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Saturday review30.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] men. But there are very few English Jews who dream of settling or trading in Roumania. With us, therefore, the question is merely a theoretical one. It is not so with Austria. There Jews abound, and a few steps would take them from Austrian into Roumanian territory. It is a [...]
[...] wanted where it will not be. It is doing terrible mischief by its presence now, and it will do equal mischief by its absence later on. The mere money loss from these two causes must be immense. Year after year the low-lying lands in many parts of the country are under water for [...]
[...] its mission subsequently received different explanations; but Lord Derby never wavered in his account, and always stated that it was sent merely to protect such Christians as foreign Consuls from massacre. He was quite willing to do this; but he would not interfere, and would agree to no interference [...]
[...] act for the country, and could only tell Parliament what it had done. It must take notice of the jealousy of Austria. It could not allow a lúussian occupation of Constantinople, the mere prospect of which had already calmed the ardour of many of the enthusiasts. It could not forget that the Turkish Christians [...]
[...] THE question whether St. Peter was ever at Rome has bº discussed for three centuries past with a persistence and acrimony which no merely historical inquiry, however interestinº ever evokes. And yet the theological significance which tº Roman Catholic and Protestant controversialists have conspiredº [...]
[...] in being able to find what one wants in the book at once or with very little trouble. There is a feeling of shame in having to appeal to the index, a mere mechanical way of doing the work, from the [...]
[...] But the resultis anyhow to deprive his treatise of the symmetry, the organic completeness, and the proportion which we should look for in the leading work of a professor of more than merely national or provincial reputation. In the case of a science—if it be as yet entitled to be called a [...]
[...] are most pleasing: The Highlanders did not in point of fact wear philibegs at the battle of Bannockburn, but of course it is not to }. expected that a French artist should know that. As a mere volume of historical pictures, such as children like, the book is quite praiseworthy. - - - - [...]
[...] gens is a good book to give away, but, once bought, will prove a tempting book to keep. Les contes de ma mère (Bertall. E. Plon) is in appearance a companion volume to the other. We prefer the fables as litera. ture, but have nowhere seen of late prettier pictures of children [...]
[...] consistency and the strict logic which underlies some of the worst follies of the present Papacy, and accounts for acts which, regarded from a practical point of view, seem mere absurdities; had he been able to speak more generously of what he calls “Mario latry,” and to understand the motives, and to appreciate the [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 30.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] are not mere letterpress furnished to woodcuts, but a substantial portion of [...]
[...] the work. They are written in a spirit which has no savour of the merely [...]
[...] Hellenic civilization. It is full tº philosophic thought, which nºt º: rates into mere theºriting. Tº has the same grasp of political” torical ideas, and so his wºrk tº"" [...]
Saturday review23.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] there is a glory which seems to vanish from Parliament when the title to leadership is no longer that of marked superiority, and when it merely happens that, among many sensible men, one of the most sensible is picked out to take the chief place. [...]
[...] no wonder, therefore, that they worked so hard to return Mr. HAYEs. Each man felt that he was working for no mere barren triumph of a party or a principle. He was fighting for his career, for his opportunities of making a fortune, for his ability to find food and cloth [...]
[...] in which it is declared that, as long as the present policy of the Colonial Office remains unmodified, “the position of “ the individual executor is sunk into that of a mere “machine or puppet.” If this is the view generally taken in the island, it is plain that the substitution of one [...]
[...] security, it is clearly the duty of the LORD CHAMBERLAIN to use his undoubted authority on behalf of the public. Mere polite suggestions and expostulations are not enough. What is wanted is a regular and continuous system of supervision, and strict enforcement of indispensable pre [...]
[...] his eye rather than his ear, it might as well have been any other commemoration as that of Pius IX.'s doctrinal development, which for Spain at least was not the mere novelty that it was for [...]
[...] other stage of the solemnity, this fact stood out emphatic and re-eminent; but it certainly could not have been the Pope's intention in promulgating his new doctrine merely to give another oppºrtunity of showing what was already abundantly visible. The service of course began with a procession round the cathe [...]
[...] ever transitory and superficial, would be intolerable unless (as in Germany) the relations of services and building have been reduced to a condition of mere tenancy under the supreme dictatorship of the civil power. We have purposely kept to the last the great defect of this or of [...]
[...] tales; and Merry Sunbeams (Ward and Lock) deserves its name for its bright and happy illustrations. Among a crowd of reprints, whose mere titles would fill a page, we select an abridgment of Washington Irving's Bracebridge IIall (Macmillan), for the sake of Mr. Caldecott's drawings. White's [...]
[...] amount of notice; while inoffensive England receives only four pages. If, however, this particular volume of Herr Müller's series is a mere delusion as regards its professed object, the ful ness with which the religious disputes of Germany are treated renders it a useful book of reference on that particular point. [...]
