the Indian Ocean are well known to be attended with torrential rains. So much is this the case that the popular belief at Mauritius is that cyclones are the cause of our rains. Heavy rains over extensive areas are certainly concomi [...]
[...] Jelinek of Vienna, I have now examined 93 tables of rainfall for various parts of the world, and I find that, scarcely without ex ception, more rain falls in the maxima than in the minima sun spot years. I beg to append a table showing the general results for the quarters of the globe. It will be seen that, so far as the [...]
[...] observations go, Europe, Africa, America, and Australia give very favourable results. Asia is only represented by three sta tions, one of which is Jerusalem, where the excess of rain in one minimum period exceeds the excess in the maxima periods for two stations in India. France is the only European country (of [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. November 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] bright blue specks which occur in similar situations, as I have myself proved, and of which I preserve specimens. The so-called blood-rain belongs to the same category. Un fortunately it has not yet been proved that these bodies are capable of development into higher forms. The real [...]
[...] This is clearly of the utmost importance, and cannot be too thoughtfully considered. The calcospherites of Prof. Harting, the concretions of Mr. Raines, and the curious specimens of dentine exhibited at Norwich, in 1868, so similar to cellular tissue as to deceive the most [...]
[...] the two rainiest months, and next to these come April and July, the rainfall of Winnipeg being in these respects closely analogous to that of the prairie region of the Western States. The rain fall for the year is only 22 inches. The greatest amount of cloud and the greatest relative humidity occur in November. The [...]
[...] Ischim, and that of St. Paul with Saratow. An important climatic difference must, however, be kept in view, viz., the summer rains are several weeks earlier in Manitoba than in Siberia. [...]
[...] quently no longer crosses the Pyrenees before reaching Pau, it may be expected that the air will become instantly saturated with moisture, and rain begin to fall. This is just what takes place, and the connection between the sirocco and Atlantic storms is well recognised, and finds expression in the weather-prognostic [...]
[...] and the connection between the sirocco and Atlantic storms is well recognised, and finds expression in the weather-prognostic current at Pau, “The drier the air the nearer the rain.” [...]
[...] THE Morddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung states that Capt. Kielsen, of the John Maria, Tromsoe, has reached 81% N. lat. between Novaya Zemlya and Spitzbergen, and found the sea free of ice. He discovered an island with a mountain 500 feet high, which [...]
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