[...] Novelettes” in the present number is very promising, but proves to be merely the introduction to an historical tale, where he does not appear equally at home. Julian Schmidt has not succeeded in finding much that is novel to say about George Sand, nor is the [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 23.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] “Mr. Rimmer's volume, which bears a picture on nearly every page, will, we hope, find a large circle of sympathetic readers. The descriptive chapters are not mere lefterpress furnished to woodcuts, but a substantial portion of the work. They are written in a spirit which has no savour of the merely compiled guide book; and they bear, apart from the histºrical and bio [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 16.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] tº the Autumn of 1576. An entirely new and Revised Edition, in 1 thick vol. deny 8vo. cloth, 18s. ; half-calf, 24s. ; full calf or tree calf,3ts. 6d. [Now ready. “It is certainly no longer now a mere Dictionary of Dates,' whatever it might have been at its first appearance, but a cºmprehensive dictionary or cyclopædia of general information...... We, can congratulate Mr. B. Vincent, the present editor, on the manner in which he has accom [...]
[...] Frederick Walker. By FREDERICK WEDMoRE. Crown 8vo. 7s.6d. “The freshness and sincerity of Mr. Wedmore's criticism explain the apparent irregularity of his method...... Its order is not merely fortuitous...... We know of no other writer who has apprºached this side of Gainsborough's work in a spirit at ºnce so just and Miłºść. The chapters on Crome and Cotman rank among the very best in the volume."—Pall lſall Gazette. [...]
[...] “While some of these stories can serve only as an exercise of youthful infenuity. others, such as “The Lazy Giants' and the ‘Enchanted Island,’ will, it may be hoped, answer the higher purpose of leading young minds to iwºi with somewhat mºre than a mere passius thºugh.” the mysteries Wiś - [...]
[...] THoMPson Cooper, F.S.A., Joint-Editor of “Athenae Cantabri gienses.” 8vo. 12s. This volume is not a mere repetition of the contents of previous works, but embodies the results of many years' laborious research in rare publications and unpublished documents. [...]
Saturday review16.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the Conference which have been entertained during the present week may have some value if they are founded on information as to the real intentions of Russia. Mere rumours, which are really conjectures, as to the progress af the negotiations at Constantinople inspire no reasonable [...]
[...] of enforcing the performance of the Emperor ALEXANDER's promises. The question remains whether the occupation is a serious and substantive proposal or merely a pre liminary of war. There is another doubtful element in the negotiations besides the secret purpose of Russia. The [...]
[...] its lesson, and it proceeded cautiously, and perhaps slowly, while learning it. For the mere purposes of party dis cussion it may be convenient for the Opposition, when Par liament meets, to assume that everything was known six [...]
[...] estimates. The Chamber turns a deaf ear to proposals for immediate outlay, but it listens very kindly to suggestions which involve scarcely any present outlay and merely lay an increasing charge on the future. It insisted, for example, that the retiring pensions of teachers should [...]
[...] it was argued, had conferred on the several States absolut: control over the nomination of Presidential electors; and it would be mere usurpation on the part of any Federal authority to inquire into the validity of a return which appeared to be duly certified. The Democratic leaders [...]
[...] attempt feats which they know to be impossibilities requir ing superhuman energy, which it is of course not given to mere human beings to possess, may be said to have heroic impulses, but much tical success is hardly to be expected from them. In point of fact, however, no super [...]
[...] have been useful in their way; but these were not the things which the crews were sent out to do. They were merely exercises for their leisure. Indeed it was ex pressly stated in the Sailing Orders that, “ although the “Expedition is one of exploration and discovery, it must [...]
[...] in his unfair disparagement of former explorers, and is dogmatic assumptions on imperfect evidence, and in tº mere guesswork, as to the permanent existence of what he fantastically called “ Palaeocrystic Ice,” and his sweeping statement as to the “impracticability of the North Pole"— [...]
[...] to another, he was merely the (theoretically at least) elected head of a confederacy of chiefs. Perhaps the most authoritative state ment of the latter—or, as it is called, the feudal—theory, is that [...]
[...] ance with border politics during his Commissionership in Scinde. According to this theory, each clan-chief appears to be king in his own district, his allegiance to the Khan consisting merely in the pay [...]
Saturday review09.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Conversely it may be inferred that an attempt to dis member Turkey would leave the German Government free to reconsider its policy. As long as Russia merely acts for the benefit of the Christian population, Germany concurs in the object. The renewed assertion of the [...]
[...] of Germany was the most disquieting of the many unauthorized statements which have lately proceeded from Russian partisans. Mere neutrality on the part of Germany restores Austria to the natural position in which she can either prohibit a Russian invasion of Turkey or [...]
[...] structions of his constituents. No honourable man could accept a delegation on the understanding that he was the mere vehicle of instructions, and afterwards affect to exer cise an independent judgment. The rejection of a com promise by which Mr.TILDEN should become President and [...]
[...] and producers. What we take from France is really manufactured or produced there. we send to France has been merely brought into our ports from all parts of the world. We are merely transshippers, and it is only as transshippers that we see our industry [...]
[...] nomical grounds, and was intended to cement, and did cement, the alliance of Imperial France with England. It was not made merely on political grounds; for the EMPEROR, who in many respects was much more enlightened than his countrymen, not only understood the principles of Free [...]
[...] reference to Parliamentary tariffs. When hundreds of millions of money have been expended on the faith of a right to impose certain charges, it is mere robbery to compel Companies to carry goods and passengers at arbitrary rates. In practice the maximum is but rarely [...]
[...] baud adopts with regard to the origin and meaning of the legends which form the backbone of the Russian epos. Those views are for the more part his merely by adoption. Their parentage must [...]
[...] advocated, and which is rather neglected in this country. Here teachers do too much for children, and they get into a habit of mere mechanical repetition. At the same time, it is idle to ignore the fact that learning anything seriously requires hard, patient, and sustained application, and can never be a mere matter of [...]
[...] antisement. There seems to be an increasing production of what may be called, for want of a better term, “Silly Billy ” literature, a mere ringing of empty jargon and tiresome reiteration of platitudes ob scured by verbiage. We are afraid that to Mr. Wyke Bayliss I must [...]
[...] Space is wasted and the book overcrowded unnecessarily by long notices of such things as the Albert Memorial, the Alexandra Park, the Crystal Palace, petty antiquarian gossip, and mere gazetteer details. Mr. Reid ||, Classical Lecturer at Christ's and Pembroke Colleges, [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 09.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “Besides the primary essentials of an historical scholar, an accurate knowledge of facts, nnd the power of presenting the facts in an attractive and intelligible form, he has that historical sense, as we may call it, without which the most profound learning is mere untiquarianism, and the most brilliant rhetoric nothing but tinsel. IIe is enabled by this to place himself in the midst of the events which he describes. and survey them at once from the point of view of [...]
[...] illustrates the condition of England at the date it covers, but shows also what is often ill understood. her relations to other countries.”—Edinburgh 19qily Review. - ... Not merely a life of Simon de Montfort. but a clear and forcible picture of his times and [...]
Saturday review02.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Although the results of Lord SALISBURY's interviews with the Continental Sovereigns and their Ministers are not yet fully known, it may be inferred from the mere course of his journey that the policy of which he is the principal organ depended in a greater or less degree on [...]
[...] eigners refused point-blank. But the KHEDIVE stuck to his text. No ready money, no scheme, was his maxim. A mere allowance was intolerable; but an allowance, with something extra to fill his pockets just at first, was not more than he could endure. Besides, he owed a contractor [...]
[...] the discussion of it alarming. The amendment was nº defended with any enthusiasm, and the impossibility ºf dealing with so large a question by merely ruming a Pºn through certain estimates was very well shown by so pro nounced a Republican as M. PascAL DUPRAT. The ºnly [...]
[...] even the useless knowledge which possesses an attraction for great scholars and men of genius has a refining and elevating tendency; but it is a mere paradox to assert that nearly every department of literature and science is in jº. to the successful pursuit of political activity. [...]
[...] THE fact that the series of blunders and mishaps which has lately been occurring in the navy is due, not to mere casual or isolated causes, but to an inherent, per vading, and deeply-rooted weakness in the present system of administration, is unmistakably proved by the chronic [...]
[...] than was stated, and that not merely one, but both, blades of the damaged screw had been bent; and it was decided, very characteristically, to cut off the damaged parts in [...]
[...] and queens of society, who are invited to have magnificeſte paraded before them, which, excelling their own, shall humble their pride. Then come the countiers, who are merely gºd. looking and well-bred ladies and gentlemen in waiting. Then come the bards, which include those who are invited on account [...]
[...] any member of the Norman family. Orderic, as is ...' known, often uses it. And this document shows that his use of it was not mere archaism or affectation, but that he strictly followed English legal practice. So much for the information incidentally given by the minute [...]
[...] to him what he was to Mirabeau, who, when Desmoulins in a vivid patriotic frenzy accused him of having sold himself to the Court for a hundred thousand crowns, merely replied, “Let us go and dine,” and to whom his accuser was from first to last “ce pauvre Camille.” [...]
[...] the piston, which slides backwards and forwards, whilst the cylinder merely oscillates. Another form of the slider-crank chain ves a “quick-return” machine. We cannot follow Professor Reuleaux further in his analysis, though we may refer in passing [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 02.12.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Dezember 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] United Kingdom. “It is a very comprehensive manual, not confined to securities quoted on the London Stock Exchange merely........Accurate and handily arranged."—Times. [...]
[...] By HENRI WAN LAUN. Vol. I. From its Origin to the Renaissance. Demy 8vo. 16s. “Mr. Van Laun has not given us a mere critical study of the works which he considers, but has done his best to bring their authors, their way of life. and the ways of those around them, before us in a living likeness.”—Daily Yews, November 16. [...]
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